MyMNCServer - Report a hacker

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by LennardF1989, December 26, 2010.

  1. Shmyea

    Shmyea New Member

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    I'll be looking forward to this.
  2. velo

    velo New Member

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    Good to hear. Hopefully it's a functioning demorec. This would also make creating gameplay video clips a lot easier.
  3. KrazySteel

    KrazySteel New Member

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    Where do I find AccessControl.ini?? I've looked everywhere in the server files, but it's not there!!
  4. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter New Member

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    Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\HostileGame\Config
  5. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    another hacker. :evil:

    edit: notice how he stole all my kills, also... he was sniper.

    Attached Files:

  6. discocrisco

    discocrisco New Member

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  7. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    No VAC ban yet, headshot on charge is entirely possible. Rest needs to be proven.
  8. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Even I was called a cheat by some noob new to the game. I really need some proof.

    @Mibuwulf: Did he do anything suspicious, actually. I mean, with all the current noobs around 52 kills is not impossible as a sniper?
  9. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    Is there any kind of hack affecting speed, distance, or precision of assassin lunges? I don't want to go crying hax against everybody just 'cause I lost but I saw someone pulling off ridiculous lunges at speeds WAAAAAAAAAY above the kind of gliding default lunge. Less a glide, more an instantaneous dart, and quite a bit further than an ordinary lunge.

    Edit: I tested a bunch of assassin stuff from different heights, with gold speed, juice, etc, and nothing even comes close to what this guy was doing. Either speed hacks exist for this game and he was using them, or MNC has some truly broken lag compensation.
    Last edited: February 1, 2011
  10. Dead Meat

    Dead Meat New Member

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    I think I caught a guy, LonelySCV ... his steam profile says he has a VAC ban too. He was getting snipper head shots as we were using the jump pad from our base (steel peel) to the second level.

    He knew I was recording (30 second demo limit sux).. I could see him scoping me out ... the only video I got of him was when he hit me with flak for no apparent reason for flaking that area. Not real proof I know but it's the best I got of him.
  11. ThisGuy_83

    ThisGuy_83 New Member

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    This dude here was using a aimbot hack and was able to spot cloaked lvl3 Assassins a 100 miles way from him and attacked them while they where cloaked and killed them perfectly with a rail gun as a Tank he also had Total Recoil.

    I also guessing he was using a wall hack as well it was really obvious as he got 52 kills all with his rail gun and spot Assassins at a ridicules range as they where cloaked and the fact he never ever missed one shot with that rail gun.
    Last edited: February 1, 2011
  12. rustyangel

    rustyangel New Member

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    Assassins are quite often the victims of lag, however this can also work in their favor. As someone who primaries as an assassin i've actually been accused of speed hacking, because of the dash + speed boost pick up from a kill + lunge can make you cover great distances in a short amount of time. Also again is the issue of where the lunge takes you is also subject to lag, often times my lunges have gone nowhere, just simply hovering in mid air for a few seconds and hardly traveling at all, where as in some cases i have gone farther than usual, and once or twice even right through people. there are some instances where after a grapple kill my assassin will start 'vibrating' and moves faster than normal.

    As for precision, yes, it can be very precise considering mouse and keyboard, and it was designed for the 360's analog controller, often times i've been able to dart around corners, and make 90 degree turns with it.

    I'm not saying a hack like that doesn't exist, might have been a new form of speed hacking, but it also could have been lag or speed buffs from kills. If you see the player again, take note and keep an eye on em.
  13. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Yes, the prior game he headshot me 2x in cqc (within 5 feet) while I was juiced as assault. I went from full HP while juiced, to having 1/3rd of it leftover.

    In the game with the screenshot, I did NOTHING but watch him steal every kill I had.

    Bes part: He fought in the middle with everyone else. He did nothing a regular sniper would do, such as sniping in the WAYYYY back.

    Every kill was a headshot. Not did he get lucky, but the entire kill monitor on the top-right was ALL HIS HEADSHOTS!

    edit: I've just never seen a pub sniper do this well. Most snipers kill with bodyshots or explosive dmg, no... he doesn't. He did every kill with a headshot. He didnt lay traps, use flak or any sniper skill.
  14. discocrisco

    discocrisco New Member

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    My bad, misinterpreted a google search on his Steam id. He's banned from a lot of TF2 servers.
  15. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    And that indicates he was hacking how? Just because you never saw a Sniper do it, doesn't mean they don't exist.

    Disclaimer: I rarely sit in base nor do I let bodyshots do the work unless I'm having a fit of "can't hit that"
  16. starclaws

    starclaws New Member

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    I agree with the KU cheating issue. Made my own thread as I didn't find this. How do you find their steam community page through MNC? The steam overlay doesn't seem to support player lists or server history.
  17. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Add Friend -> Recent Players

    or during the game check "recent game history" under players
  18. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I've played with you, you're good, but not super hacking material. :)

    This guy is different. When I watched him, within his 4 bullets in his clip, he had not waited in between headshots. He did it like this: boom, headshot, boom, headshot, boom, headshot, boom headshot. Also, targets within 5 feet and getting all headshots is a pretty rare feat.

    Like I said, you're good, but tell me how many players you've seen go beast as sniper that weren't hacking? This guy was definitely better than you. He didn't miss one shot.]

    edit: btw, I agree with where you're coming from, but he's MOST LIKELY hacking. You would say the same if you were there as well. All I can do is warn people that he may be hacking if you see him.
  19. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I have never accused anyone of cheating unless I had solid proof but I get your point. The problem is right now only your word stands, no videos or demos or anything.

    All I want is that people back up their claims with solid proof in order to minimise the chances for innocents to get banned wrongfully.
  20. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    True that, but I only wish I had fraps'd it. Anyway, good thing I don't see hackers in every match.

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