Give us Shields! Come on!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by wbonx, May 27, 2014.

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  1. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Did ZePilot put you up to writing this post? ;)
  2. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I disagree with you on this. On both counts. For one, if you kickstarted PA, you were presented with what is planned, and what the game has to offer from the very start. The developers have kept every promise they made. And they have created the development roadmap for the base game and stretch goals with this feature set in mind. Anything else, such as shields, were never promised or even hinted at, so I wouldn't think it to be unfair that it's not included in 1.0.

    Also, a few million dollars is not very much money when ot comes do game development. GTA V had a few hundred million budget.

    That said, they plan on supporting PA post release, and as a platform, so it's not imaginable for them to make it to vanilla PA eventually, and I'm sure it'll be modded in way before that.

    On the strategy side, I don't think they are that essential. Actually the opposite is true I believe, since the lack,of shields will force you to work out new strategies, rather than having a convenient solution to all your problems.
    Pendaelose likes this.
  3. wbonx

    wbonx Member

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    Popedi, I played quite extensively, I don't get crushed so easily don't worry, we can play sometime if you like.

    But having control on the territory is really hard without shields, the strategic level gets way lower, controlling multiple planets gets really tricky.

    Guys you are all old enough when to understand that when I say developers must have been too lazy to implement shields, I don't mean to be offensive. I know about developing and I know is a feature hard to implement. I know there are a lot of bugs and things to solve.
    In my modest opinion they could have even avoided at all war on multiple planets by making war funny on a single planet. Then introducing multiple planets and scaling up in ver. 2.0.
    Right now the way it is the game is just not fun and on a single planet it looks too much starcraft like.
    The strategy is limited much more by the fact that we are playing on a sphere.
    It is almost impossible to keep control on a region of the map other then the main base.

    And being honest I think this is the reason why they are keeping farming metal so easy, the game is always just about massive productiona and nuking.... year 2014 they are coming out with a game much less funny then supreme commander, but I'm sure it will sell a lot, just because a lot of people don't like real rts but are happy with nerfed ones. i.e. starcraft and this PA.
  4. midspark

    midspark Member

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    Get a load of this guy.
    nimro, nofear1299, corteks and 3 others like this.
  5. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    If ya want Shields, mod your own system for them in...or pay someone to do it for a personal mod :p

    Otherwise, there will be no shields. Just like in good ol TA. <3
  6. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    You, me, and everybody else do not have the right to demand things from the developer. We can make suggestions and influence the game design but we do not have the final say on anything. That is left up to neutrino as planetary annihilation lead creative designer. Neutrino designed the bubble shields for sup com. He decided not to put them into this game for reasons if you search will find out. please stop with the personal attacks they don't help your point. As per your money idea it does not give the right to demand things.
  7. wbonx

    wbonx Member

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    Wrong, they made money on the hype of supreme commander, then they made starcraft with multiple planets.
    I was presented witha game made by people that worked on supreme commander... which means SHIELDS!

    If there is one sure thing is that shields can't be modded in later. 100% sure about this.

    But again let's stay in topic, the strategy is gonna loose 50% of the fun.
    And stop complaining about turtling, if you ever played supreme commander at a decent level you know turtling is not an option or you get smashed every single game. You can't turtle on the whole map... thus you loose territory control, you loose mass, you get smashed.

    How do you turtle on planetary annihilation???! Covering the whole planet with shields? And what about the mass you trash on that when others are controlling the rest of the planets?!
    Come on guys.... stop with this weak arguments.

    Give us shields.... if they don't work we balance later or disable them for people that like starcraft!
  8. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    Djees wbonx settle down, shield have no impact on strategy, the only thing shields do is delaying destruction, that's all.
    MrTBSC, corteks and brianpurkiss like this.
  9. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Bubble shields are a definite and unchangeable "no".
    Directional shields might happen, but we can't be sure.

    A good amount of the community does not want bubble shields, Uber can't please everyone, pleasing the majority is their best bet.

    Now can we all just take a breather and accept this?
    godde, websterx01 and brianpurkiss like this.
  10. wbonx

    wbonx Member

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    Not sure about that.... my feeling is that you can get stronger control on strategic points. I.e. clusters of metal, or bottle necks.
    I also think they would give you the chance to counteract, just that 30 seconds more to understand what's happening when you were looking at another planet and make your decision, move troops build defences.
  11. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I'm sorry but they never said this was a spiritual successor to supcom, but to TA. TA didn't have sheilds, and the devs don't want them, as do many people here on the forums.
    stuart98 and MrTBSC like this.
  12. wbonx

    wbonx Member

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    Who is Zepilot? Must be a smart guy ,)
  13. midspark

    midspark Member

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    1) There are almost no bottle necks in these maps.
    2) 30 seconds to understand? That's not even enough time to get your forces across your base, let alone to a strategic point. If you feel that threaten by your enemy, you can easily make radar that cover half of the ******* planet. Very hard to miss all the dots slowly moving through the landscape. A T1 radar can give you 30+ seconds to realize you're ****'s about to get wreck. T2 gives you like, half an hour.
    3) You should know where your enemies' troops are. If you don't, you're playing RTS's wrong.
    4) Static defenses are useless.
    5) You've never played Starcraft if you think this game is like Starcraft.
    lokiCML likes this.
  14. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    > INB4 Reply by Brian about searching before posting.

    No, but seriously- you should search before starting up another topic about something already talked about over and over, just resurrect an old one from the past. Necro it.
    corteks likes this.
  15. wbonx

    wbonx Member

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    I would love to find a single person that played supreme commander (best rts ever made) and would choose not to have shields.

    supreme commander is an unofficial sequel to TA, PA is an unofficial sequel to both of them. When doing the kickstarter compain thay made large use of the hype around supreme commander and mentioned supreme commander everywhere. This means we are supposed to get shields or they made us buying a game that is different from what we payed for.

    but let's stay in topic, why are you saying people hate shields? Is everyone here on the american side of RTS? i.e. starcraft ?
    paulusss likes this.
  16. wbonx

    wbonx Member

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    I searched, I think in the discussion there are new arguments not mentioned. Anyway I don't want to bring up a super old post, makes more sense now, after months of development discuss about the shield option again.
  17. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    Not having shield would be a desaster in SupCom since you have units and structures with WAY WAY WAY larger range then you have in PA so you can not compare the 2. And PA has not used the hype around SupCom you asume far to mutch.
  18. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Supreme commander was also on a SQUARE plain.
    Shields wouldn't work well on a sphere. Because there's always going to be a way around it.
  19. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Meh, they didn't mention Supcom that often, TA however they seemed to put some emphasis on it.

    So yeah, a lot of people here were very, very, hard core Supcom players, many dislike shields just because of how easily stackable and spammable they were, similar to how many don't like mass fabs/ metal makers. A lot of people here just want to go back into TA's balance, improved, no shields, and other such things.

    I personally see the reasoning of why you'd like shields, and could see how they could be useful as well, but it'd be a little difficult to balance and I'm afraid a lot just wouldn't like it, including the devs, and half me. :p
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    It obvious this person doesn't care about past discussions. Several threads have been linked and still they have not faltered.
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