I am a huge fan of playing on new/randomized systems. However, I rarely like the two planet systems created by the random generator. I'd love some quick settings to create some systems in the lobby, rather than building them in the system generator, although I enjoy doing that from time to time. Even if it were as simple as choosing the number of planets in a system, that'd be awesome. But we could go further by allowing us to choose the planet types, the size (moon/small/medium/large), and maybe a few other options. Either way, this will make it easier to take advantage of one of PA's best features: the procedural generation.
It'd be also nice to have some variety to systems such as not just 2 dimensional and elliptical orbits. But then I'm not sure that's going to happen at all.
Elliptical orbits are already in the game. I vaguely remember Uber saying the systems will stay 2 dimensional. And we're probably gonna get multi-star systems in the future as well.
i like the idea of more settings for the random generator but you need also think of a real small system wil give a nice game for 10 players maybe in the further it wil be nice but now i like them to fix some bugs like pathing/slecting/faild to join server bugs
I would like a randomizer where you tell it a min and max planets with no other values provided. I enjoy the surprise.
That would be pretty awesome as well. The current randomized systems just have no variety. But I understand why they did that. People want multi planet gameplay, but they would kill their performance on larger systems. At least, that used to be an issue.
I just had an awesome thought. What if all you had was a slider for "area per player" and the system auto generated a random number of planets with a net surface area large enough to give each player that much starting space. Max planets can be set with an integer, and min planets would be the minimum number of max size planets needed to fulfill the area requirements. The server could generate one huge planet or 5 small ones, but you'll always have the area you specified.