wow!! epic game!!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by wagonfactor, February 2, 2011.

  1. wagonfactor

    wagonfactor New Member

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    finally decided to get MNC tonight. steam has been promoting the sh!t out of it for awhile now. been watching some youtube vids, etc. ill have to say im really impressed. i love the graphics. love the overall feel of the game. and hell, its actually fun to play. ive been doing some reading and i did play the tutorial but are there any "OMG YOU MUST KNOW THIS!!" type things a newb like myself should know? played a couple rounds tonight. really taking a liking to the sniper. im sure ill learn/figure more out as i play. but for my first night there definitely seems to be a lot going on.

    my only "complaint", and ive seen plenty of threads on it so i dont wanna beat a dead horse, is the framerate hitches. i have an i7 860, 8 gigs of ram and a 1 gig ati radeon 5770. my native resolution is 1920x1080 which is what ive been playing it. doesnt seem to matter if i have the graphics maxed or on medium, it runs great until things start getting heated and it has noticable hiccups. most, if not all, other games ive played i can run fine in 1920x1080. i normally turn anti aliasing and anisotropic filtering down... but, as im sure everyone knows, there arent any options for these in game. any suggestions? i have the latest drivers. *(ok well i thought i did. just looked and it says im running 10.12. i swear i had the 11.1. anyways, ill look more into that tomorrow. early morning dr appointment tomorrow. baby coming any day now. gotta get to bed.)*

    look forward to hearing some replies.
  2. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    there's graphics settings, if you've played unreal engine games, they are usually in .ini files stored in my documents. I hope you can find it

    Something like HostileEngine.ini.
  3. Joh

    Joh New Member

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