Epic Server Side Lag

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Kiamo, June 25, 2014.

  1. Kiamo

    Kiamo New Member

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    I just started a new game. Check out the server lag:

    2014-06-25_00004.jpg 2014-06-25_00003.jpg 2014-06-25_00002.jpg

    It's probably worth mentioning that I am located in Mainland China. Perhaps there are no servers close by?

    In another thread (I am unable to link due to being a new user) I mentioned that I am unable to connect at all through my VPN. I don't know if this were to work if it would resolve the problem. Or just deploy some servers in mainland china =D

    I hope there's enough there to help. I can't get any games up in my replays list.

    Maybe because I have only played Galactic Wars?

    Attached Files:

  2. Kiamo

    Kiamo New Member

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    I just played my first MP game against an AI. Awesome fun BTW.

    Anyway the game ran perfectly fine. All the way through. No lagging pauses. Also I noticed that the server stats were the same; 1fps. So maybe I was mistaken.

    To explain further the problem I am encountering:

    Apparently only in Galactic Wars mode, the game will start to halt for 10+ seconds at a time, before updating all the units on the map/galaxy and then freeze again.

    Animations continue running, but unit movement and progress bars freeze.
  3. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Server running at 1.0 fps is normal.
    What you are experiencing sounds a lot like a connection problem. Since you are in China that isn't unlikely.
  4. Kiamo

    Kiamo New Member

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    Yea, that's what I figured. Although multiplayer mode with AI works very well. Why might the problem only be specific to Galactic War mode?

    I've not tried multiplayer with other humans yet.
  5. metabolical

    metabolical Uber Alumni

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    Thank you for following the steps.
    I didn't see what symptom caused you to make your report. 1.0 FPS is normal for server, the fps term is actually outdated for the server now because it doesn't run frames. The sim is expected to run at 10 fps, so the 9.9 is basically right too. And 60 fps on the client is also good.
    Galactic War is really the same game with some configuration changes. It runs on the same server infrastructure as any other game.
    So I would suggest trying another Galactic War game, and if you continue to see a problem, please tell us what experience you had exactly that seemed bad. Was it when you rotated the planet? When you selected units? etc.
    aapl2 likes this.
  6. Kiamo

    Kiamo New Member

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    It happens every galactic war game unless I finish the game within 10 minutes or so. The problem becomes worse the longer the match runs for. I have run task manager along side and do not see CPU spikes or memory leaks.

    The problem does not appear to be action specific.

    I'm in bed on my phone now, but if I can help in anyway just ask and I will look into it tomorrow. :)
  7. Kiamo

    Kiamo New Member

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    I made a recording of a game earlier today. Maybe that will help. Jump to about 10minutes in to start seeing the lag manifest itself and progress.

    Actually today the lag was much less of an issue. I played 4 or 5 games today and they all ran better than a few days ago. Although none of them became long large games.
  8. metabolical

    metabolical Uber Alumni

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    Thank you for the helpful video. I still believe the behavior is consistent with packet loss.
    1. Your client frame rate is good.
    2. When you recover from a pause, it shows that time has moved forward as expected. If the simulation was running slowly, time would appear to go very slow consistently. For example, at one point you zoom in on a basic power generator being built. A pause occurs, and then time jumps forward to it being a little over half built.

    One reason you may have this experience is that as the game progresses, we have more updates to send the client, and so it will rise in bandwidth usage. We cap this at 2 Mbps. But if your connection gets more packet loss at 2 Mbps, then you will experience this jumpiness.

    We are continuing work to lower how much bandwidth we use.
  9. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Is there any QoS mechanic in place yet? Maybe even with clever priority aging for certain curves?
    Or is culling off screen objects currently the only technique used to reduce bandwidth?

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