Give us Shields! Come on!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by wbonx, May 27, 2014.

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  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Seriously, when did this thread get so bent out of shape. It is like "no" is not an acceptable answer, and saying "yes" is an unacceptable answer is an unacceptable answer.

    I'd ask for this thread to be locked, but 2 more threads would come up, claiming we are hogging the forum and oppressing the majority of players.

    Really, I don't even care anymore. I really don't. Again, you have the right to continue to beg for shields here peacefully. You do that. I will continue to look forward to game saves, those interest me more as a feature, than any unit does.

    But I am running away from the arguement of course, and I am a loser, and it is obvious everyone wants shields, so Uber has no choice but to add shields now. #ShieldsConfirmed . You're winner! ect. ect.
    I was actually presenting my personal opinion, and then the opinion of the Realm, unaffiliated with the Vanguard as they are. The factual "the devs have no plans to work on shields or include them in PA" is factual of course, but even that isn't really Vanguard informative, as you said, the kickstarter literally confirmed-no shields, anyone who then pledged before the kickstarter even collected the money was very clearly warned there would be no shields. That is like pledging for PA expecting a first person shooter moba. It was in fact confirmed no from kickstarter. Let me dig up that... as a "vanguard". (PS I do usually dig up informative threads not only as a Vanguard but as a helpful person in general. I think I troubleshooted 5 bugs this week?)

    This is the earliest I can find mention of shields. Sadly, in that topic, they still yet discuss how Uber Devs had already said elsewhere that they were not happy with how shields turned out in SupCom after having seen how they turned out. This was in september 2012. So, it was known from "concept" and "prefunding" that shields were not the path being taken. That is where we are today. There is going to be everything imaginable modded to the game, there is already a "murder party" fun-mode game variety server mod, there will be shields, but the vanilla game design will not take the game the direction of shields. I hope they add them and then remove their blueprint from the default game. Also don't balance them. Then, they will be in the game, and adjustable, but not an activated element.

    Because seriously, shields are a confirmed no. You will really have to convince the devs otherwise. I would whip out a petition and find thousands to sign it. On the same hand, I could petition them to add sandworms or moba elements or first person shooter controls, and it be just as farfetched to get them to actually go for it.
    Last edited: June 1, 2014
    Pendaelose and brianpurkiss like this.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    err no.

    that's not how it works unfortunately. teamspoke with a lot of them and they don't get to talk much at all to the devs. the vangard newsletter contains 100% of the info discussed. they have no supplementary info, that is what they told me.

    So NO they do not speak for the devs. damn glad @brianpurkiss isn't a vanguard for that matter because nobody on this earth so far has prooved to me they can purge themselves from bias; me included.

    So far what the devs HAVE said is that up until 1.0 there is a guarantee of no shields. but that they are still open to considering it afterwards.
    you don't GET to ask for this thread to be locked dammit :
    bradaz85 likes this.
  3. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Because official support is clearly something that doesn't exist:rolleyes:

    I'd rather be able to support a game myself than rely on another person to do it for me.

    A lot of my favorite games had support dropped by the dev team after making changes that I didn't like. One such game was dropped by THIS dev team(RIP MNC). To put more trust in "official" support seems silly.

    Uber is awesome, but it's not like they don't make mistakes/have a ability to run out of money.
  4. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    No is just as acceptable an answer as is yes. All you have to do is back up your position by a strong argument in order for it to be accepted.

    There is no reason to lock this thread other than that you wont have to deal with it anymore.

    You just cant bring yourself to not talk down to us can you? If we bring in threadlocking and stuff like that, let me tell you that if I were a moderator on this forum you'd have at least one pm by now telling you to tone it down a notch.

    No one said you are a loser. No one said you are running away from the discussion. The fact that you are commenting here is clear evidence of that not being the case. All I ask of you is to bring some strong arguments against shields into the discussion and stop attacking and speaking down to those that actually try to argue shields.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If the Vanguards don't talk to the devs what do they do then? Just publish a newsletter?

    It really doesn't matter though. The developers themselves have spoken about shields, on numerous occasions and on video, and their stance on the matter is pretty clear. Not now and not sure when, if ever (in gist).

    Mavor himself has also said he does not let internet mobs, groups and/or polls dictate the game/s he is developing. He and Uber have their plans and goals. Discuss the topic all you want but doing it solely to get Uber to change their design goals is silly. After all they are the one making the game and a living off of it.
  6. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    As such we bring up arguments why Uber should consider adding shields to the game. Game development is a fluid process. It may be that Ubers stance on shields has been to not include them but that does not meant that that position is set in stone to never be changed ever by anyone.

    The supporters of shields and as such myself are trying to point out the benefits of shields in order to change Ubers stance on shields.
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    So, just take note nehekaras, if you are not entirely sure you can produce that thousand member petition, or other really great support FOR shields, then I think Garat is trying to let you know, you are quite possibly wasting every single moment spent at this thread.

