
Discussion in 'Support!' started by Sherrif, June 20, 2014.

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  1. Sherrif

    Sherrif Member

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    You deserved to be reviewed as a complete product at this point. If you are uncomfortable with this, you should remove the micro-transactions from the game.

    I am not saying make it available for free, remove the content as well. Unless your complaint would be that you want it tested, then make it available to everybody so it is thoroughly tested. Testers will perfectly understand when features that are meant to be micro-transaction based are ripped from their hands to be sold back to them.

    Your game rates pretty low on my list of recommended games, I would never recommend this game to anybody, for any reason. Besides say that the game had potential, but was released before it was done.
  2. selfavenger

    selfavenger Active Member

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    Hey @Sherrif

    Why does having micro transactions make a game complete? People can buy the game before it's officially released. It makes no difference.... one just costs more than the other and the micro transactions have no impact to game play, they are only visual changes. it's not pay to win.


    Last edited: June 20, 2014
    stuart98 and ArchieBuld like this.
  3. Sherrif

    Sherrif Member

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    Game is feature incomplete, yet they took the time to implement an in-game store. This game is to be consider complete by any reviewer or consumer. This is more moneygrabbing than most the **** I've seen from EA, including the Sims, a game with a 500+ dollar price tag.

    In-game stores denote that it is no longer fair to give it the pass that "I paid for early access to support development, and I'm ok with an unfinished product and even helping with bug reports." Now it's not ok, It's not. Because the game is not only including micro-transactions in a game I paid 70 dollars for, and is still charging 50 bucks for. It's being sold with feature only the finished product should have, and these features should be in a free to play game only.

    Forgive me for being blunt, but I want my fuckin money back from these theiving little bitches who call themselves game developers. They're more money grabbing than EA...... EA games, worst company 2 years in a row?? Why strive to be like them?

    This game is a waste of time now, it has game breaking issues and no such thing as an "offline mode" where I can just have private servers or single player exhibitions. I have to connect to ubernet to play. This game is riddled with worst company in the world "features"

    This game would not get recommended by me, I would actually condemn this game to the trash and go out of my way to tell people to never buy this game. Even when they do finally patch it into a working game.

    The game is not worth micro-transactions, not now, not even in the near future. And anybody actually paying these micro-transactions are just as bad as the idiots that actually cheer for exclusives on consoles.

    I don't understand how anybody can stand back and accept that not only do they have these crappy microtransactions, but the fact that I have to download and have the models installed on my computer and have the AI's use them against me. **** off, Uber, anybody ok with the micro-transactions are blinded by something. And to be honest, these people need to clean that crap out of their eyes, because you'd have to be pretty thick to be ok with paying 50+ dollars on a game and still not having access to features of the game without paying a fee, and even including features that just aren't finished yet, like crashing planets into each-other.

    This game does not deliver features it even says are in the game, and it still has the nerve to charge 49.99 + microtransactions to get access to their content.
  4. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    There where a lot of flame threads about the Micro-transaction. One of the most recent would be this one.
    While i've a Vanguard of the fight against Micro-transaction, i can accept them, if they are at a reasonnable price.
    And $10 for a Commander skin is imfamy from my point of view.

    You are not alone !
    But careful with your language :)
    (i would recommand you to remove the bad words from your post, or at least remplace them with *
    Less problems for you, less problems for the community ;-)
  5. Sherrif

    Sherrif Member

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    They can censor what they want, they need to understand that micro-transactions at all are a serious problem, and microtransactions for that price is thievery.

    I want every cent I put into this game back, they aren't game developers they are theives. If they want to tell me to remove some words cause they didn't get censored. That's their deal, but until they ******* realize how shitty of a company they are by doing this. I don't really give any fucks what they think. They genuinely pissed me off for supporting them by actually buying this game for 70 dollars.

    Why did I spend money on a game that was developed simply to turn a profit, not for the love of the genre.

    Where's the video where they explain these transactions, with a strait face, and explain how good it is for the consumer.

