I reformatted my PC today, installed Windows 8, upgraded to 8.1, installed the latest Nvidia drivers for my graphics cards, and downloaded the latest PA_Setup.exe. I ran it and it said it installed successfully. The only files it installed were: "C:\Games\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation Launcher\UberLauncher.exe" "C:\Games\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation Launcher\D3DCompiler_43.dll" Running UberLauncher.exe makes the PA icon appear on my taskbar. UberLauncher.exe appears in Task Manager. But I cannot see the window. If I click on the taskbar icon, for a fraction of a second I see the outline of a Window which then immediately disappears. The thumbnail preview of this taskbar icon is blank. Makes so difference if I run it elevated (i.e. Run As Administrator) or not. I can't see any log files anywhere, and there is nothing in event viewer. My DxDiag is attached.
Forgot to mention, my antivirus is Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.3. I created an autoprotect exclusion for the C:\Games\* folder, and the heuristic components (Proactive Threat detection) are not installed, so it is not my antivirus software causing this.
I'm having this exact problem, and don't see a solution. Installed C++ redistributable 2012, directx, updated drivers, the whole bit. Also tried reinstall.
Can you clarify how exactly you installed it? Try to install it this way: download this package: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 Then run it, extract to accessible directory, open this directory, find and run "DXSETUP.exe" installer. After installation finished try to run launcher once again. PS: I also need to warn you that if you bypass problems with launcher then you'll likely met problems with by 32-bit OS memory limitations: Code: Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830-0333) Memory: 4096MB RAM Available OS Memory: 3582MB RAM For more information and workaround check this topic: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/648816742979172000/
Do you have a screenshot / recording of this? I believe I've identified similar issues with the launcher but have never been able to replicate it effectively.
Attached is a screenshot of what appears. I downloaded and ran the directx thing as recommended, with no change. The launcher still refuses to do anything other than appear in the taskbar. While 32 bit might cause me problems later (and you're 100% right), I really doubt that's what is crashing it now.
does your Windows user name contain any non-english letters ? I had similiar issues and that was what caused the problem for me.
Hmm I don't know if that counts or not. I'll give you the little workaround I use when I get home. Maybe it works for you as well
Okay so here is my little "workaround" that allowed me to run the Launcher even though my user name contains non-english characters. Basically it's just a little AutoHotKey Script (only 6 lines of code) which redirects the Launcher's calls to the user directory to a subdirectory (in this case "Temp") inside the Launchers folder to avoid any conflicts with unsupported letters. I included the compiled .exe and the "source code" (haha), so you can compile it yourself if you don't want to use my .exe . Simply put the compiled script into the directory which contains "UberLauncher.exe" and run it. Solved my problem and I can play totally fine. Let me know if it doesn't work for you (I don't know if it works on win8) Edit : do you have the latest verson of .net framework installed ? if not, maybe that's what is causing your problems
hello ! same kind of problem here when i wanted to install PA on my new laptop running win8, PA launcher in task bar, process was in task manager but nothing on screen windows accout with "normal" letters PA launcher finaly appears after re-installing direct X
We have a winner! This fixed it. I guess the problem was the dash "-" in my PC's username. Using this workaround seems to have fixed the problem (at least so far, as the launcher is now working). So Uberrent be aware - you need to allow non-standard characters in PC names, or deal with considerably more headaches. The default naming convention for windows 7 PC's is to ask for your name and then add a "-PC", so I guarantee I won't be alone.
Well, that shouldn't be a problem because what you mean is the default setting for the computer name and not the username itself (at least that is how I remember it). But think of all the people who have non-english characters in their names (probably quite a lot !). This should be fixed asap, especially since PA's launch date is coming closer.
My problem is now resolved. In my case it was nothing to do with lack of RAM (I have 64GB DDR3) and not to do with using invalid characters in my install path or username. I resolved the issue by: converting my Ubernet PA key to a Steam PA key Playing a game of PA via Steam on my machine Now the PA launcher works. I presume that when I installed PA via Steam it must have taken care of any software requirements that were still outstanding.