    I feel like I am wasting mine. GL with shields m8.
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    they get to talk with them for a couple hours no real average it's an irregular schedule. any info they publish in the newsletter is based off that info.

    As for the shields+ devs. nothing's to say their opinion isn't to be swayed.

    it's not that they hate the concept. some of them do individually, like @garat. but others, like @neutrino are open to having them in. And the "for the moment" choice is not to work on them for 1.0 as they are extremely low priority.
    Last edited: June 1, 2014
    bradaz85 likes this.
  9. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    All I see is a thread full of people who want to include shields with a poll in favor of shields and some good points on why shields are a good idea. Good job at undermining your own position I guess?

    Im pretty sure the only entity who can get a large enough poll going is Uber Entertainment. They'd have to publish the poll everywhere in order to get as many people involved in voting.

    But then again Uber stated that they are not driven by polls but by their vision of the game. So all that needs to be done is fit shields into their vision of the game in order to have them included.

    And another one bites the dust. Next contestant please.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  10. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Let me phrase it in a different way:

    So far NO ONE has made a suggestion for a shield system which doesn't inherit the same fundamental flaws the shields in SupCom had.

    It's pretty much the same discussion as with "real orbits for the orbital layer". Sounded awesome, but was actually a terrible idea in terms of usability and gameplay options.

    Shields are just as bad. They tend to screw over the entire balancing as they are the equivalent of boosting the HP of every single unit which is protected by the shield. But not only that, they are actually wasting your enemies firepower.

    Under normal circumstances, you had to pay metal in order to counter your enemies firepower by reproducing / repairing. With shields, this fundamental mechanic is entirely screwed. You can just upgrade without dealing respect to upkeep until you are ready for steamrolling your enemy with gunships/tanks/whatever.

    We all saw where this led in SupCom. Precisely, I'm talking about the continuous exponential escalation of the economy which finally resulted in experimental spam. Inevitable.

    The only matches which did not suffer from this effects were the ones where either the map layout prevented shields from actually getting stressed to much (so they were only required as a binary counter for artillery) or when the matches ended before shields became economical.
  11. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    I'm not talking about putting blind faith into a developer I was highlighting the difference between vanilla and modded games, besides all of which unofficial patches are a thing, so both sides of the coin benefit from unofficial sources of support.

    I.e. shields will have better support (or more choices of support if you like) as an uber developed unit/structure than an exclusively modded in item.


    As for the whole, "UBER SAID NO SHIELDS STUPID" argument I see everywhere on this thread, might I point out they've have also said "NO GUNSHIPS" and we all know how that turned out.
  12. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    And all these gief us sheildz threads has done exactly what to convince Uber to introduce shields?

    shotforce13 likes this.
  13. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Hail Hydra.
  14. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Hey! I still think real orbits would be a good thing for PA.

    Treading new ground.
    KNight likes this.
  15. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    I'm pretty sure if Uber were to develop shields into the game (natively,) then they would also develop A toggle that can be set in a lobby to turn them off, just as nukes and many other features are meant to be, so I don't see the argument against really. There is an argument that Uber would be taking away valuable dev time and money/resources to develop shields, however, I'm quite biased in the fact that I would be good with that, I'd be happy for them to spend some time to develop shields into the game, because I think it would add a lot.

    Above all else, they would look so awesome, and (IMO) would suit the tone and art-style of the game very well (More so than some things in-game.)
    These robots are from way out in the future right? And they use walls and nukes?? How very human..
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    To be honest I don't think it's the development time. This has been an active topic even before production began for the game. Shields are just not in their vision for the base game. As for post-release support, no is certainly not an answer but more of "we'll see."
  17. keterei

    keterei Active Member

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    (I'm just now reading through this thread)

    And... All credibility out the door. You're arguing with textbook fallacies. Your hostile attitude and sense of entitlement don't help much either. You sound like a child.

    Saying that you're instantly correct because of your experience is a fallacy of authoritative argument. You are comparing another game with different mechanics, structure, and scope to this one without actually illuminating specific parts of Planetary Annihilation which could support your argument for shields. A logical fallacy. You tried, by saying that scouting is worthless, and multiple planets are too difficult to play on, but that's simply incorrect. If anything, it shows that you have not tried to play this game. Next is an ad hominem against Corang which speaks for itself.
    Last edited: June 1, 2014
  18. keterei

    keterei Active Member

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    To be fair, I think shields should be under the unconfirmed area, as neutrino didn't specifically say they'd never be in the game.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  19. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    What is Uber's Vision? Is it to make the robots seem like a mere extension of the human race? Honest question.
  20. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Before you get too ahead of yourself, shields don't make the robots any more/less human-like.
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