Using my custom system called "Close Call." (it is out there for download), this is a screen shot of the final scene. The Death Star was already in an almost collision-orbit with Mega World, when I dropped it on the AI Navy as it passed by. You can see my Navy going at it against the AI Navy in the background, as Plundered Planet is also in a near (but opposing) orbit in the background. Plundered Planet is where my commander stood and watched, in order to survive the blast. Plundered Planet had no resources, but his armada was there to usher his return to Mega World one day. LOL! I'm getting carried away with this. See attached screen shot, and Great Game Uber! - Jeff
Gotta love those moments when you've got a furious battle going on and the only way you can win is to crash down the moon and destroy both armies.
An interesting follow-up for Uber here. This was played with the Stable version. After the blast and review of playback, about 1/2 the way across this HUGE planet, the attached screen shot shows a surviving satellite, a navy base, and a vehicle base (they were mine). Is that by game design? If so; that's neat. That means, had I missed the commander, then I would've had a chance to get quickly re-established on that planet. -Jeff
When they increased the health of structures some of them ended up with more hp than the smash damage.
This allowed me to make a huge comback. A dude smashes all of his economy in my and 2 others planet, while teleporting all he could to another moon. I was able to quickly transport commander to the same moon and back after the smash, and 3 adv vehicles factories helped me rebuild rs quickly and send a nuke and a laser platforms to moon, and win what seemed like gg
Currently, it's a bug. But eventually we'll have proportional smashing where the size of the planet being smashed and the planet that is doing the smashing will matter. A small moon won't completely destroy a large planet.
Quite a nice screenshot Some of the battles I've seen look pretty awesome from the right angles .. maybe we should create a "favourite in-game moments" thread, specifically for epic screenshots? ;-)
I think that's a great idea. It is one thing to use a replay in order to show off a battle, but it is even more challenging to build up that special combination of "system" and battle (in true gameplay, NOT synthetic visualization), in order to get just the right still-shot that says so much about the potential of PA. When I showed someone my still shot last night (someone who hadn't seen the game before), they pondered for a moment and just said "Oh my!" LOL It sure compelled them to look more at the game. Jeff
I'm not sure how to share replays. Lobbyid? It's 10565781743913081132. If there is another way, teach me please Game is long, 83 minutes long. I tried 2 times launching my replay and both times I failed, maybe because it's too long?