This kind of applies to the PC as well as the 360. In an effort for Supports to be better (for lack of a better term) "medics", should they get assists every time the person they're healing gets a kill? It seems like they are assisting in that kill by keeping that person alive. What does everyone think?
The devs have said all you need to do is do any damage to get an assist. So no. Just give a tap with the hurt. Learn to damage everything (bots, turrets, and pros) edit viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1019&hilit=support+assist&start=0
I would not have a problem with this... if the hurt gun was more reliable :evil: Seeing as how it's not, I wants my assists. I'm going to presume the main reason the devs haven't already done this is because it's probably a PITA to program. Like if say you healed up most of your team and they started killing, you would get a bunch of assists. This might throw off the currency system, so I'm guessing this is another reason why they might say no. Of course one way to counter that is to have the overheal be a certain level when your target started shooting another guy. Hence they only way the over heal could be this much is if you were healing them x seconds ago.
Maybe make a different kind of assist only for Supports? Call it a "Healsist" or something, and make it only $10? It's an idea.
It's been discussed time and time again. I for one am not a fan. All people would have to do is give someone about to kill a burst of health, when they don't need it, and get money. Unless the game could determine when the heal was needed and when it was not. Supports are meant to heal. That's why they have a heal gun! The reward for healing is already there. Your team is surviving, allowing them to push bots, kill pros more easier and ultimately, WIN!
So many times I overheal a gunner as he is going into a battle and he ends up in red health, without me he would of gotten destroyed. But I get nothing, except for a bit of juice.
So me and my friend tried this out after I read the thread the other day. Supports do get assists for healing. We both got assist credit for kills where we did no damage to the pro. We tried this multiple times and got assists without damaging anyone only healing. I/we could be wrong (it certainly wouldn't be the first time), but it appears to be the case that supports do get assists for heals.
It could very well give dumb supports an incentive to do their job rather than run around trying to get Shotgun Kills.
theres another side to that: put one bullet into a guy from the other end of the map with your assault rifle and you get $15. the DAMAGE you dealt was minimal at best, but you still get paid. i think you should get assists for actively healing during a battle. it would help a little with the fact that all the randoms leave base defense/building to the support.
Oh yeah. I totally forgot that. Assaults and gunners spray bullets everywhere and reap the assist rewards. I demand equality!
the problem is if support assists are separate from regular assists, then you will be able to get two.
I think you should only get an assist if you are actively healing the person who gets the kill. I am guilty of an over aggressive support in pubs but it would be different in a competitive setting.