Galactic War Build: 66567

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, May 22, 2014.

  1. hiddenleaf18

    hiddenleaf18 New Member

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    oh boy where to start,

    Add a save and exit feature to actual battles, reason being the battles can take several hours and not all of us have no other commitments that need to be seen to. so when quitting equals to losing the entire war it gets on your nerves especially when your half-way done. (and i may just be an idiot and just cant find the option, but if i have it should be more obviously found)

    Add a retreat option, similar reason to the first, it can come at a cost of surrendering one of your techs or something but there should be one, if the battle is hopeless i'd much rather lose a single planet than the entire war.

    improve the AI, i'm a complete noob and as such i play on the lowest difficulty, however the lowest setting seems to give you a 10 minute window (at best) before spamming you with bombing runs, the easiest setting should be easy even for complete noobs still trying to work out the game.

    Add a tutorial. a proper tutorial not a video tutorial, telling people thy need to do something doesnt automatically mean they can. and if there is said tutorial have be the first thing you do before being allowed to see the menu (for people running the game for the first time)

    optimise the graphics i'm running a computer only slightly below the minimum requirements but its is incredibly slow and laggy when there's either too many troops on the field or more than 1 planet.

    stop the disclaimer. i mean having to agree to the disclaimer every single time i load the game is getting annoying and it may be just me but its still a problem that needs fixing.

    other than that the game is shaping up to be an excellent game and is always fun to play, well done.
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Check the modding forums, there is a mod manager there. In it you can find a tiny mod called "Acceptance" which deals with the disclaimer.
    Remy561 likes this.
  3. snierke

    snierke Active Member

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    1) This build is lagging a lot. Never had this lagging before. I think it is the server because it happens with all players I play with!
    2) The new icons outline is to fat imo.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
    kayonsmit101 and n00n like this.
  4. k4trix

    k4trix Member

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    On metal planet if you got one ally he often get stuck in middle.
  5. cg49me

    cg49me Member

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    Absolutely LOVING GW!!

    Main issues I have are AI coms starting in areas that they can't get out of (such as the borders of trenches on metal planets) and having to click "fight" multiple times before actually getting a game to start (keep getting "failed to start game"). The infinite "generating planets" issue seems to have gone away for me in this build (sometimes have to wait almost 2 min, but it always kicks out of it eventually).
  6. nevillecook

    nevillecook New Member

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    I am finding this build VERY laggy. I have had some lag before, but never this bad. Even with a small number of units on a single planet.
    Specifically it seems to be the mouse operations that lag the most. The selection of units can be VERY bad. The selection of commands is so slow that you sometimes need to wait several seconds for the command to take effect. The selection of move destinations lags a lot too.
    I'm not sure what was done in this build, because I heard Zephod say that this build was less laggy that recent builds, but that the opposite to my experience.
    iacondios, kayonsmit101 and warrenkc like this.
  7. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    The original patch I thought was better but the hotfix has really bad selection lag for me.
    FSN1977, kayonsmit101 and warrenkc like this.
  8. assemblerbot

    assemblerbot New Member

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    Hi, yesterday I've tried Galactic war build (clean installation, without mods) and was able to play through about 10 maps. There are my notes:

    1. There is a huge memory leak in the game after every battle (between 500MB and 1GB), game just needs more and more memory until it crashes or it is closed by system (in my case I was able to play 2 maps in row, I have just 6GB RAM with swap file turned off - I know it's probably under minimal requirements but still - leak is there).

    2. Normal difficulty is very easy .. after 7-8minutes enemy just build extractors and power plants plus one factory (while me and my ally AI had an army + many scout units).

    3. Controls are little bit rough, there are few tool tips missing, some functions don't have keyboard shortcuts (load/unload) and some things are just strangely complicated - I've tried everything I could imagine but wasn't able to force two Teleporter buildings to do something :) , some better tutorial would be nice

    4. Generated planets are good but I'm missing human touch there: every planet has almost the same open layout without natural obstacles which is ok but I'd rather see some variations not in just planet's color but in layout (corridors, choke points, open areas, sometimes even impossibility to reach enemy by ground..)

    PS: it is still great game and I enjoyed every minute of it, thanks
  9. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    You can transport combat units in astreus as well, not just fabbers. get a few orbital launchers up, spam astreus', and then pick up a tonne of infernos or something, plus a few fabbers, then do a mass drop on the target planet, have your fabbers build a teleporter, and then flood in more units.
  10. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    If you have the swap file disabled you will not be successful. I tried that and it would crash.

  11. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    Sub-commanders would be much more useful if they built teleporters, as then you could build your own and use them. Just a random thought that should go somewhere.
    zweistein000 likes this.
  12. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    Sorian is working on improving the ai's interplanetary play (that includes teleporters) :)
  13. mckalistair

    mckalistair New Member

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    When I start a galactic war battle, I get to see the planet, the soundtrack gets about 4 notes in and then the game freezes and crashes.
  14. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    Speed modifiers in general don't seem to work, that's a bug.
  15. SamseDK

    SamseDK New Member

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    In GW i cant move suddenly, i just defeated the first purple boss, and moved back, now i cant move anymore...whats wrong???

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  16. k4trix

    k4trix Member

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    Another big point !
    Allyed AI share your percks, and when you start wihout factory, they are doing nothing in game :S

    Ai should at least always have a basic factory.
  17. Alphasite

    Alphasite Active Member

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    Alternatively, if there was a "Request Building" option, where you can select an allied commander and place a building, the game then puts an alert through to them and they can choose whether or not to build it.
  18. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    Are there going to be cloudsaves? Because I unlocked the BACON commander on one pc, and wanted to try it on another today, but sadly enough it was locked :3
  19. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Opps, you f***ed up now...

    It is a bug where, if you mash click while in transit somewhere, it will come up as "scanning system" on a system you own, and all the buttons below the system will go away, and it won't let you select another system. Loading game reloads this stuck state exactly.

    It might get patched to fix saves, it should get patched to prevent that state, but either way that game is jammed permanently atm, start a new one.
  20. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I'd like to see the advanced tech be used without basic. Right now they are useless without basic, and I think it could be rather interesting to have advanced only in a category.

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