How do I stop a sniper over 70?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Hopewolf, February 3, 2011.

  1. Near

    Near New Member

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    Ok i met a 75 sniper.

    It was nowhere as easy as I thought to kill :'(

    My only guess to kill one of those is to gang up on him.
    Last edited: February 3, 2011
  2. Hopewolf

    Hopewolf New Member

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    Lots of really great responses here guys, thanks a ton, I'm definitely going to try these. Although I think in the future I'm just going to bolt if I see a sniper with over 30 kills. Getting a PUB team to take one down is a nightmare.

    Not to mention I got some interesting insight into the gameplay. My personal preference would be to see quickscoping be taken out though, but I don't know all the facts around that one, especially in true competitive play. I play a sniper myself from time to time in PUBs and so long as I play offensive and use my bot waves I don't need to quickscope, I just have to pause a moment, aim near him, look down the sights, adjust for a second or two, then fire, and if I miss keep firing, body shots are rather powerful. Or I can pick a nice spot, lay a trap, and deal with threats as they come, especially with 1 team mate to back me. And turrets are a joke when you have a flak maxed out, which as a sniper is pretty easy. Snipers are riiiiiich, bot waves may as well be walking $ signs.

    My only "this might work but" was on the assassin strategy, while it's a great idea that sniper probably has access to my base, and is doing the same to my bot waves, or his 5 team mates running around nearby him are handling that with his instant pro cover. So then it'll become a raw "well nobody gets bots!" stalement until the end of the which the team with the 6 players sitting outside a base with 2-3 juices will probably beat the single sin inside a base with juice :/. Past that though I honestly never thought about that and will give it a go in a gruesome looking game.
  3. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Couldn't you just farm their bots for Cloak 3 and spam crit shurikens into thier backs?
  4. TheIllestOfTheIll

    TheIllestOfTheIll New Member

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    I dont knw just how good this guy is but i've found im unhittable as an assault if I bomb jump really high and randomly tap shift to continuously change altitude while strafing everywhere. usually gets me close enough to shoot him with good damage but probably wuoldnt work if this guy is as good as u say
  5. sTicky

    sTicky New Member

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    a good sniper in any game always leaves himself an escape route

    a good sniper in this game will layer his traps

    and honestly, in this game with the bulletproof walls he basically has himself a personal fortress

    as somebody said earlier, being unpredictable is helpful (wont save you against a good sniper that uses hitscan, bfbc2 anybody?) so try doing things like: stopping randomly for a split second, going left NO RIGHT no left, jump jump again dont jump.

    whatever you do dont give him a good side angle where he can judge your movement path.

    and lastly, bullet tracers in this game, if you are lucky enough to dodge the first shot make it your main priority to get behind a wall and let somebody else take aggro

    hope that helps
  6. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    If you are a heavy class just push the lane the sniper is not covering, let the sin deal with the sniper or ask the sin in team chat to kill him.

    Triple mortar on the sniper spot is very effective.
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    But there is no lane the Sniper is not covering on Grenade III or Spnky...
  8. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Same goes for the bigger portion of steel peel and ammo mule.

    Lazer Razor is somewhat more covered but that has the tendency to imprint a false sense of security, at least it has that effect on inexperienced players.

    Your best bet is to shut down the sniper with great force really, Assaults are quite capable of that due to their mobility.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    I play assault a lot so if i was having a hard time with a sniper i would spam a crap load of buzzers, maybe $600 worth, easy kill.
  10. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Only works against tunnel vision snipers though
  11. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    I agree but i mostly use it as i distraction, if they take damage from the buzzers i can some times finish them of with the grenade launcher or catch them off guard for a kill.
  12. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    I played spunky as gunnner the other day, sniper was camped at ejector stopping me from entering their half, i built lots of mortars which made sniper leave his camp spot and i was able to push, then after the game i saw the sniper type " pro tip for assassins, destroy enemy mortars". That made me smile because i knew my mortars were a pain for him.

    And on grenade when i see the snipe focused on sth i just triple mortar him, makes him back off, and again build more mortars.

    Tank has no chance though really since he would lose a rail fight with sniper.

    If the sniper is on the ground, spawning gremlins are a great distraction, or if hes camped high up buzzers.
  13. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I must be an idiot then I guess. Because I just went 15:0 on AmmoMule before a Sniper popped in and we would have ended that game very shortly after that point. But due to that one Sniper the match dragged out over the entire time plus overtime. Because it is facking impossible to go anywhere near the moneyball without entering his LoS...

