Stupid Sub-Commanders

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Kola2, May 25, 2014.

  1. Kola2

    Kola2 Member

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    Just recently won my first galactic war and i really hate how dumb my sub-commanders are.
    I mean why the heck would you build halleys on a planet which all still surviving commanders are on, and then not use them.
    And why spam air on your own planet when you have radar coverage over their planet and know they have no orbital (which makes me lagg baaad!)?
    I also hate how they land their comm on the places on metal planets where you can't go anywhere because you are stuck in some kind of eletronic canion.

    I think they could be a little smarter and stop doing this stupid things.
  2. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    This is Gamma, it's early access and the game is not done yet. AI is being worked on constantly. It's getting smarter and smarter. Also @sorian said that AI is dumb for the current build and will get improved.
  3. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    I'm more concerned about how much easier it makes the campaign. Perhaps limit them to Easy mode or later on in the other difficulties. I picked one up before my second fight and it made it a steamroll.
  4. prime1309

    prime1309 New Member

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    I don't think limiting them is a good idea, if people want a harder game they can just not pick them up. I'd prefer if they let the decision of whether or not to take extra sub commanders to the people who are playing the game.
  5. nightbasilisk

    nightbasilisk Active Member

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    Ya. OP stuff is perfectly fun in singleplayer.

    Its only really an issue on the large map sizes anyway from what I've seen.
  6. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    There needs to be a way of issuing even basic commands to them. They're underlings, not equals.
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    technically you're faced here with the smartest AI you've ever seen.

    potentially the smartest currently in existence.

    That doesn't mean it'll do things you deem "smart"

    contrary to other games where AI was a vulgarized term and a lie basically translating to : "the game has been told to do this in this case, do that in that case ect..." and it's just a series of actions triggered by events, not to mention 100% of these had full map visibility and economy cheats.

    the normal AI in PA is an authentic thinking machine that plays the game as you do. It does not have economy boost, it doesn't see any more map than you would in it's place and it makes all it's decision on it's own from it's database of neural networks.

    it's a learning AI and it's being worked on, it's going to get better undoubtedly.

    playing it on hard will give it extra economy.

    And currently the AI in GW is bugged so it's a much less performant version, go see how it fares in a normal match versus you.

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