Multiple PC ports

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Eterniity, February 2, 2011.

  1. Eterniity

    Eterniity New Member

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    I have two computers currently in the house that both would like to play this game together. The ports that needed to be opened can not be forwarded to both computers, and I do not truly wish to place one in a DMZ for one game. Is there any way to change the ports the game runs on or allow 2 computers to see the same port? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    ports only need to be opened when your hosting a server. since a server listens on a specific port. when your just gaming on a server, the server sends UDPs packets will should be routed to all computers on a random port. therefore you shoulkd be able to play together without any adjustments made.
  3. Eterniity

    Eterniity New Member

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    I understand that we can play together but only if I host. Say I am not here and he would like to host a game on the other computer, as we all have our own computers. That is what I am trying to resolve.
  4. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    i see , what you could do is port forward, port 7777 and 27016 on the first PC, and 7778 and 27017 on the other

    then use dedicated servers, the first pc must have a bat file that contains -Serverinstance=0 and the second -Serverinstance=1
    (serverinstance=0 isn't really needed, since its also the default)

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