    And the ridiculous small glass walls on top of the walkways are more or less a trap. He can easily pin you down there while any other teammate finishes you off.

    I'm calling it: The Sniper is ridiculous overpowered in random games on almost every map.

    If there is no better way make two variations of balance: one for random teams (default) and one that competitive players can enable on scrimmage servers.
  14. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    That seems a little drastic lol, but yeah.. A good sniper is amazing, its

    1) head shots are kinda easy to get (im not a great sniper and I get them 80% of the time I go for them)

    2) there are too many walls he can duck behind (but see through) making approach really difficult

    3) ice mines make jumping a smart sniper nearly impossible

    But heres the thing, a good assault can mess his world up.. thats just all there is too it, the more i play assault (after learning from Gotham) the better I get at it.

    Charge 2, kills them out right unless they are armor gold, and not many run that, certainly not the better ones, charge 3 is ok, but personally i stay charge 2, and use that + Bomb to end them early.. than later I use bomb 3 = instant kill.

    Dont upgrade to charge 3 if you are hunting snipers.. this way you can do a HOVER CHARGE right over their ice trap, and take them down with a lil burst fire after..

    Just need hover 3, charge 2, bomb 2 or 3, and you can own any sniper.

    Assault is the ONE class that can get close to them wihtout being head shot, that can actually kill them. A single SIN really cant do the job. But a back full of Crit Shrukiens can do it if timed right.

    Anyways Snipers are OP in PUG because headshots are far to easy to get, that is a hit box issue.. a good sniper would make those headshots anyways, but an ok sniper would NOT.. but in this game the OK snipers get head shots and that can skew things a bit.
  15. duffenator

    duffenator New Member

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    i play as the assault and a really good sniper can shut down all avenues of approach. factor in the rest of the team and you dont stand a chance. Like on grenade III they most camp their base and/or take the ejectors positions mid-map, throw in a support firebase and forget about getting close.

    You shouldn't need people "distract" the sniper or "gang" up on him. you forget about that they have other teammates that you still have to deal with. Like in spunky cola or steel peel, they just sit in their base and rack up kills. Most of the good snipers come out of matches with 40+ kills with 5 or 6 other class comes close to that without it being a pub stomp or they have alot more deaths.
  16. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    tinygod, I was playing gunner in that match. No charge, the biggest facking target on the map and slow like crippled rhino. I tried to force him back with my mortar and that worked for a couple of seconds - then he's back and the whole dance starts again.

    I do play Assault on some maps (Grenade III, Steel Peel, Spnky and now more often on AmmoMule too). However, I think one Sniper should not be able to force me to change classes midgame or keep me and my whole team busy an entire match.

    That is unbalanced and sucks the fun out of MNC for me. I have started to ragequit when I see more than one sniper. I'm playing to have fun. I have no fun watching out for one or two players the whole match, always making sure I don't get accidentally into their LoS. I don't want to hide an entire match from one player, that's ridiculous!
  17. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    As an assassin. I find it quite easy to sneak up on snipers, even really good ones. Just uncloak a good ways from his back, jump his freeze traps and go in for a back grapple. I've only once been owned by a sniper and I guess I was lagging (or he was) because he could grapple me 3 feet further than I could even touch him.
  18. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    Organized Snipers are one of the worst things to deal with in this game. It's worse than Support Spam (you can't dodge a sniper rifle as well as you can with Airstrike spam). 2 or more snipers with traps, and explosive shots really take the piss out of a push.

    Assassin, another Sniper and Assault are the only ones up for the job. With a Gunner you're usually dead as the mortar counterfire just means you're dead if you poke your head out. Railgun Tanks that are godly might stand a chance using pressure, but a good sniper will still insta kill you first.

    I don't know how to balance it without messing with the Sniper too much. He has a high skill ceiling and should be rewarded. It's just that it's incredibly hard to outplay them if you can't get near them.

    The best thing I can think of is to impose a class limit on the server of 1 sniper.
  19. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Col jessep i think you were unlucky to not have a good sin on your team to take them out, for those occassions it really pays off to master more than one class, a team with 2 or more snipers will shut down a side that has too many heavies, i switch between 3 main classes to counter certain teams.
  20. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    What we are all forgetting here is that ALL classes are deadly if someone is very good at using the its full potential. What jessup said is the only thing that makes snipers THE hardest class to counter if you come across a good one. He said that on all maps (all exept razor) snipers can keep you from pushing both lanes which can be troublesome.
    But as i said before, any class has the potentail to be the game changer if played correctly by a good player.

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