Commander Prices: Too much?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tehtrekd, May 23, 2014.

  1. Pinworm

    Pinworm Active Member

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    You might not be insulted but you objectively can not argue they are absurd. You can compare any other game with microtransactions (which are generally too high anyway ala planetside 2) the debate is objective , not subjective.

    Hell, Even Planetside 2 which was an insulting joke as well, is better than what they have now.

    Again, don't be insulted by them if you want. Your call. But it is absurd. It is a joke. It is not a respectable value. And they will not get many sales. All there is too it.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Alex is a big ol' dou
    I don't know to me a 5 - 10 dollar commander is worth more than a 5 dollar gun in PS2.
  3. drschuess

    drschuess Member

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    They aren't absurd because they don't affect game play at all. Micro-transactions are only bad when you can buy something that actually affects game play. I don't see any problem at all with Uber offering a store for different skins. It's purely cosmetic. Also, the revenue from these transactions allow for development post launch, so if you like free updates, then I wouldn't complain too much about the micro transactions, especially when they don't affect you at all. Also, the price was hopefully set at the point that would generate the most revenue. Sure, if it was cheaper more people might buy it, but the sales wouldn't net as much. I think you would be surprised how many people will buy them.
    cptconundrum and Quitch like this.
  4. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    The backers whose commanders they are get a cut from the sales apparently. I like this. I'm sure many people will not, because they hate the world.
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I can objectively argue that they are not absurd.

    Customers will buy them, and I have (for the discounted price, as I am a KS backer).
    PhoneySpring646 and drz1 like this.
  6. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    it´s either the devs or the people themeselves who are greedy...
    seriously i can´t take that sentence serious anymore ...
    good ok you consider the prices not worth the content, don´t buy it .. DONE
    what happens when too many people don´t buy stuff? sellers adjust prices ...
    this stuff is "luxury"... not supposed to be available to everyone but those willing to buy it
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    What's wrong with being greedy with something like this?
  8. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    don´t accuse others of greed when you yourself basicly are?
    we all want everything for low or entirely free because we never can´t have enough of everything even though we don´t need everything ... that´s the general mentality as far as i see it ... pretty much the most disgusting part of humanity ...
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That notion alone speaks volumes if you look past the price points.
    drz1 likes this.
  10. phantomtom

    phantomtom Active Member

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    The people ho has alot of money will get back money. The common man must pay more money. Have less money.
    Thinking what kind of info u give people is never a bad idea.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  11. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    also just to show someting:

    what does this show? 6462 people
    so by comparison between those 2 pledegetiers
    roughly 120% of the lower tier
    were willing to spent those extra 10 dollars just to get that progenitor which is a fourth of what the game costed without it but with beta access
    i say it again those commanders were made to not beeing available to everyone as they are more to show" hey spend a bit more money to get this (in my subjektiv opinion) cool comm "... they are kinda statussymbols ... and you don´t need them anyway ...

    yea i want a lamborgini too because it is that F****** AWESOME ... is it any more practical than a VW Golf or a pickup or a van ? ... nope but costs a premium compared to those for being actualy realy being less practical than those
    Last edited: May 24, 2014
  12. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    To be honest it's not just a skin, it's also a new model. And I don't think 5 or 10 USD is too much, but 15 is kinda pushing it (skins in lol also cost 5-10 USD). I've also seen more overpriced things and I'm willing to let 15 USD go. I'd be worried if skins cost as much as 25 USD or more.
  13. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    You confuse me here, am i hearing this correctly that other people can buy the progenitor commander and all the other exclusive ones from the kickstarter tiers
  14. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    if you were part of the kickstarter you had the option to get the progenitor and the alpha commander as part of those pledgetiers ...
  15. hellhat

    hellhat New Member

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    If they were $2, I'd be interested, but as it sits they're too expensive. The way I see it, they're just pieces of eyecandy that don't do jack. Is it worth it to pay $10-$15 for something that adds little to your enjoyment and even less to your gameplay experience? I say no.
  16. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    depends on the quality of each model ... which is rather subjektive to people ...
  17. hellhat

    hellhat New Member

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    Then they had better be damn good models, because I'm not one to $15 for something that's only going to impress me for a couple of minutes, then become yet another commander to choose from. Dont get me wrong, though, the models do look good, just not $15 good.
  18. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    *shrugs* we all have our all philosophys.
  19. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    That's pretty much it. A lot of us may be talking about the unfairness of micro transactions In a retail game, but the main argument is that some of us think that they will be too expensive after the sale. (well I'm pretty sure that's the case anyway)

    I'm also personally making the point that you guys had better not go micro transaction crazy later on.(I don't mind the $1000 Commanders and such being sold, as long as you don't charge as much as it costs to buy the average Indie game)
  20. GoodOak

    GoodOak Active Member

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    @theunfairnessandgreed crowd

    Unfairness requires you to have been victimized.

    The only "fair" price is the one that the buyer and the seller agree upon. If someone buys something for $15 instead of $5, it is not an issue of fairness, but of price. This varies from person to person and by circumstance. You don't like the cost, but it's not unfair.

    The reality is that a seller wants to charge a million dollars or more for everything. The buyer wants everything for free. They meet somewhere where they both benefit, for if they don't benefit, the transaction does not take place. Usually somewhere near the buyer's terms. This is called a price. You take it, you leave it, or you try something else.

    When you negotiate a price you typically ask for the highest possible reasonable value, because you might just get it. Some will pay $15 for a skin RIGHT NOW (because time has value). Then the price is lowered, later on, to hit other price points. $10, $5, and Steam Sale $1.99. Everybody wins at some point. The scarce resource of time is the major factor. That's why you look at Steam and say "oh that's outrageous! I'll wait for a sale." We all do it because time is short and we will all die someday. It is called "time preference." Do you want more time, or more money?

    So all value is subjective. Value exists only in the mind of a person, and each person is different. It is not based on the labor that went into the product. It is not based on the time or physical resources required to make the product. It is not based on price comparisons to other similar products. You can only decide for yourself - what do I value more ... my $15 or a commander skin for PA? Some choose the former, some the latter. Most just wait for a sale on Steam. There is no calculable just price.

    Then we are all greedy. Yet we don't always get what we want.

    Greed is not one sided. You want those commander skins for free, or at worst, for far less than Uber thought was fair. That's nothing but greed on your part. You are asking Uber to come down to your personal acceptable price, and if they don't ... then greed!

    Why is it ok for you and not for them? Why are your preferences to be met but not their own? Why can you prefer to get paid as much as possible for the work that you do, but people at Uber can't do likewise? The fact is, again, prices ... you meet somewhere agreeable or nobody wins. Maybe they charge too much, maybe not. In either case you aren't a victim. It's not unfair. You were not robbed.

    As for me? I'd like for Uber to charge as much as they can for everything. I want them to make so much money that forumsgoers (enviously, of course, since it has done them no harm personally, and they have suffered no loss) complain that their profits are "filthy," "obscene," and "excessive." I want Garat, Brad and Jon to enjoy round after round playing demolition derby in the Pacific with their 20 million dollar yachts. Because getting paid is a very good motivation, and I benefit from that. I like to get paid, too. And I want them to enjoy success so that I can have a cool game because that yacht wrecking costs so much. I'm greedy too, you see.

    But, then ... you know, that whole price thing again and not always getting what we want.

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