King of the Planet #6 feedback

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Quitch, June 1, 2014.

  1. Bgrmystr2

    Bgrmystr2 Active Member

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    I see. I'll have to rewatch that one then.

    Even so, I still believe having multiple planet types required would give a more rounded event all in all. One person practicing on a single map is a good strategy as the loser decides the next map, which they could then use their own map they practiced, but if you have a requirement of multiple types of maps, they have to be ready for all types of combat.

    Right now, KoTP's relative future feels like if you want to be King, you have to beat Matiz at his home turf (the moon) while fighting and eventually winning versus his most efficient build. If you had multiple types of planets required, you wouldn't see a repeat of Matiz + moon vs Murcanic twice over.

    Murcanic's comment above mine also shows that doing multiple types of the same map can very possibly be biased towards whoever picks the first map. Comboxing would probably have Matiz lose, and I'm not against comboxing map, I'm simply against using the same type of map multiple times to prevent that kind of thing from being abused by challengers and the king themself.

    Edit'd : because engrish.
    cptconundrum likes this.
  2. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    The challenger doesn't need to win on any of the king's maps to become king.

    However, we are examining how we can, and whether we should, encourage map diversity.
  3. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    Moons are fine. It's just the challenger needs to practice 3 planets that they can trust in to win
  4. neptunio

    neptunio Active Member

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    Neptunia was a moon. Therefore moons are and always will be superior.

    Shouldn't the challenger really pick what maps are played? At least the biome.
  5. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    I sort of in vision it lore wise as the king travels to the rebels or challengers planet to destroy them, and who ever loses that match flees to another planet with the victor chasing them to finish them off and thats goes on back and forth until one player wins 3 times at which points they are declared the winner ^^
  6. CounterFact

    CounterFact Active Member

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    King of the Moon?

    I want to see lavaplanets. As planet generation is now, the only biome that can create noteworthy chokepoints and interesting continent play are lava planets.
  7. soliderfighter

    soliderfighter Member

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    Isn't this just good? Because if you want to be king you need to annihilate Matiz's moons, which is great (in my opinion). If you can't annihilate the king on a moon you shouldn't really be a king should you?

    challenger choose first (something that isn't a moon)- And win
    King choose (something that is a moon) - Matiz wins
    Result after 2 matches played 1-1
    Challeger choose (something that isn't a moon) - He/she wins
    king choose and win (because he's amazing on moons) - Matiz wins
    then the resutls is after four matches 2-2
    Now the challenger can choose the last map. And the choose a Lava close combat planet, and lets say that the challenger win... So the challenger can win without winning on a moon.
    What happened in the king of the planet #6 was that Murcanic lost on his own map choice, and if you do so you have to annihilate Matiz on one if his moons (or whatever he choose, but yet he has only chose moons).

    Let's make 5 maps with different bioms. The players have to play on these maps made by organizers (or someone else). Then we can get a more fair match so that you have to show that your best at some bioms to win instead of just moons or something....
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    To be honest, what I most want to avoid is:

    Lava comm box - Moon - Lava comm box - Moon - lava comm box
    Moon - moon - moon - moon - moon

    I really want to keep map restrictions to a minimum, but I want enough variety that it's actually interesting to watch as well as participate in.

    One thing we definitely don't want to do though is move map creation to eXodus for KotP. Choosing maps should remain the purview of the players because out-mapping one another is part of the event as far as I'm concerned. We've seen maps in KotP that we'd never have made ourselves.

    Picking the map is a big advantage. You can potentially know the spawns while your opponent does not. You can set up maps which heavily favour you or target your opponent's weakness. The challenger chooses first because the king has to prove that they're better, and that means starting at a disadvantage. But the challenger choosing every map is too big an advantage in my view.

    You must have missed the finale of King of the Planet #5.
    cptconundrum likes this.
  9. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I really like the idea of restricting players from hosting more than one round on the same biome. Players choosing the maps is one of the key things that gives kotp it's personality, so that part is probably not something we would ever consider changing. We can tweak the rules a little each time to try to make it more fun to watch, but I want to avoid huge changes from one game to the next whenever possible.

    We've heard a lot about the maps now and there will definitely be changes for next time, but does anybody have suggestions about other aspects of kotp? We're also looking for feedback on casting, interviews, guest analysis, date/time, etc.
    Bgrmystr2 and Fr33Lancer like this.
  10. CounterFact

    CounterFact Active Member

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    I have seen it. Excellent play of Matiz there using the mountains. Not really the kind of chokepoint I was referring to though. And most important, I still prefer the lava biome and want to see it more often in tournaments. :)
  11. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    I enjoy watching these tournaments very much, however I'm getting a bit bored of it always being matiz. Someone should beat him.

    In fact, someone should get right on that, hop to it. Maybe zaphod, he's casted so many of matiz's games he must know his style and strats inside out.
  12. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Zaphod is...

    Well, he's not bad, but he's not good either.

    The key to beating matiz is practicing with both players having PAStats turned off. If he can't see what you're doing, he can't think up a tactic to counter it.
    cptconundrum likes this.

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