I think most people are probably going to laugh at this, since it seems like Assault is the class people feel everyone should be able to play, but I absolutely cannot make him work for the life of me. I have zero trouble with Assassin and mop the floor in most games when I use her, and perform reasonably well the few times I play other classes (although I have almost zero interest in gunner, tank or support and my twitch aiming isn't good enough to snipe efficiently), but Assault utterly confounds me. I average around #3 or #4 on the scoreboard playing him and constantly feel pathetically weak - he's a little easier to use for dealing with other players versus Assassin, but just about everybody else seems to have a leg up on him there, and no matter how many grenades I pump out, I can't seem to keep bots down. I have no idea where I'm going wrong, because I see plenty of good, dangerous assaults who I know simply have a better grasp of the class than I do.
Learn how to fly well, find a high spot to rain death down on. Retreat when you need to. That's how Statement kicks my arse.
Would you say he... makes a statement? Looking over his posts, though, I tried the endorsements he said he runs to greater success than I've been having. I had been using Gold Armor, Silver RoF and Bronze Accuracy. It's a start, I think.
I don't mind taking another fellow assault under my wing, I can give you a hand in learning the class well. Feel free to add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/vampwoods/
Feel free to send a invite to me on Steam. There is probably not a person on this forum who has played the assault, or even the game longer than I except for like the devs =P. I've played the assault exclusively since day 1 of the 360 version.
It seems tanks and gunners have a leg up on assaults but a well placed bomb quickly evens the playing field. an endorsment set up that ive grown to love for its sheer survivability and its ability to assault bases Gold: Armor Silver: Accuracy (i dont like to have to alt fire to hit someone with an AR) Bronze: skill regen, for a lv 3 bomb you get it back 2sec sooner and for lv 2 charge you get it back 1.8 sec sooner. (how many times have you died and said man if i just had that charge up a second sooner i coulda lived) Also head crabs, gotta love em. Bomb placement is cruicial in every match up. It separates supports from thier fire bases causes general dis-array can Ring Out brings tanks and gunners HP to a more managable amount and if you charge and throw a bomb just a bit in front of you while your running away from a tank and the tank decides to close the gap with his charge, well that bomb will blow you forwards (provided you have enough hp left) and the tank backwards getting you out of his reach. Another thing ive noticed is since people only start regenerating hp after not bein hit for a while, if you see someone with hp lost hit them with a few rounds from your AR, it may not do any dmg but it will reset the timer until they gain hp back, and them being at lower hp than full is always a leg up. (please correct me if i am wrong about this paragraph as its only from personal experience, not data)
if i've played with anyone in the past few days here they can attest to this, but i haul *** as assault. doin it with a gimped right hand atm too gold rof silver armor bronze skill with this, the assault rifle is a powerhouse at close to medium range, and the nade launcher is a turret face-fucker
only difficulty with gold rof is it only really benefits the nade launcher vs using the silver version the difference between silver and gold ROF for the assault rifle is seemingly negligible. quoted from tlbww's endorsement data thread