Key binding in new build.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by davedontmind, May 22, 2014.

  1. davedontmind

    davedontmind Member

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    I like that Uber have made steps in making the default keybindings more useful for the majority, but for the way I like to play the new build is a step back - it now takes 2 keypresses to build things instead of one, and the keybindings are nowhere near as intuitive for me as my hotbuild2 setup, even with the key remapping available; I like a mnemonic system where the key means something, e.g. 'v' for vehicle factory, 'r' for all sorts of radar, etc, and I can't see a way of doing that with the new build, e.g. a naval factory is always item 1, as is a wall, as is a fabber, but I want different keys for those ('n', 'w', & 'f'). I'm crossing my fingers for a new hotbuild mod, but I don't know if the recent changes make it still possible.

    And there's still no keybinding for the Load command...

    Apart from that (rather big for me) problem I'm loving the new build so far - it's much slicker.
    (Although I ran into problems in my first AI game where some of my fabbers, including my commander) just stopped building).
    elodea and Twinstar like this.
  2. Pinworm

    Pinworm Active Member

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    One thing that annoys me is that the WASD slots will move your camera.

    Also it takes up SOOO much space when you only have like 4 units in galactic war
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Exactly. There's no point in the extra keypresses. We have an entire keyboard. We don't need to add extra steps.

    It's a first pass.

    The new build has taken a ton of big steps forward, but a few steps back in the process.
  4. masterdigital

    masterdigital Uber Alumni

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    There should have been a keybind for load. I'm adding it in now.
    davedontmind likes this.
  5. Dementiurge

    Dementiurge Post Master General

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    As a certain Starcraft II cinematic once said: "It's about time!"
  6. poppiholla

    poppiholla New Member

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    I'm not a fan of the new build bar UI either. I much prefer the older style with better build bar and custom build bar mods.
    burntcustard likes this.
  7. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    I like the new UI altho a slight bit more colour would be lovely. The keybinds are indeed abit wierd with the extra step to select the building module and then only being able to select the right stucture.
  8. poppiholla

    poppiholla New Member

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    I like the new UI in terms of the border style and general colour however:

    - everything shouldn't show at once
    - it shouldn't take 2 key presses to select a building/unit
    - there should be the option to have a custom build bar
    - there should be the option to have it stretched out across the bottom.
    cptconundrum and burntcustard like this.
  9. Pinworm

    Pinworm Active Member

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    So I like some things about it, and hate others.

    To start with the worst: It's far too big. Seriously, the bottom bar covers half my screen now! When playing in galactic warfare where you only have like 10 buildings total too, it looks kind of silly having the buildings all over the bar with 80% empty spaces, as it takes up 50% of the screen.

    However, I understand why.. You guys added this dynamic grid-style hotkey system, and I actually like that. Here are my suggestions to improve it:

    First of all, add back in the old option for people who want that. Keep the hotkeys in for people who just want to press F to make a Mex, instead of V-F. I actually like the new system, but I understand why it frustrates some that 2 keys are needed instead of 1. Why not best of both worlds? (or maybe you can actually still keybind structures themselves, not actually sire)

    But here's a good way to fix it - hide the grid completely when the player hasn't hit X,C,V

    Leave the bottom bar that has the button for factories, defences, and general structures. But hide the grid when you haven't hit one, leaving just the 3 buttons. Then when you hit the hotkey, a smaller grid can fly up showing just that section. This keeps it all smaller and more intuitive - and people who want the grid always up can select that in the options too.

    Personally I'd love this dynamic system that takes the X,C,V grid hotkey system we have now, but making it sleeker
    elvisior likes this.
  10. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Well it certainly is in an interesting approach. Going to take a in depth look at how things are done. But so don't like the new keyboard ui in settings !
  11. NEDMInsane

    NEDMInsane New Member

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    I agree with Pinworm here. i like the new build hot keys. they suit me, and having to press 2 buttons for something doesnt bother me either. i actually like it better than the mod that added the keybindings. but again it is way too big. definitely needs to be smaller.
  12. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    The new hotkey system is ok if you have like 20 apm.

    It's absolutely terrible for anything higher due to all the category selection lock outs. Pulling my hair out.
    stuart98 and burntcustard like this.
  13. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Well there is a half assed working version of hotbuild2 on pamm. Gonna try to fix it all tonight...
    stuart98 and elodea like this.
  14. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    Since we have a menu option in settings to bind the camera keys to wasd, could that same option automagically unbind wasd from anything else?

    The current default option leaves things a bit confusing until you figure it out.
  15. JamJester

    JamJester New Member

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    I want to use the modifier keys to provide different hotkey layers, I don't want to use the whole keyboard, and I don't want to activate different panels first. Otherwise it's attractive.
  16. SikkeSakke

    SikkeSakke Member

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    IMO it was step forward but as mentioned before, it's not perfect.

    - Two keypress for build something - not good
    - Unable to hotkey-select single type of units in mouse square selection(? :)) of multiple units - not good
    - Size - not good

    - Multiple actions for one key - good
    - Grid looks nice (just too big) - good
    - logical default keymapping - good

    So, it's better than before but still it's worse than Hotbuild2 mapping was (and going to be, me thinks). You guys should ask advise from PRoeleert;).
    stuart98 likes this.
  17. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    This is the worst bit in my view too. When my mouse has been anywhere near the build bar in the last few seconds I can't use any other hotkeys (other than WASD). I'm not playing any competitive games until this is fixed - or I or someone else has modded in a workaround.
    stuart98 likes this.
  18. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Sometimes I wonder why uber doesn't just contact authors of mods like hotbuild and ask for permission to integrate them into the game seeing as how they're much better than anything uber's done. Hotbuild, transicons, draggable pip, the list goes on and on...
    muhatib likes this.
  19. SikkeSakke

    SikkeSakke Member

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    I wonder that too. Some mods makes this game much, much more playable and enjoyable. And for example, haven't heard a bad word about Hotbuild. So why not include it or its concept directly to game?
  20. Alphasite

    Alphasite Active Member

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    My biggest issue is that the most important hotkeys rest at the bottom, while my hands rest at the top of the KB, so doing any commands becomes an act of contortion.

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