Give us Shields! Come on!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by wbonx, May 27, 2014.

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  1. wbonx

    wbonx Member

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    I'm also of the opinion that coding shields takes a lot of work and this is the main reason why they don't want to implement them, not because anyone thinks they would kill the game. Come on they could be just disable or not.

    My feeling is that they got stuck making a game that is too large scale, having to deal with the planets. This made impossible to code all that things that made supcom an incredibly solid game. I mean when you play supcom you really get a feeling of the solid physic engine behind it. Being on a hill or behind a mountain totally changes the tactic of the game. Every trajectory of a bullet is calculated real time and can end up against the wrong object, killing something else, or against a shield being absorbed.
    My feeling is that details in this sense are totally missing from PA, this is the reason why we don't see objects colliding with mountains/canions, we can't go over a hill and being behind a building doesn't cover you.
    The whole engine behind movement of troops and trajectory must be incredibly simple, like when an artillery is shooting is already decded where the bullet is gonna end no matter what happens in the midddle, what you see is just a silly animation, also a quite bad animation to be precise. This is part of thereason why you barely see bullets and they are not rapresented when you are zooming out.

    So in my modest opinion the absence of a decent physics engine for bullets is the reason why shield will never be implemented.
    I'm a developer and in terms of coding would be too hard, please stop saying this will be a mod, this is just impossible to mod.

    The reason why I made fun of starcraft is that the rts community has been always divided between starcraft like players and people that instead like a deeper level of strategy (like in supcom, some people not me once said this reflects also a different taste between US and EU people). This reflects also the quality of people writing in forums. I'm old and I have a lot of experience in participating in communities and forums. When I say old I mean.... "Utopia", who has ever played it?
    Based on this feeling, looks to me like PA and PA community choose to stay on the side of people that like less strategy and just bubbling troops around a screen. For me this kind of games (starcraft like) are just a waste of time.

    Anyway, I thought it was interesting to give my opinion, unlucky apparently i was in the wrong place, I really hope someone at a certain point will rise 2Millions on kickstarter to make the real sequel of supremecom and total annihilation.
    elwyn and bradaz85 like this.
  2. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    I bet some of these pro shield people also like the metal band: Rage against the machine :p

    I don't see why some people have such a hard time accepting a fact that there will not be shields in the game. You make it so damn hard on yourself and keep circling in anger and disapointment, instead of looking at the points of the game you do like, then shooting of everything because 1 thing is missing from your perspective. Accept that there are no shields, anger and disapointment solve nothing in this world when it comes to something you can not change.
  3. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    Now you are simply arguing with yourself. Nice Job!

    It is my stated opinion that I cant find out because to find out I would need shields inside the game to see how they behave.

    You say you already know that shields wont work but provide no proof.

    The burden of proof lies on your end not on mine.

    Again my stance is that there is no Information to look at. The Information we already have is flawed since it comes from different games who behave different.

    Wich to me indicates a demand for shields in the community. There is nothing going against trying out Shields besides time needed. I am pretty sure that we do have the time to test shields out.
    elwyn likes this.
  4. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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  5. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    6,820 shields....Anyone?
  6. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    By a handful of people. And time and again the same pro and con opinions crop up. In fact, i laughed pretty hard when my search showed numerous Brian Purkiss "not this thread again" posts.
    squishypon3 and DeadStretch like this.
  7. wbonx

    wbonx Member

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    I just browsed AGAIN some of the old threads.... looks like there are only 8-10 people flooding the forum with this anti Shield idea..... guys if you are some young starcraft fun trolls, just go partecipate in some other discussion, you provide no valid arguments.
    Every single person that played supcom 2 FA enough knows that shields are awesome.
    Every single supcom 2 player on FAF is right now blaming the way this game got developed... just go and give a look on FAF.

    Shields could easily be balanced and would add a lot to strategy, then people could choose to use them or not.... the only outcome is that with shields people couldn't just create bubbles of troops making every single game boring.... I played a lot of games in PA and I still didn't get a decent one (often I win by bubbling).

    Just stop arguing against, let's implement them and then we see, they can get disabled later.
    This game looks too lame in this gamma status.

    For the 4 trools flooding this thread with weak comments against... (I just checked and you are also flooding every single other thread)... just consider not giving your opinion if it is not adding something new.
    Again....: consider not giving your opinion if you are saying nothing more.
    elwyn likes this.
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I played FA and Sup2.

