Orbital Suggestion

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by driecoolguy36, May 26, 2014.

  1. driecoolguy36

    driecoolguy36 New Member

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    I think Uber is going in the right direction with orbital, but I have a small suggestion to make the orbital and late game more dynamic.

    The anchors are a good t2 defensive unit, but what about a t2 offensive unit? The only option for attack (more or less) is to send a bunch of fighters accompanied by fabs that build tps and anchors.

    I think orbital warfare really needs a more "d-day" aspect of it and that would come with the "Crusader" ship class. Can only be built in orbital facs and is very expensive, but serves as powerful spearhead for an assault. It can both go into orbit and atmosphere at will (kinda like an astreus, except there's a button/hotkey that can do it). It can attack nearly every single unit in the game and does large damage to ground units, as it can target many different units at a time and has a high rate of fire. It can also shoot aircraft and orbital craft, but much less effectively than ground, and can be effectively countered by fighters and AA turrets. To boot, it can carry about 10 units in a cargo hold and can drop them when in atmosphere, making it double as a tough, albeit expensive, transport vehicle.

    To accompany this, a nerf (needed imo) to tps so that they would be WAY more expensive and slow to build, but have much more health, so that its less easy to sneak in, put a tp, and pump out an enormous army in seconds onto another planet.
    badfucatus likes this.
  2. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    or SX lasers not getting shot down so easily by 1 umbrella, let alone the usual umbrella spam that people do
    I do think that more orbital units are coming, uber just isnt prioritizing that (as usual)
  3. driecoolguy36

    driecoolguy36 New Member

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    Eh, i just have a thing for Star wars esque spaceships. I've always found huge space fleets awesome in sci fi (half because of when they stop a ftl jump and all come to a standing stop at the same time)
  4. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    Trust me, it will get modded in when PA gets completely released and ready for the modding community

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