Tried to find solution in the other forum. but no one ever reply so I Try here, sorry for that But since the galactic war patch went live I havent been able to get a game started. when I enter the Galactic war menu nothing appears. just lines and I can't enter the game or exit out to the main menu same problems with Options. When I then tries to go into multiplayer I see the servers and I can join the a game, but everything is on low graphic and lags like hell. tried also to create my own game vs bots but it's just black screen. any of you guys who can help me or have a solution. thanks
You might want move this post into the support subforum first off, and you might also want to provide a short description of your hardware setup and what OS you are running on and its version, in addition to your description of the symptoms you are having.
Yes, go to your "run", type in dxdiag.exe, save and post to thread a copy of your dxdiag.txt. That lets us know what we are working with. Also, is it just galactic war, or any match in the game?
here is the fil. I hope you can see whats wrong with my pc since it wont play. didnt have trouble before and it played fine
did you ever install any mods? looks like your driver is up to date and the hardware seems to be able to handle PA.
try deleting the following folders : C:\Users\tatsu\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\mods C:\Users\tatsu\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\localstore\Local Storage D:\Programs\Planetary Annihilation\Planetary Annihilation\stable\media\ui\mods with adaptations, of course, wherever necessary. "tatsu" should be whatever username you chose. and the third path should be wherever you have PA installed. If you have it from steam (and please let us know what case you are in, are you on steam or on uberlauncher?) then the path will be more like this : C:\Programs Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common.... if on steam try running the game from uber launcher : but first you have to link your account :
why, my pleasure. when you told me you had PAMM before; and since you problem seemed like a mod one because of broken menus and interface, I figured there must be some leftover mod files from it. with these three folders plus what is essentially the configurations folder gone I was sure it would get rid of the conflicting files.