Insane rantings of an idiot with an overzealous spam filter, please ignore....

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by credendo, June 22, 2014.

  1. credendo

    credendo New Member

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    I"m not usually an impatient person. I've backed plenty of kickstarters and been prepared to wait a long time in support of the long term goals, and I was pumped to play PA from the first trailer. When the alpha launched on steam I didn't mind that others who hadn't backed the game could pick it up as they were charging the same alpha price as the backers, and I was ok with the price cuts because they were still more than I had paid, but at this point I could demand my money back from the Kickstarter, and buy the game on steam and save $4.

    There are 18721 people who believed in this game and this company enough that from a simple pre-rendered concept video we put money on the success of your game, and your reward is to ignore that early faith. I've posted similar comments up in every social media and community place I could find because this is simply ridiculous. Correct this Uber

    [CORRECTION] My spam filter had hidden the email for the beta access from back in November. Leaving my shame up for others to mock me
    Last edited: June 22, 2014
    trialq and dionytadema like this.
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    All backers of PA can play PA since many month. What is your problem?
  3. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    If you paid any amount of money for PA you should have been able to play PA for a few months now.

    People who are buying this on sale only get the ability to play it now.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    as a backer for much more, I cannot see your issue.

    I would like for prices to go down like they tend to do for single video games, for the video game industry in general and socks as well and also bikes, but inflation has decided otherwise, and it seems things will only be getting more crazily expensive as time goes by. Replacing my old bike has turned into an endeavor as I have proved unwilling to pay nearly three times as much as I remember bikes costing.

    you should be happy for this rare occurrence!
    squishypon3 likes this.
  5. credendo

    credendo New Member

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    ... Wow I'm an idiot. I went back and searched my email, CONVINCED I'd never received anything giving me access, only to find in my spam folder, beta access from months ago... deleting thread asap....
    aevs likes this.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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