7th Class Concept: The Bomber

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Lucky13, February 3, 2011.

  1. Lucky13

    Lucky13 New Member

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    Hello Monday Night Combat Community and welcome to my thread; in this thread I will be presenting an original concept for a 7th class in Monday Night Combat, but before that, some disclaimers:

    -I did not put this in the wishlist section of the forums because I am not actually requesting that this be put into the game. I am merely posting my ideas to see what people think of them, and so we can all have a jolly old discussion over the possibilities.

    -Any names or numbers presented in this thread can be subject to change at any time and for any reason.

    -I do not work for Uber Entertainment or even know anyone who works there; anything presented in this thread is purely original and the product of my own fancy.


    So without further ado I present:

    THE BOMBER (artwork to be added at a later date, E.G.: when its done.)

    Notable DNA: Chief Crazy Horse Tashunkewitko, Billy the Kid, Tony Hawk, Al Gore
    Likes: Any and all things extreme and/or extremely dangerous
    Dislikes: Slow Dances, Book Clubs, Accountants

    Personality: The Bomber appears as a tall and imposing native-american man with an appetite for the extreme, dangerous, and downright crazy. The always energetic bomber is not above enthusiastic comments, trash-talk, or personal celebrations; he just wants to know when he gets to risk his life again.

    Class Role: The Bomber is designed around the idea of battlefield presence; a class which is able to influence a wide portion of the battlefield at any given time, and threaten all targets therein.


    The Rocket Launcher:

    The rocket launcher, a long-time favorite of those who are fond of explosions, but prefer not to be around when they go off. The Rocket launcher works about like you would expect, sporting a low clip, low rate of fire, and high damage output. No, there is no rocket jumping, or popping opponents into the air, someone already did that, go play their game.

    Alternate Fire: Homing Shot (Can only be fired if a marker is fielded, will elaborate on this later.)

    Taunt: Bomber spins around while performing an Native American war-dance of some sort.

    The Flachette Gun:

    When fired, the flachette gun will fire a barrage of small bombs in manner similar to that of a shotgun, with each individual shot doing a relatively low amount of damage by itself. Things like clip size and RoF would need to be tested.

    Alt Fire: Grapple (has throw)

    Taunt: Brandishes the weapon and twirls it in a show-offish manner, similar to that of a cowboy.


    Passive: Bomber

    Level 2: Increased Clip Size and RoF
    Level 3: Adds hover to Jump (Ala Tank)

    Blue: Marker

    The marker is a small device thrown by the bomber onto a surface/player. Any rockets fired using the RL's alternate fire will be pulled to the marker, and will home in on it until something is hit. The marker falls off of whatever it is attached to after a while.

    Level 2: Increased Duration
    Level 3: Further increased duration, homing shots fly faster.

    Yellow: Smash

    Smash is an enhanced melee strike which does more damage, and knocks opponents away.

    Level 2: Increased damage and knockback
    Level 3: Adds Daze

    Red: Jump Jets

    Upon activation, the bomber will be launched skyward in a steep arc, then land on the ground. (People who have played Dawn of War should get what I'm talking about)
    Exact distances would need testing.

    Level 2: Adds Shockwave on landing
    Level 3: Adds Shockwave to initial jump.

    Other Stuff:

    Base Health: 600
    Base Speed: 500

    Default Endorsements:

    G: Clip Size
    S: Armor
    B: Skill Recovery


    There it is guys. Love it? Hate it? Feel free to say so and why that is. Also, please don't forget the most important part: Read the post before posting! Thank you!
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I'm still going to say no, but that's easily the best proposed Pro addition I've read so far.
  3. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    it sounds awesome but they would have to find a way to keep it balanced with all the other classes i would like a character like this but if it was like how you posted, it might be a bit OP
  4. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    In addition, questions:

    Smash sounds like both a superfluous and unnecessary idea. His primary is medium to long range by the sound and his secondary is close range so something besides an enhanced melee sounds better.

