Download link (which I'm not being allowed to include) is saying "The username or password provided is incorrect." The "forgot username or password" thing is saying "Could not find UberNet account with that e-mail address. Please try again". Other people in IRC are also having these problems. And I apparently don't have a new enough build downloaded to play.
Welcome to the forum E-mail or submit a ticket at We can't do anything here sorry but that on the forum.
I've opened a support thread for myself. This is a large issue. I bought a couple days ago and can't get in now, but could before; same exact issue as above.
I have a similar problem, and opened a ticket as well. I have a suspicion as to what the problem is, but I don't know the guts.
Okay now the link isn't working for me. Just used it today and it worked fine. Does everybody just see white?
I purchased directly (, on May 23rd. Somebody in IRC reproduced the problem with an account that's not new - "I've owned since gamma pre-galactic".
Well here is the problem redirecting to the developers login screen from the Ubur store.
Crap. I was hoping there was a dev to PM them but there isn't. Just know I have to wait until they notice it.
Thanks, didn't realize it wasn't supposed to do that. Tried replacing with (just a guess), and got a blank white page, which I'm guessing is what a few other people are seeing.
Did the same thing about white screen as well I tried it. e.g. - doesn't work.