Galactic War Issue

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by brianpurkiss, May 22, 2014.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    So is leaving the planet and search for tech elsewhere out of the question?
  2. Alphasite

    Alphasite Active Member

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    Theres nothing wrong with randomness in SP, in competitive play its a different issue, but SP and MP and only tangentially related, as you can see in SC2.
    Pendaelose likes this.
  3. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    Fair enough. Guys, did anyone spot a retreat button at all? You know, just in case you want to get shot by a commissar because RETREAT IS FOR HERETICS!!!!!

    Sorry got a bit carried away. So anyone see a retreat button?
    Paappa likes this.
  4. Antiglow

    Antiglow Well-Known Member

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    I will if I can confirm it is a universal issue, but if it is just me there is no point. I posted it here because of all the dev involvement so they can run a quick test and check if it is a real problem, and also so other form members can confirm/deny if they are experiencing it too so I can then post it on bugs issues + bug tracker.
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    that's backwards. you're supposed to report it on the bugtracker first, THEN people go comment and upvote your bug.
  6. Alphasite

    Alphasite Active Member

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    I think by backstory, he mean the behind the scenes story. Drama and **** that went into making it; take for example the biggest chuck of fallout:nv's lore originating in Van Buren and the behind the scenes of all the characters there.
  7. Antiglow

    Antiglow Well-Known Member

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    Really?, seems like that way would clutter up and be too messy to find the real bugs regardless of the voting/comment system. But whatever I will post it there if you so desire.
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    trust me. not going on the bugtracker has been the bane of this game.

    it's there, use it. and especially it's upvote feature, which is how things get done.
  9. Nalin

    Nalin New Member

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    I had this same issue, and the cause was that some of my Astraeuses weren't carrying units. It seems that if not all of them are carrying a unit, the unload will fail. Once I made sure every single one had time to pick up a unit, I never had that problem again.
    Paappa likes this.
  10. keterei

    keterei Active Member

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    I think progressive tech upgrades would only be okay in a story line setting, such as the first starcraft where you started with only basic stuff and gained more options with the story. This would, of course, require a set story-line and displace a procedurally generated system to say, a choice after completing the storyline for replay-ability. I'd much prefer that to the current way galactic war is set up. Then again, maybe that is what you guys intend to do, and this is just the bare-bones version? I'm excited if that's the case.
  11. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    The whole point is that it isn't scripted. They don't have any plans for a scripted campaign.

    Mods will eventually add scripted campaigns.

    But I'd much rather not have a story and have increased replayability. Waiting for the storyline monologue always annoyed me anyways. I just wanted to play the game, not listen to a half baked story that doesn't alter what I do at all.

    I want explosions, so I play an RTS. When I want a story, I read a book. But that's just me.
  12. sodusentinelx

    sodusentinelx Member

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    How would anyone stand against this option:

    The Tank Commanders is the first one unlocked right? But what is a Tank Commander without Heavy Tanks (i'm talking T2 here). This could've solved brians problem, being able to build the sheller. I'm not saying to give away ALL the T2 tech for free (like you guys said: the point is being creative with your limited options) but it should be possible to either win or lose. A draw is out of the question...

    T1 Fabbers CAN build a T2 Factory: but this only enables the T2 units until the corresponding upgrade (to unlock the Full T2 for your commander) is found on the map.
  13. valheria

    valheria Active Member

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    To me the biggest issue is the constant disconnects i get every time i try out galactic war.. So i can't even play it heh. But multiplayer still works fine plus there are many UI bugs on the galaxy screen that need sorting out.
  14. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    i like the randomness, but yesterday after 1 battle i had Complete Bot and Complete Air tech. (1 uninhabited planet and 1 battle).

    So yea, being able to spam air, bots and tanks after 1 battle kind of takes the limitations.

