I have the following problem (since 65588): When im in the main menu and hit play or galactic war i get the message: "no regions available for this build version. Please try again later. If this error persists please contact the support and check the forums" and get returned. I cant select regions in the options either. I see no commanders in the armory. So basicly im unable to do anything usefull with the game. The correct build version is displayed in the main menu. I have tried it with the steam and the uberlauncher version to the same result. I have started the game with the pa.exe not the launcher. I tried the PTE and it didnt change anything. I have launched the game without antivirus and firewall (deinstalled). I have reinstalled the game about 123456234 times. I dont see how it could matter, but all my drivers are updated. I have reinstalled f***** windows. Granted, that wasnt only because of the game but still. Same problem. I have contacted the support after i posted in this thread (https://forums.uberent.com/threads/gamma-build-65588.59456/page-3) and noone could help me. Guess who didnt answer me after i told them that I in fact tried to launch the game without firewall and antivirus... So thanks in advance for the help I will hopefully get.
Can you try to open directory where non-Steam version installed and run PA.exe directly from there? There should be UberNet login form, can you successfully login or there some error? What exactly error you get?
i had the exact same problem forums.uberent.com/threads/no-regions-available.60263/ complete reinstall worked for me
Reinstalled it again (just making sure) and nope doesnt change a thing. Yes i can succesfully log into ubernet and still get the no regions error when in want to play. At least when i first start the game, when i restart it imediately afterwards and try to log in I get "Error connection to UberNet: Failed connect to uberent.com:443;No error Unknown error. Please contact us at support@uberent.com". When i wait for 1-2 minute i can login again.
Another thing: When I start the game using the launcher, the "Chcking manifest" step takes forever to complete. Could this be a clue as to why the hell the game doesnt work?
I suppose there is more "deep" debugging required to understand why is this happen. I can't give you any advice just right now, but I added it on my list of things I need to do. Also you can add me on Steam (find me on Steam PA forums) and then you'll able to ping me a bit faster.
Ok, I just found out, that the problem is most likely related to my router. I connected my computer to a friends internet connection and the game worked without any problems. The question now is why it causes problems and why it does so only since the release of patch 65588.
I have the same issue. The game worked fine three to four days ago. Now I have the exact same error message as you do: "There are no regions available for this build version". In the settings menu I am not able to select a server, there is just none. Strangely I can log in into Ubernet with my account but I cannot enter the multiplayer or galactic war. Since I've no connection issues with other games, the firewall is not blocking and the antivirus is not going berserk I've no way of determining what the issue is. That is pretty sad because I was falling in love with PA hard, such a great game, even getting good in multiplayer. I reinstalled the game twice. And the only thing it did was deleting the commanders I could select before only leaving one commander to remain. I hope this is not a rare bug and more people report this, so the issue can actually be fixed.
May be I've found a hint to what the problem might be. Before the last three patsches the game would show my Steam nickname. Now it shows my UberNet account name in the menu. So, again: The steam nickname got replaced by the UberNet account nickname. Since it is installed via steam. Could the issue be related to that?
There were some changes to allow setting of your display name, so it might not be related (or a bug could have been introduced while implementing that)
I found a way to solve the problem until a patch comes out: I installed a VPN tool named OkayFreedom. I switched my german identity to a US identity and voila... I can enter the multiplayer again. So it is definately an issue with the region ID!!!! Please have a look at that UberEntertainment!
Well, it only appeared AFTER a certain patch. I can't remember which build. Before that the error never occured. Though something was changed due to this patch, the game was running smoothly before that. Regarding this I am not entirely convinced the issue is on my side of the connection.