[SOLVED] Dedicated server only on LAN?(have ports forwarded)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Dedicated Server Discussion' started by feroxium, February 1, 2011.

  1. feroxium

    feroxium New Member

    Likes Received:
    Somehow, whatever I do, I always see my dedicated server on the LAN network, and others can't connect (ofc, because its not online in the published server list).

    I have ports 27000-27050 & 7777-7780 forwarded, both UDP & TCP to my PC. Also tried it with DMZ and windows firewall turned off.

    Weird thing is, one of my friends can also only get it to work on LAN, while another friend, using exactly the same commandline, boots it up as an internet server!

    Wonderful game anyway.
    Thanks in advance :)

    mnc.exe server HostileLobby?game=HostileGame.HGameInfo_PreGameLobby?bAllowJuicePurch=True?bAllowBotPurch=True?bAllowHazards=True?bAllowMascot=True?bAllowCustomClass=True?bAllowChangeClass=True?bForceRndClass=False?bIsLanMatch=False?bIsDedicated=True?bAllowTeamSelect=True?bAutoBalance=True?MatchDuration=2?OTDuration=2?ClassLimitAssault=6?ClassLimitTank=6?ClassLimitSupport=6?ClassLimitAssassin=6?ClassLimitGunner=6?ClassLimitSniper=6?ServerDescription="myserver"?GamePassword=pass -ServerInstance=0 -log=DedicatedServer.log -STEAM_DEDSERVER 
    gives log:

    Log: Log file open, 02/01/11 12:26:13
    Log:  ... running in INSTALLED mode
    Init: Checking patch status
    DevPatch: 	gamedir = ..\..\HostileGame\
    DevPatch: 	patchesDir = ..\..\HostileGame\Patches\
    DevPatch: 	cookedOriginal = ..\..\HostileGame\CookedOriginal\
    DevPatch: 	cookedPC = ..\..\HostileGame\CookedPC\
    DevPatch: 	manifestFile = ..\..\HostileGame\Patches\manifest.txt
    DevPatch: Checking patch line: PATCHEDVER 7c11f243
    Init: Engine is up to date.
    Log: UBER ThreadedTick is ENABLED
    Init: Version: 5697
    Init: Epic Internal: 0
    Init: Compiled (32-bit): Jan 26 2011 17:16:59
    Init: Changelist: 19609
    Init: Command line: server HostileLobby?game=HostileGame.HGameInfo_PreGameLobby?bAllowJuicePurch=True?bAllowBotPurch=True?bAllowHazards=True?bAllowMascot=True?bAllowCustomClass=True?bAllowChangeClass=True?bForceRndClass=False?bIsLanMatch=False?bIsDedicated=True?bAllowTeamSelect=True?bAutoBalance=True?MatchDuration=2?OTDuration=2?ClassLimitAssault=6?ClassLimitTank=6?ClassLimitSupport=6?ClassLimitAssassin=6?ClassLimitGunner=6?ClassLimitSniper=6?ServerDescription=083000116000111000110000101000114000071000101000101000107000115000?GamePassword=pass -ServerInstance=0 -log=DedicatedServer.log -STEAM_DEDSERVER  -DEFENGINEINI=..\..\HostileGame\Config\DefaultEngineSteamworks.ini
    Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\monday night combat\Binaries\Win32\
    Init: Character set: Unicode
    Log: Can't write to signed game INI file: ..\..\HostileGame\Config\HostileEditor.ini
    Log: Can't write to signed game INI file: ..\..\HostileGame\Config\HostileCompat.ini
    Log: Can't write to signed game INI file: ..\..\HostileGame\Config\HostileGame.ini
    Init: Computer: <PC>
    Init: User: <user>
    Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=4
    Init: High frequency timer resolution =2.343886 MHz
    Init: Memory total: Physical=4.0GB Pagefile=8.0GB Virtual=4.0GB
    Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
    Init: WinSock: I am <name> (
    Init: Presizing for 79736 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
    Init: Object subsystem initialized
    Log: appGetLanguageExt called while Steamworks not initialized.
    Log: Initializing FaceFX...
    Log: FaceFX initialized:
    Log:     version :
    Log:     licensee: Unreal Engine 3 Licensee
    Log:     project : Unreal Engine 3 Project
    Log: Loaded package Core in 0.749750 seconds
    Log: Can't write to signed game INI file: ..\..\HostileGame\Config\HostilePlaylist.ini
    Log: ... Loaded 6570 shaders (0 legacy, 0 redundant)
    Log: Shader cache for RefShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM3 contains 1469 materials (0 redundant)
    Log: Loaded package Engine in 1.869304 seconds
    Log: Loaded package GameFramework in 0.017472 seconds
    Log: Loaded package UnrealScriptTest in 0.027511 seconds
    Log: Loaded package IpDrv in 0.009446 seconds
    Log: Loaded package HostileGame_LOC in 0.009616 seconds
    Log: Can't write to signed game INI file: ..\..\HostileGame\Config\HostileBalance.ini
    Log: Can't write to signed game INI file: ..\..\HostileGame\Config\HostileCharacters.ini
    Log: Loaded package HostileGame in 4.083241 seconds
    Log: Loaded package OnlineSubsystemSteamworks in 0.016650 seconds
    Log: Loaded package Startup in 0.158366 seconds
    Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
    Log: Initializing Game Engine...
    Log: Object size..............: 60
    Log: Actor size...............: 500
    Log: ActorComponent size......: 100
    Log: PrimitiveComponent size..: 464
    Log: Loaded package ..\..\HostileGame\CookedPC\GuidCache.upk in 0.003007 seconds
    Log: Looking for DLC...
    DevOnline: Created named interface (RecentPlayersList) of type (HostileGame.HRecentPlayersList)
    DevOnline: Created named interface (PlaylistManager) of type (Engine.OnlinePlaylistManager)
    DevOnline: Failed to create the voice interface
    DevNet: Browse: HostileLobby?Name=Player?team=255?game=HostileGame.HGameInfo_PreGameLobby?bAllowJuicePurch=True?bAllowBotPurch=True?bAllowHazards=True?bAllowMascot=True?bAllowCustomClass=True?bAllowChangeClass=True?bForceRndClass=False?bIsLanMatch=
    Last edited: February 4, 2011
  2. Rud