    SO don't make tech random, make it procedural. ;)
    nofear1299 likes this.
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I got the same with superweapons starting with assault commander once. So basically, no turrets, but all t1 factories, then I collected bot t2, air t2, superweapons, and full orbital, with build arm and eco efficiency.

    that was the best galactic war ever. Didn't worry about stalemates, just capped a planet, cleaned my spawn planet, and annihilated their spawn planet. Or in case of 2 planet, just nuclear carpetbomb. The last match, built minute nucks from 4 launchers, and chucked at metal spots like a game of battleship, blindly, for 12 minutes until scoring a kill on all commanders.

    Suggestion: make the game where, instead of tech being locked, it is available at a huge deficiency. Basically, keep things, but anything that would be locked, instead modify with triple cost and or slower build speed. So using vehicles if unlocked is the obvious thing. Using naval and air, available to build but you won't get very much of it, buildable only in necessity basically. Same with orbital, in rare case commander stuck in orbit, you can build avenger but 2 would cost 10. When you unlock air or orbital, they become basic cost and such, practically unlocking their use in typical circumstances.

    that, or make tech somewhat predictable or player upgraded. Or at very least add tools to prevent stuck commanders lol.
    Last edited: May 27, 2014
  16. nofear1299

    nofear1299 Active Member

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    Well you lucky, I still have no air after 30 odd wins :( or deeper orbital. I could of taken it earlier but it would of meant taking away a vital tech:(
    Pendaelose likes this.
  17. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Well my problem is that after the battle, all my tech disappeared. I used Printscreen to make a screenshot and came up black. Then i ran out of time. So this evening i'll report the bug proper and see if any fixes exist.
  18. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    I've found the limitations by far the most enjoyable part of the Galactic War. I've used units that never even earned a second glance in a skirmish mode and it's been fantastic. I love the randomness and that no two campaigns I've started are remotely similar to each other.

    My only problem so far is that I have *never* found nukes, KEWs, or Orbital units. I've found upgrades for all of these, but my only interplanetary option is to spam transports and drop as many units as I can... then I get hit with "we need to be in a perfect formation before we land". My Aestrus are lined up by the dozens trying to make a perfect formation while enemy avengers eat them alive. Every time a transport is shot down the formation feels the need to adjust to close the gap before they'll land. If the enemy has enough anti-orbital fire the transports never even attempt landing

    I sent 100 transports but only 20 made it to the planet surface.... then I got swarmed by countless enemy bombers and my invasion was over. Rinse and repeat sending only AA bots by the hundreds until the enemy lost enough bombers to make a teleporter possible. It took hours and I lost thousands of units for no good reason. Without a viable interplanetary assault the multi-planet-spawn maps are pointlessly difficult. Even with a rock solid economy and a strong defensive position there was nothing I could reasonably do.

    I finally won my match and got the Orbital commander. I cheered "Thank god, just a couple Anchors or lasers would have fixed all of this!" but to my dismay the Orbital commander is bugged and starts with no factories and his orbital launcher still only has the transport. This made me a sad panda.

    I would hate to see the randomness degraded, but we do need at least some small resources available to us to enable multi-planet-spawns. One option would be ensuring at least 1 randomly chosen interplanetary option among our initial jump start worlds, or perhaps have a "gateway" system before systems containing a multi-planet commander fight. The "gateway" would be the only path available to reach the faction commander and would always contain one of the techs that would enable interplanetary action.
    15racing likes this.
  19. piejunkie

    piejunkie New Member

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    I do like the randomness of the tech, it's cool to get something and know it's going be awesome once you can build it. although there seem to be some issues still to be ironed out (as expected at such an early stage) - like the 'needing a navy but can't build one' thing.

    I don't know if it's just me, but i don't find the GW interface very intuitive, i love the little descriptions for the systems, but i don't understand the relevance of the different coloured cirlces around systems and some of them have icons too, there doesn't seem to be anything that explains what the icon means or why W, X and Y Systems have orange rings and Z System has a red ring. are these just for the sake of visual variation or am i missing something blindingly obvious? (or is there a description i've missed? there didn't seem to be anything in the "how to play' vid either)
  20. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    The different colored systems are controlled by different factions. The systems with icons are systems controlled by faction leaders. Those systems are more difficult, but if you win, you defeat the entire faction, opening up all of the colored circles with the same color.

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