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  1. Officer_MS

    Officer_MS New Member

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    Sorry for creating this thread,turns out healthcare sucks here.I will have to sell all 2 of my steam accounts to be able to afford a surgery(along with ps3,xbox and psp).I was pretty hyped too.

    Anyway,could mods delete or lock this thread please?
    Last edited: February 1, 2011
  2. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    What if you don't "main" any particular class?

    e.g. I tend to always pick one of every class, or have team formations that usually have 2 lights 2 mediums and 2 heavies at most. Plus I seem just generally all round competent (with occasional hardware and connection problems that put me off sin and sniper at times.)

    I like the idea, but I'm not sure if anyone's got their act together yet. Since I play very often in the GMT TZ you could always ring me up if you guys want, though at the moment I'm signed up for [nRG] in case they start scrimming.

    Also would need to install fraps to screen shot my KD anyway, whatever it may be. :/
  3. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    Steam beta -> Press F12
  4. Officer_MS

    Officer_MS New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    Apply for the class you feel you are best and most comfortable with.I'm looking for people that stand out when they play in random public matches,skilled players are always kind of "all round",but everyone has their favorite class,which they are better with compared to other classes.

    Also fyi,there is only 1 member in this clan atm,which is me.But that doesn't change the fact that I'm serious about forming this clan and won't give up on it easily.But you shouldn't expect scrims like...tomorrow or something.

    Also,you can take a screenshot like grimbar mentioned,OR press print screen on your keyboard and then paste in paint.
  5. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    Woot! Just found the Steam screenshots feature and damn is it conveniant! No hitches either.

    Officer_MS, do you have a steam ID? I wanna add you so I can chat some more, but your name isn't turning up in the community search so PM or paste your steam username here.
  6. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    Lol pub kdr has actual value?
  7. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    I lol'd when I saw :D
  8. Officer_MS

    Officer_MS New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    You people are making me regret my choice.Yes it does have an actual value.I'm not looking for suicidal players that go jihad on turrets and bots.Dying = waste of time and money.

    But I will drag the req down to 2.8-3.0
  9. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    Naah,we are just saying that,that one isn't that important,because it's public servers mate ;).
  10. Officer_MS

    Officer_MS New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    It is important

    mate ;)
  11. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    Prob is Dying = Waste of time and money but not dying = Literally impossible.

    Also, no suicide rushing = no pushing = turtling = losing.

    Also, god damn god sins who are ungrabable and 100% accurate at backstabbing, even when you're facing them.

    What might be more suitable is low deaths as possible through screenies with Tank, Gunner and Assault, and as much cash as possible for assassin, support and sniper?

    Kill streaks (based on survival rather than rambo'ing) + doing their jobs simultaneously will prove the latter is good, whereas coming top two or three of their team with very few deaths (or a good KDR) proves they're good at surviving with tank, gunner and assault who often complete or defend objectives with fewer deaths due to their endurance (especially with armor endorsements) and the assault's mobility.

    That way survival is key, rather than killing more of them than anyone else.

    Of course, you could just get 3 kills then NEVER die to achieve 3 KDR, but that's far less likely to be achieved, plus harder to prove as the KDR averages in the lockeroom, regardless of good or bad games. The fact these are pub makes it more random than proof of skill, and competitive games will drive this down closer to 1 or less anyway.
  12. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    I don't see why everybody complains about the actual clan leader's requirements. It's his clan, not yours, and you are the one wanting to join it. If his requirement says to have a 400.5 K/D, then you need to have that K/D in order to join. It's a waste of time to try and get him to lower his standards just for you.

    You should additionally leave the theorycraft about K/D to some other thread, where you won't actually clutter a clan thread (for recruiting/scrims) with irrelevant information.
  13. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    Thank you for pissing on everyone instead of constructively criticising with the rest of us in this casual discussion. Care to finish with shitting on us too?

    And anyway, not that you haven't noticed, but there's an awful lack of clans so to discuss each one that we do have starting up so they may grow with feedback probably concerns all of us, conversing and debating rules and ideas about actually relevant information (the basis of what defines skill).

    Don't see how making another thread in another forum on how one particular clan's recruitment methods may be fine tuned is more constructive than just posting in the same thread. Most clan threads are silent after a wave of recruitment appeals anyway, so it's not like it can't do with a bit of beefing up.
  14. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    You're sick?
  15. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    You're cluttering this thread with a GENERAL DISCUSSION of how K/D correlates to skill and team usefulness. This can be done in another thread without messing up this one. He's already declared that he thinks K/D correlates to skill, and, considering it's his clan thread, what he says goes. Stop trying to get him to change something he doesn't feel like changing.

    Sorry for screwing up your thread, Officer_MS.

    EDIT: By the by, I am currently not sick. I'm feeling just dandy at the moment.
  16. Officer_MS

    Officer_MS New Member

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    Re: Cyber Police [*CP*] - Looking for THE BEST

    My thread is beautiful no matter what! You also made me realise a mistake,I have to replace tank with sniper.

    Offtopic,is anyone else having lag today? I have like 400 ping where I should have 60.Dropped my kd by 0.05 cause of that grrrrrrr.
  17. Officer_MS

    Officer_MS New Member

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    Delete this.

    I will have to sell my steam accounts guys,I didn't know this was going to happen.Sorry for spam.
  18. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Re: Delete this.

    :( Sorry to hear that man...
  19. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Delete this.

    @ Zombie: Ditto.
  20. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I hope you get better soon and you can pick up where you left. Good luck!

    Deletion is usually reserved for offensive stuff but I can lock the topic for you.
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