This might not be a balance problem, but I find the late game be really boring. It's just to get an many planets as possible and fortify them. Then spam avengers and death from above. Whoever that have the most usually wins. I want to know how this could be fixed/avoided. I don't really consider turtle and spam 2 types of units as a strategy. Me and my friends have been thinking of a mobile ground unit capable of shooting down orbital units, but I'm not sure how that would turn out.
Avenger/anchor spam is a symptom. The disease is the lack of advantage when sending your units into enemy territory.
Well usually they all end with a stall mate or game crash. sometimes a planet smash but I do agree, once a planet is fortified you can't get on it and it's like impossible to get on. Water planets are the worst. because you have no room and have to build in order to attack which is pretty much impossible to win
This has been a major problem for quite a while now. Rumours are that Uber is working on asteroid belts to make invading planets easier (small smashables which could blast a beachhead open). Also the unitcannon and multi unit transports would help in this regard, and I agree that we need a mobile anti orbital cannon.
The thing is, assuming there is going to be a long range (possibly t2) variant of the unit cannon, that as well as the asteroid beachheads idea is going to make sieges a bit easier