    Shields were crap.
    Pendaelose and shotforce13 like this.
  9. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    because the rest just facepalms and walks away. i actually take the time to tell people this is just echoing previous threads.

    also, it's "troll" and not "trool"

    Uhm how? you're only going to require bigger blobs to overcome the stronger defences.
  10. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    I like you. You see what Im seeing, means Im not paranoid!
    elwyn and wbonx like this.
  11. spainardslayer

    spainardslayer Well-Known Member

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    Have you actually read any of the earlier pages of this thread? A few people have clearly stated that the developers are planning to leave shields out.

    I say again, no matter how much you argue, shields are not going to happen. Stop trying to make them happen.

    I don't see what's to hard about that.
    DeadStretch likes this.
  12. nehekaras

    nehekaras Member

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    I dont think Ubers opinion cant be changed. They are not gods, they are humans like you and me, wich means they can change their stance.
    elwyn likes this.
  13. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Please don't megaquote like that.

    Also, Mavor is impartial on the stance. It's a certainty it's not gonna happen before release, but beyond that the options are open.


    Mobile shields is something i'm not sure of. i think bigger defences either way just make a cry for bigger guns meaning shields become a necessity rather than a strategic route. A unit with a personal shield can have pros and cons, but a bubble mobile shield is something i think falls victim to the problems of the bubbleshield.
  14. nofear1299

    nofear1299 Active Member

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    What you are forgetting is there are hundreds of threads requesting x or y feature. You are choosing to ignore everything we are saying by saying "give proof in this game" which is obviously impossible right now.

    Fact of the matter is - there are tons of "pro" level players here, from TA, from Supcom, from FA, even Starcraft. They have spoken out against shields. 95% of us have. You are choosing to ignore @brianpurkiss' point that they can not be balanced properly and will not fit in with a game like this. Everyone will just go around them; they will just add health to x amount of units under the shield (which really is the equivalent of using combat fabbers, barring the shield going down and the "buff" stopping).

    We are not adding anything new as we have gone through this 100 times already, the pros and cons have been killed to death already. If you did actually read the old threads we would not have been having this discussion.

    You keep saying how you are an "old gamer" etc and as such your opinion must hold more water than ours? That's crap. Your comments are just as baseless.

    You seem to be ignoring the fact that most of us played FA as well, and guess what? We didn't like shields there. They add no real value to the game aside from, you guessed it, a health buff. I would much rather Uber puts time into features that will have a meaningful impact on the game than on something that will make about 5 people happy that they can make a little simcity base. Then all of us will come with our lovely little army (that you don't have because you spent all your res making bubbles everywhere) and win.
    Pendaelose and brianpurkiss like this.
  15. wbonx

    wbonx Member

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    X spainard slayer:

    Man are you stupid or what? We are here discussing what we see as a problem.
    By stating the developers are not introducing shields you are stating nothing.... everyone knows that and this is the reason why I'm here writing. Isn't this clear enough for you?
    If they were going to introduce them do you think I would have wasted my time here asking to introduce them?

    Stop trolling and go somewhere else writing stupid stuff.

    Please Devak... you also seem really nice and smart guy.... but please go partecipate in some other discussions... OMG.
  16. AfailingHORSE

    AfailingHORSE Member

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    Wbonx, your ignorance knows no bounds does it? You make broad assumptions, you insult those that make objective arguments to what you propose and dismiss there arguments. Your only defense is if you disagree with me than you want this game to be like starcarft, which is one of the most subjective arguments I have ever seen...
  17. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    please don't fight fire with fire.


    there's been enough discussion on this that i can fight your points by quoting others.

    The problem is not that the shields can't be balanced, but that it requires a sacrifice. Either units become overpowered through their inclusion or useless without shields.

    EDIT: Damn this thread goes fast. can't even edit my posts in time
  18. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    As soon as you start insulting people rather than making points to support your argument, you show that you have no argument.

    Please look at rule 2, 3, & 4.

    This thread has degraded and should be closed.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  19. AfailingHORSE

    AfailingHORSE Member

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    In the end you are right, however, I'm just tired of the insults. If he were to just stop insulting people, I could leave this thread happy.
  20. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I'll just make the comment that calling some of the most active and constructive members of this forum 'trolls' for disagreeing with you is doing nothing to strengthen your argument.

    If you can't argue without resorting to ad-hominem, please refrain from doing so at all.

    EDIT: the point about ad-homs applies to everyone - attack the argument, not the person.
    Last edited: May 28, 2014
    godde, squishypon3, wbonx and 3 others like this.
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