    I want to see them create a video where they don't make an *** out of themselves pretending this isn't a screw to the customer.

    -- Attention Consumers --
    I also want anybody that actually paid 15 dollars for a commander skin to please leave the internet, just by the way, if you supported them doing this by actually paying for these crappy skins. Kindly **** yourself and throw your computer into the nearest furnace.
  6. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Some guys bought $200 edition to get Delta, don't see what's wrong there. :rolleyes:
  7. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Nothing 'wrong' with the offer. Don't know about the people who took them up on it though.
  8. Sherrif

    Sherrif Member

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    Ha, you mistake backing for purchasing

    Paying 200 dollars in the kickstarter was not "paying for the delta" it was saying "I have the cash to support crashing planets into each other" you were donating to help them make the game.

    However, these micro-transactions are payment for a product/service. A digital good is being sold with this particular transaction, and the price is overpriced and shouldn't even exist in the first place.
    Neumeusis likes this.
  9. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I personally just miss PA kickstarter because some personal reasons, so I just seen it's as a good way to throw more money into development. I suppose I'm not alone in this boat.

    If PA campaign happen before Wasteland I'd probably was one of $1000 backers.

    Game is still in development and Uber still hire more people. I not sure why it's wrong to let other people pay premium if they like to.

    There is no such thing as "overpriced". If there somebody who agree to pay the price and it's profitable that mean item isn't overpriced. I personally like how Star Citizen collecting money for example so can't be actually against that model.

    PS: And yeah this topic need to be moved to different sub forum.
  10. nofear1299

    nofear1299 Active Member

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    You forget. The commanders that are up for sale are from guys who backed with a high amount - think it was $1000 or something mad. They allowed Uber to sell the skins and they get a cut from it.

    You need to tone it down. What exactly is your problem with the game? The game is not finished (a fact you through around and then seem to ignore subsequently)

    The game is hardly broken and the micro-transactions do not bother me one bit. If they are making more money to help pay the team and fund development I don't give a flying **** how they get the money as long as they can deliver the game they promised.

    In mobas they have visual micro transactions but no one complains about that?

    Take a breather.
  11. aapl2

    aapl2 Active Member

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    first of all, it's cosmetic micro transactions so go **** yourself kindly.

    this kid watched a total biscuit video and now thinks he is an internet rule maker.
    stuart98 and pieman2906 like this.
  12. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    This is the first page of the thread, right? I'm confused as to your end goal.

    1. Is your problem with micro-transactions?

    2. If so, what bearing does the game being complete or not have on this? How do you define complete given Uber's commitment to the Gamma phase and the extraordinary amount of work invested to get us to this stage?

    3. What does your rating of the game have to do with anything, and how important do you consider yourself for that statement to have any impact?

    4. The game hasn't technically been released yet.
    ace63 and ArchieBuld like this.
  13. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    @Sherrif of course you are entitled to your opinion and entitled to express it, but seriously watch your tone. I expect at least one of those posts to be deleted.
  14. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    MOBA are mostly free-to-play, not $50 early access games...
    nlaush likes this.
  15. halosas

    halosas Member

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    I for 1 think the game is a fair way from complete by kickstarter video alone. as for micro payments this is the time we live in. I think with modern piracy kickstarter was the best way to go for PA + you do not have to pay to win micro payments can ((((IF))) you wish to pay can and will make this a better game.
    My opinion though is current comms a little over price but does not break the game for me. Hell who no's if 1 comes along i must have then Grr!
  16. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Individuals are welcome to their opinion about our business strategies. Adding in the capability to allow transactions WAS part of getting feature complete. Our own, very limited and very non-game changing content, was basically the way to test out that system, as well as give folks access to commanders they might want to buy.

    This is not, however a support issue, and it is, frankly, more of a philosophical discussion about game monetization. If you wish to continue it, please take it to off topic.
    tollman, FSN1977 and cdrkf like this.
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