I don't think this is a helpful comment. They know about it. They are trying to fix it. Not every bug is easy to take fix. And sometimes you think you have fixed it only to realize you haven't in all situations.
Another thing I'm sure Uber is aware of but in case they are not......! Issuing an area patrol command for the entire planet on a group of units will literally make the simulation grind to a halt (1-2 FPS) I was trying this with some doxes... once you get to about 200-300 you will notice the slow down. Once you issue a move command to the doxes the simulation speed picks up again but as soon as you issue another area command is slows down...
Wreckage doesn't seem to disappear after being destroyed/reclaimed. Somewhat amusing as I ended up with piles of hundreds of destroyed bots around my base.
The term I would use is ghosting. You reclaim the wreck and its not there as far as the units are concerned (they can drive / walk through it) but visually it still looks as if it is there.
removing localstorage did not work, however a clean install did so whatever it was appears to have been on my end.
OSX 10.9.4: host never stops loading in lobby even though loading is finished and start game is enabled creating a game then leaving shows connection to server lost units ignore assist... you have to move them first then assist logs show Failed to link shader program for: particle_quad_velocity_color.vs and pixel shader particle_soft.fs, vertex shader particle_quad_color_flip.vs and pixel shader particle_soft.fs, vertex shader particle_string.vs and pixel shader particle_soft.fs, particle_quad_velocity.vs and pixel shader particle_soft.fs, Input of fragment shader 'v_Forward' not written by vertex shader and Input of fragment shader 'v_Push' not written by vertex shader, etc still seeing stuck units on desert biome and debug nav crashes (ctrl-alt-f11) couple of server crashes quit still displays error still no command key mapping for copy/paste Debug nav crash: Code: Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b97396c crom::RasRenLightingEnvironment::beginViewport(zu::RefNoCount<crom::RasRenSceneViewport>) + 172 1 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b96e19a crom::RasRenLightingEngine::lightSolid(crom::RasRenDrawCall const&, zu::RefNoCount<crom::RasRenSceneViewport>) + 778 2 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b9aaf40 std::__1::__function::__func<crom::RasRenSceneViewport::renderLit()::$_3, std::__1::allocator<crom::RasRenSceneViewport::renderLit()::$_3>, void (crom::RasRenDrawCall const&)>::operator()(crom::RasRenDrawCall const&) + 32 3 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b9a9ccb crom::RasRenSceneViewport::renderMeshes(crom::RasRenSceneViewport::SceneInfo const&, std::__1::__wrap_iter<crom::RasRenDrawCall const* const*>, std::__1::__wrap_iter<crom::RasRenDrawCall const* const*>, zu::StringRange, std::__1::function<void (crom::RasRenDrawCall const&)> const&) + 3435 4 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b9a762a crom::RasRenSceneViewport::renderBucket(crom::RasRenSceneViewport::DrawBucket const&, zu::StringRange, std::__1::function<void (crom::RasRenDrawCall const&)> const&, std::__1::function<void (crom::RasRenSceneViewport::SceneInfo const&)> const&) + 202 5 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b9a5b3d crom::RasRenSceneViewport::renderLit() + 1069 6 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b91c981 crom::RasRen::renderLit(int) + 177 7 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b527754 client::ClientGame::updateAndPresent(crom::Profiler&, float) + 4532 8 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b86596b crom::SDLPlatform::runGame(crom::Game*) + 699 9 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b85e619 main + 249 10 com.uberent.pa.client 0x000000010b4da464 start + 52
Mikey, in order: What systems are you using? Custom, or random? Huh? I don't understand. Screenshot please? We're working on a number of issues related to this. Some are fixed, but looks like a few might still be broken. I'll ask Ben to look at those. Known issue on desert biome Will check our crash logs What error? Known issue, but our mac guy is out of the office for a bit.
create a game and load a larger standard or custom system immediately prior to initial system loading... lobby listing icon keeps spinning (seems to be a timing issue with longer load times and is visual only as game can still be started) create a game, wait for default game to finish loading, leave the game and you'll often see the standard connection to server lost... returning to main menu message with logs: Failed loading panel 1, path coui://ui/main/game/start/start.html: net::ERR_ABORTED and resetGameState (again visual only) debug nav (ctrl-alt-f11) worked on previous PTE builds now fails at: crom::RasRenLightingEnvironment::beginViewport(zu::RefNoCount<crom::RasRenSceneViewport>) + 172 quit error: http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=3663 also seeing launcher errors: Code: Application Specific Information: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::__1::system_error: mutex lock failed: Invalid argument abort() called Thread 4 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8fd66866 __pthread_kill + 10 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff9054235c pthread_kill + 92 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff8fe1cb1a abort + 125 3 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007fff88edcf31 abort_message + 257 4 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007fff88f0293a default_terminate_handler() + 240 5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff8ed16322 _objc_terminate() + 124 6 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007fff88f001d1 std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 8 7 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007fff88effc5b __cxa_throw + 124 8 libc++.1.dylib 0x00007fff903b4941 std::__1::__throw_system_error(int, char const*) + 77 9 com.uberent.launcher 0x00000001010749f9 std::__1::__thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<LauncherGUI::LauncherGUI(crom::Platform*)::'lambda'()> >(void*, void*) + 169 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff90541899 _pthread_body + 138 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff9054172a _pthread_start + 137 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff90545fc9 thread_start + 13