That'd be pretty cool.
Ya I read that too...but I took away from that that they haven't quite devised a stable way of doing so with server-side hosting yet. Or maybe to save the AI state, unit placement, etc all might be taking up too much room per session? I don't know...but that'd be sweet if this happens before 1.0 they can bet on a lot more early purchases. I've long since gotten over not saving...but do appreciate the Galactic War saving. I think they might have the client-side saving figured out, but I think with how the game is currently executed maybe it's more of a challenge, hence the "still thinking and working on" part of that statement. I have faith they'll make it happen if they can do so without breaking the game.
Interesting. Also, I hate to be a conspiracy nut, but... Also worrying. The more 1.0 features I see come in pre-1.0 the more I think we may be stuck in "pre-1.0" for a long, long time. Hm. We'll find out, I s'pose.
I'd love to stay in "pre-1.0" for a very long period of time rather than releasing an unfinished mess *cough* unit cannon *cough* submarines *cough* ....
Kinda like Battlefield 4. I'd rather take longer, but, get a good product. And I think Uber has the same mindset.
if crashed games stored replays, this would cut rightful griping in half. Crash the server? Start over from the crashed replay. Why are you complaining about the server crash here? Why aren't you finishing? Sheesh. this is my most anticipated feature, stuff you unit cannoners...
Didn't they anticipate a continuous automatic save, so that you could wind back on the replay, and re-start over from any point in time?
I know we will be able to rewind and start over from any point in time. I don't remember anything confirmed about a continuous automatic save. With the chronocam, I imagine it would be. That certainly would revolutionize the gaming industry.
pause is a feature that we really should get by yesterday. There is no reason not to implement it right now, apart from maybe trolling us. Storing and loading games has not much to do with private servers as well. We have replays of every single game available to us. Replays = Save games. It's just that the tech to restart a game from the middle of a replay seems not to be completely build yet.
Yeah. Now that PA is a lot more flushed out and a lot closer to feature complete, this definitely should become a lot higher priority.
It turns out replays are like saved games, but not exactly like saved games. Basically it is a save of what the history server, aka the chronocam knows about a certain time in the game. We still need to do work to go through that history, and initialize the Sim with every aspect of the game at that time. That means going through 1 by 1 and getting each object type created and then connected with a new history. It's more tedious than hard, and we may discover that there are things the Sim needs to know that we didn't save in the history, so then we'll have to add those things.
it would be nice to have the save game feature prior launch, i would like to save a player vs AI game
Are there going to be cloudsaves? Or have galactic war unlocks synced via Ubernet? Because I played a lot of galactic war on one computer, and when I wanted to try the BACON commander on my laptop later nothing was unlocked :3