Hello all, I wanted to ask you where i can find the files to mod planets, or more specific make your own custom planet. Done some textures and 3d design in the past and i would like to add some of my own flavor to the game. A mod that has a series of custom planet with textures etc. .papa files how can i edit and save these files? Any tips and/or advice for me in general?
Ehhh, that depends on what they're asking. Custom planet types? Definitely possible. Custom biomes? Also possible. I've done it. Completely custom planet? ehhh... technically possible, but not really feasible. You also can't get custom height maps. You would need to write the position of every single brush you want to place into the custom planet type's .json file. Metal planets work this way to some extent; the position of many features (such as the polar caps) are explicitly set by the planet type .json file for planets of a given size.
Depends what you mean by custom planet. You can't model an entire planet and use that in-game, but you can create your own biomes and planet types, complete with custom brushes, textures, features and decals. Edit: Ninja'd
I will be using photoshop CS6 for textures, so perhaps if Uber released a plug-in like NVIDIA did for .DDS this would be possible in the future? And yes i did find the PA folder with json files but no actual textures files i could read since there are in .papa. Also need a normal and a diffuse map so having access to a plug-in would be vital. But for now i will stick to adjusting the json files although some what limited it would be good practice.
Refer to this for making the textures: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/reference-models-textures.48081/ Then use papatran.exe to turn them into papa files: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/reference-papadump-exe-papatran-exe.48386/
Nice i will try to use these files see if i can make some skins for models. Would any camo be of interest for anyone at all?