    Rud New Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Dedicated server only on LAN? (I have ports forwarded)

    Try forwarding UDP 1200 as well - That should do the trick.
  3. feroxium

    feroxium New Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Dedicated server only on LAN? (I have ports forwarded)

    Sadly, no :(
  4. Rud

    Rud New Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Dedicated server only on LAN? (I have ports forwarded)

    Hmmmm, when you forwarded your ports to your IP address of your PC, did you use a static IP address or do you have DHCP enabled?
  5. feroxium

    feroxium New Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Dedicated server only on LAN? (I have ports forwarded)

    DHCP is enabled on my router/gateway (, but it has reserved the IP for my PC ( by coupling it to the MAC-adress. I forwarded 27000-27050, 7777-7780 and 1200, both TCP & UDP, to
    Other servers, printers & pc's on the network also have this "semistatic" adressing, only laptops & phones get random adresses.
    I also tried as DMZ, but the dedicated server still only shows up on the LAN servers tab, so turned that off because of security issues (no firewall turned on).

    When I make a non-dedicated server -- same result. I do not have the LAN checkbox marked, still, when I alt-tab out and start a second instance of MNC (on my own PC or on my GF's PC), it only shows up under LAN.

    When I invite someone to either my dedicated or non-dedicated hosted game via the steam layout (shift-tab --> click on arrow beside name --> invite to game), they see a message that they can not connect to my IP ( I guess that is understandable, since they should connect to my external IP (95.96.x.x).

    Having a few good standalone server boxes at home and fiber 100/10mbit with very low latencies, i'm disappointed I can't offer a server or two to my friends and other MNC players though. I can run other game servers and lighttpd/FTP/SSH/openVPN/etc. servers without problems here, so it's either a problem in my game configuration or some conflict with another service (altough I decoupled my other servers just to try that out). I don't really expect it to be a problem in the router, unless I missed another port. :roll:

    Thanks for the pointers anyway, I'll keep fiddling around.

    BTW, is it normal for the game to "default" to LAN, even when you specify that you want an internet game, when it can't bind to ports or something? Should I be able to see it in the game log somewhere when binding fails, or when it fails to register with the Uber Ent. "listing" server?
  6. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Dedicated server only on LAN? (I have ports forwarded)

    first of all, if your hosting a server being a router, the server will ALWAYS appear on only on the LAN page for players on the same network. thats noormal behaviour. so no need to fix that. other people outside your network should still be able to see the server on the internet page.

    second: have people not join by steam,instead use open <external IP> in the console.
  7. feroxium

    feroxium New Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Dedicated server only on LAN? (I have ports forwarded)

    People on other networks can't see my server either.

    Netstat -ano gives udp ports 7777, 27000 & 27016 as established, and pid is the mnc executable.
  8. feroxium

    feroxium New Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Dedicated server only on LAN? (I have ports forwarded)

    *hits head against wall*

    I tried it with windows firewall turned off, saw a rule for MNC in there, turned it back on, and then went on trying other things. Never thought it would be wise to keep it turned off while trying other things. :lol:

    Apparently, the rule in the windows firewall was broken, since it dit not contain the correct path to the executable (only some gibberish unicode-squares and chinese looking symbols), so it was blocking all inbound traffic to mnc.exe.

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