Why cant all planets be smashed?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by drewsuser, June 8, 2014.

  1. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    So I had set up halleys on this planet, but it turns out I cant smash planets smaller than the one I am using. So I had to resort to just nuke spam, but nukes are so easy to defend against I had pretty much no chance. They went back around, and smashed MY planet!Why is this? Wouldn't the planet just have a crater in it? If you said that you would still be able to use the same planet for more smashing, why then does planet smashing in most cases destroy pretty much everything on said planet? Couldn't halleys just be one use even if they wern't destroyed? So frustrating to find out after taking the time to get halleys, they are just bricks.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Did you meet the halley requirements? Was the planet smashable in the first place? (Players set the amount of halleys needed), and finally... it may just be because smashing a giant planet into a small on is a little awkward when the big planet poofs after impact...
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  3. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    All the halleys were on, and I had gotten to the "Send planet to annihilate," but I couldn't select the planet I needed to kill. The big planet shouldn't be destroyed, it would be the inverse of smashing a small planet into a large one. The larger planet should have a crater in it. This means some halleys may have survived, hence me suggesting the be only one use
    cdrkf likes this.
  4. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Yeah they're still working on smashing mechanics... Imo if you can fly the rock you can smash something with it. The issue has been though that the current system doesn't make sense as implimented when the smashing planet is bigger than the target.

    The devs have said allot is going to change on that front, including smaller asteroids not killing everything on the target if its much bigger and so on. Chances are this will get sorted out soon (tm)...
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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  6. totalannihilation

    totalannihilation Active Member

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    PeggleFrank and stuart98 like this.
  7. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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    was the smaller planet orbiting your bigger planet? if so smashing your own moon is impossible wich is know and desired behavior
    PeggleFrank likes this.
  8. PeggleFrank

    PeggleFrank Active Member

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    A planet can't halley a planet that's orbiting it, a planet that has a lower mass, or a planet that has a lower radius.

    It's pretty hard to see the last two with the naked eye, but I would suggest asking the host if they remember what they set the values to.
  9. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Can we get a dialog box explaining why larger planets can't smash smaller planets?

    At least temporarily until it's actually in game.

    I see people complain all over the place asking why they can't smash planets.
  10. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    so let me get this straight .... people are asking to basicly smash earth into the moon?
    do people see the problem about this?
    the moon is bound to earth´s gravity ... and what should happen then?
    shall earth dissappear or the moon? the other problem would be that the remaning planet has to reorientade its orbital path or else would fly of the system ... either that or both planets should dissapear ... i don´t realy know ... but that sounds difficult to code imo ...
    Last edited: July 7, 2014
  11. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Not necessarily.

    Say there's a three planet system. Two earth biomes (size 600, 400) and 1 moon (size 380) orbiting the size 600 planet, while the size 400 is on its own orbit. The size 400 and 380 are smashable. A player tries to take the 400 moon and smash the size 380 earth planet, can't. Thinks the game is bugged, rage quits, and PA loses a player.

    I've had a YouTube commentator run into that very scenario. He was ready to leave PA, but I explained the scenario.

    I agree that there are some difficulties in the scenario. I think it should just replace the orbit, or maybe go slightly elliptical, or something. There's tons of possibilities. Remember, we're going for awesome, not realistic.

    If it's determined that larger planets can't smash smaller planets, then there NEEDS to be a dialog box explaining that, as well as a way to view the planet sizes in game.
    stuart98 likes this.
  12. crazymario

    crazymario New Member

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    Actually, this might be a nice way to make up for the ridiculous number of Halleys required to move larger planets.
  13. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Bekuz MAGIC.
  14. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    i rather think there should be a dialog for planets that have orbiting planets to them, not being useable for smashing unless the planet that is orbitng the main planet has been moved or destroyed ....
    bigger planets smashing smaller ones shouldn´t be a proplem at all actualy even if it looks funny .. but how is it if you want to smash a planet with one that has an orbiting moon to it? i haven´t tested that yet ... gonna try that tomorow ...
    Last edited: July 8, 2014
  15. muhatib

    muhatib Member

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    throw both into the sun......

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