Could they bring Planetary Annihilation to the xbox 360? Or even better the xbox one? I mean the graphics are great on that game and rival that of titanfall or even dark souls! The content is unbelievable! Shut up and take my money! Do a barrel roll! haha le memes are funny lol Here's hoping they do.
Strategy RTS games don't have that large of an audience on consoles but maybe if it was kickstarted then maybe just maybe UBER could do it
I would love to see that, however like lol said I think it'd be a flop :/ There isn't a lot of RTS games out there really doing well. Also, I don't know if you have played any RTS games, but they seem to be a real pain in the *** to try and navigate on Xbox, like, controllers on RTS's don't do it for me sadly!
Isn't it just the greatest game ever!!! It's so cool, i love it!!! Even better than Dust! wow can't wait