The Gunner is Overpowered.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Tawpgun, August 11, 2010.

  1. joshdale

    joshdale New Member

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    Yeah...this class seems to be powerful hence GUNNER...but it does have weaknesses. Prone to headshots, slow, and reload speed is redunkulous. They can be beaten.
  2. KanibalkittN

    KanibalkittN New Member

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    If you get a support and a gunner, they are almost impossible to kill. I had a match with 2 gunners and 1 support, all under an overhang. The gunners stayed deployed in a corner with the support behind them right outside our base. They didnt die for the rest of the game, and each got about 35 kills. If you would snipe them, they would just get healed and wouldnt die because of overheal. Gunners play tanks just as well as tanks do, and thats the problem with them.
  3. Frankie Godskin

    Frankie Godskin New Member

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    It's way too early for me to declare a class the best, but I was barely breaking even with kills/deaths as an assassin, yet I had a 2:1 K/D ratio as a gunner.
  4. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    That sort of stuff is annoying but thinking about it what if a sniper was able to get in moderate range, throw an ice mine and flak ball? that would at least give an opening for attack.
  5. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Gunners even gain headshot immunity. that's BS.
  6. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Not really, a Sniper will still beat them in a 1v1 over range. If the Gunner gets close have your Trap ready. Seriously they are not that tough.
  7. Frankie Godskin

    Frankie Godskin New Member

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    So out of about 20 games last night, I went positive in every single one. I had 9 games with 30+ kills, with my best game being 49 kills, 24 assists, and 13 deaths. In most cases, I found it easy to shut down entire teams.

    Know who gave me the most trouble? Snipers. I ran into some good ones last night, and they had me locked down so well that I had to change classes just to beat them.
  8. Mattalix

    Mattalix New Member

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    I take it you havnt played me yet?
  9. SuperEvilDOOM

    SuperEvilDOOM New Member

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    Assassins generally aren't a problem. Especially if the Gunner has Armor as their gold endorsement, then an Assassin will feel very stupid unless they get a critical on their grapple.

    The Gunner is pretty damn powerful, but it kind of reminds me of the Heavy in Team Fortress 2, although not nearly to the same extent. People complain about it and when it's being supported and all that. I think the problem is a lot of players try to hold the line when they come in contact with other players, and that's a silly idea against a Gunner in most cases anyway, let alone when they're being buffed. You have to know that Gunners and Tanks will very often be around corners to get the drop on people and you shouldn't be afraid to run away. They're doing it for a reason, because it works for them, so don't try to beat them at what they do.

    It doesn't help that for some reason nobody uses mics either. It would be a lot less difficult for people to deal with a Gunner, especially when most of them camp or patrol a small area, if you just got on the mic and told people where he was. That way you guys could team up and keep him out of the way. Another problem I notice (playing Gunner myself) is that people kill me, and then drop off from where I was holding their bots and team with no intent of keeping me from getting there again. Snipers pretty much counter them and just like Snipers should be watching for Heavies advancing in TF2, they should be watching for Gunners and Tanks advancing in MNC. The last thing you want is to be coming out of your spawn and there's this big, creepy guy right up your *** breathing all over you with delight.

    I think the Minigun should have a little less range/accuracy. Slam should also either do less damage or have less knockback, possibly both. It should just be a "get off me" move, not a get out of jail free card. That would balance things out to an extent. Though I do think most of the problem is that people are not playing the game and class match-ups like they're different yet. You can't have the same approach with everything.

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