    Also his secondary is basically a shotgun in the same vein as both the sniper and the gunner has a red grapple skill. Why not make it a shotgun?

    I don't understand your measurements for base health and speed. I know someone has measured the different class' default foot speed and foot speed with speed endorsement. The tank can move 173 steps per minute on gold speed and the assassin can move 230 steps per minute on gold speed. The assault's base health is also 500 while the tank's base is 700 and goes up by 100 I believe per passive upgrade, so make what you will of these metrics.
  5. Lucky13

    Lucky13 New Member

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    Well for one, remember that the flachette gun's projectiles explode, so close range fighting with it could prove detrimental. It's more so designed to let the bomber apply pressure over a wide area, as opposed to self defense. Also, in case I was unclear, these small explosives will arc like grenades, and wont disappear until they hit something.

    As far as Smash goes, even if the flachette gun can be used for close range defense, remember that smash also has knockback, making it great for a "get off me" type of move. Also, dont forget the power of daze.

    Finally, the stats. Assault base health is 500, tank is 700. So with 600, he lies right in between the two.

    Assault base speed is 600, so the bomber is a little slower.
  6. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Oh, the particles to the flachette gun don't dissappear. That's definitely interesting.

    I just bring up the melee skill vs. the power of his secondary for the sake of balance. I just felt he already had a close range answer in the form of his secondary and his melee skill could be devoted to something else but I don't have any ideas, so ok.
  7. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i just think of slam when i read smash....
  8. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

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    I like the idea,but I think it won't be supported. :)
  9. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Replace the rocket launcher with a portable cannon! :3
  10. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    You mean the gunner or the sniper?

  11. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    Play Serious Sam and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  12. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    You figured the source of my inspiration! :D
  13. Lucky13

    Lucky13 New Member

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    Bomber is different from gunner for a couple of reasons. One is that he is able to threaten more than one target at any given time, making his overall ability to influence that space stronger. Secondly the bomber is much more mobile than the gunner, both while attacking, and in general, allowing him to again, control more space, but also survive longer and make his ability to attack far less situational.

    He is different for the sniper in that he has actual presence in an area. Where the sniper's control over an area can be interrupted by many different factors, a simple wall being one of them, the bomber must be forcibly evicted in order to regain control of an area.
  14. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    So wait, I'm tired and don't feel like thinking. You're making the bomber sound all amazing and capable of outpacing these two classes.

    What exactly do you propose, are his weaknesses?

    Oh, and doesn't the gunner already have a portable cannon called the mortar? I certainly have thought of it as a cannon.
  15. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Hey, guys at Uber, can we give the noobs the "If I were devs, I would do this" section?

    Sure getting tired of the WE SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE THIS!!!!!!! thread.

    Whether or not your ideas are GENIUS, it really doesn't matter because it comes down to money, time, profit, and Uber just has lots of other things to worry about.

    I honestly hope you made this thread for just speculation "What if this class existed". That's all I'm saying, 'cause this will never happen.
  16. Lucky13

    Lucky13 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Did you read the disclaimers?

    As far as weaknesses goes, hes not particularly agile, and projectiles have travel time. Players with poor aim and judgement will suffer with this class. Hes not better than sniper or gunner. He lacks the raw, long-range killing power of sniper. and hes not nearly as heavy as the gunner, and his overall dps would be lower, plus the fact that neither of his weapons hitscan..
  17. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Nope. Read the Bold text and posted a reply.
  18. Qtie

    Qtie New Member

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    pretty interesting...
  19. Bun

    Bun New Member

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    Wasn't there a character concept for a 7th pro done by one of the concept artist? Or was that just a rumour. Either way if there ever is a 7th pro (there wont be) a rocket launcher would definitely be the weapon I'd like to see.
  20. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    So, what you're suggesting is taking two powerful classes, and removing their weaknesses...

    ...And you don't see a glaring problem with this?

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