Combat engis

Discussion in 'Support!' started by driecoolguy36, May 25, 2014.

  1. driecoolguy36

    driecoolguy36 New Member

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    If you use combat engis to assist factories, units are build almost instantly (t1 engis mind you, i dont even want to imagine t2 combat engis). Can pump out enormous armies insanely fast out of few factories. Can be completely game breaking if it is exploited.

    Seriously, someone pumped out 150 inferno tanks before the 10 min mark and still had good tech and eco.
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Uber doesn't care about balance. They're leaving that to modders.
  3. driecoolguy36

    driecoolguy36 New Member

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    Wait what? If i'm getting what you're saying, that means that the only balanced versions of the game will be modded? Have they said this? That seems like an incredibly dumb development practice. Balancing is a key part of a game. Noone wants to play a game where anything is OP for very long.
  4. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    No, I'm saying that I, along with others, will be making balance mods as soon as the next PTE is out and that Uber will use the stats in these mods to come up with game balance.
  5. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    No. Stuart is giving Uber a hard time. He doesn't actually mean that.

    That being said, balance is being actively worked on by Uber. Balance is a moving target and they go too far in one direction, and then not far enough in another direction, to try and find the middle ground.

    However, there is a large section of the community that thinks Uber's balance concepts are way off, and we're gonna be working on a good balance once we can mod the game.

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