Will the Galactic Wars look like this?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Going4Quests, May 31, 2014.

  1. Going4Quests

    Going4Quests Active Member

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    I know the Galactic Wars is in a very early version right now, but i am a bit worried it will stay a turn based game where you move in this way between solar systems.

    Will it stay like now or will it become like in the trailer? Can someone (at Uber) explain this more? :)
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Not completely sure what you're asking.

    The Galactic War has always been a turn based game where you move between solar systems.
  3. Going4Quests

    Going4Quests Active Member

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    Yea but how it looks now is kind of childish. Will it ever look like in the video?
  4. arbitraryranger

    arbitraryranger Member

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    looks like a good candidate for a mod after release imho
  5. melhem19

    melhem19 Active Member

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    i am not sure...
  6. lizard771

    lizard771 Well-Known Member

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    Currently, there are *some* systems in the galaxy. In the trailer you can see a lot of systems just in this little part of one arm of the galaxy. I hope that the galaxy will look less like a background and more like the actual instance you're playing and moving on (bigger galaxies?). I can remember the space age of Spore and that's kind of imagined how Galactic War would look. We will see how it will evolve (it is first pass anyway).
  7. Going4Quests

    Going4Quests Active Member

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    Oh Spore Space Age! I loved that!
    NeonTheCoder likes this.
  8. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    please don't make PA Spore...

    Spore space age got INCREDIBLY dull. The scale was cool, but once you had an empire spanning 15 or so stars, there was nothing left but grinding.

    It is already like that a bit on Uber sized maps. While I think the positions of stars should be more "galactic" in shape (like in Endless Space) but the scale is just fine as it is for now.

    That being said, opening it up for modding so you can make stupid sized galaxies if you want to sounds good to me as well. I'm a firm believer in the philosophy that if you have enough computing resources to play it, there should be nothing stopping you.
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I'm pretty sure it works a bit more like Spore's start screen, these aren't all the planets in the Galaxy, these are just the planets with gates going between them for you to go through. (Similar to TA's singe player storyline)
  10. lizard771

    lizard771 Well-Known Member

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    And that's not how I imagined the Galactic War to be, at least. Because currently, it's (quite) linear even though the map could be a network made out of planet systems. I think when (if ever) the AI will counter-attack, this small kind of map won't work anymore.
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I hope it looks like this.
    PeggleFrank, quigibo and squishypon3 like this.
  12. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    I want it to look like this, but with more ships:


    A joke, a joke.
    PeggleFrank likes this.
  13. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    PeggleFrank likes this.
  14. NeonTheCoder

    NeonTheCoder New Member

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    I thought it was going to be real time with MultiPlayer compatibility? Right now it's really dull I thought it was going to be more like galactic conquest in Star Wars Empire At War. Either the AI needs to fight and push back and or it needs to be multiplayer with multiple players as faction leaders, and what ever happened to the idea that I had heard from one of their streams that there will be a real time 24/7 server and you fought for a faction with many other players with the goal to take over the entire galaxy? Has this been scraped? I quote the trailer 1:35 "You have SinglePlayer, MultiPlayer, Clan Wars, and you have it on a scale thats unbelievable"
    Last edited: June 6, 2014
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    They said they would make singleplayer first.

    Next, they will make multiplayer, either similar to this but with turn based across multiple players coop and/or vs, or like this but less metagame cards and more straightforward clanVSclan bracket elimination.
  16. CrazyVulcan

    CrazyVulcan Active Member

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    Aside from the regret felt with my first break up. Getting swept up with the hype of Spore, and the crushing let down there after was a close second. No as much as a Real Time super map sounds cool it would be a wrong direction for the GW to go. I would like to see; larger maps, more factions, interactive factions (ie diplomacy, and Ai attacking). And I would love to see a multiplayer aspect. probably best over a old school Play by Email (just with the Gamma social network) with a You go I go system.

    I would recommend looking at a game called NovisAtterna SP? Looks like exactly what you are talking about but is a MMO-RTS. I just would not suggest the same system for PA
  17. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    I agree the Spore space stage failed hard, however the option to scale up to Spore-esque sizes would be insanely awesome for multiplayer persistent Galactic War where multiple Factions fought for territory.

    Spore galaxy scale needn't mean going around grinding for bits of tech... which is what worries me a tad about current Galactic War.

    Maintaining an empire > going around looking for tech so we can play the game properly.
    Sure exploration can be a factor, but expansion and territory control can be encouraged in other fun, rewarding ways.
    E.g. in multiplayer, larger territories = more people in your Clan/Faction.

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