MyMNCServer - Report a hacker

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by LennardF1989, December 26, 2010.

  1. Dendari

    Dendari New Member

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    He shot just twice, and the second one hit me. I think he missed me with the first shot just because I was moving, while the second one hit me because I was standing still. Unfortunately I haven't recorded all the matches, but this happened more than once, so I'm not accusing him just for "fun".

    Diamine sei pure italiano? Senti se mi spieghi come cavolo facevi a vedermi anche da chilometri di distanza co lo Sniper quando ero l'Assassina allora smetto di accusarti di cheat. Difficilmente accuso la gente quando persino io ho dubbi, ma con te pi di una volta quand'ero l'Assassina mi sparavi che ero invisibile e lontano. Comunque pure io ho Steam in inglese ma nonostante l'abbia messo in italiano le voci sono inglesi(ed meglio cos).
  2. taste

    taste New Member

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    while i have no proof since i was not recording,

    I just got finished playing against this one gunner "Crooked Rain" or something like that.
    He was playing as a gunner and was somehow able to kill me with his mini gun in just a few bullets, even at the start of the game when he didnt have dual mini's.

    at the time I was playin as gunner also, and i have never killed even an assasin as fast as Crooked Rain was able to gun me down. He used no other abilities that i could notice.

    so am i just missing something? or is something off?
  3. elevul

    elevul New Member

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    Ascolta, sar sincero: non ne ho la pi pallida idea.
    Ho giocato 5 ore di fila ieri notte, ed altre 6-7 oggi. Una marea di partite e di avvenimenti, quindi veramente non ricordo assolutamente come ho fatto ad ammazzarti.
    Solitamente riesco ad ammazzare assassini nascosti a distanza perch vengono colpiti o perch l'invisibilit ci mette un po a partire al livello 1 e 2 o perch usano lo scatto e rimane la nuvola di polvere dietro di essi. Altre volte ho semplicemente fortuna, mi sembra di intravedere qualcosa e sparo, beccandoli.
    Pi di cos veramente non so cosa dirti.

    Ottimo per le voci in Inglese. Su Killing Floor qualche settimana fa hanno rilasciato l'aggiornamento con le voci italiane e, da quello che ho sentito, sono una cosa veramente indecente (come gran parte dei doppiaggi italiani di videogiochi, tra l'altro). :(
  4. Crooked Rain

    Crooked Rain New Member

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    Try out Rate of Fire as your gold endorsement.
  5. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    Reporting a hacker here by the name of Wes. In short, he was a sniper with an aimbot. He managed to headshot me while I used jump pads numerous times, and he will sometimes pop out of the corner with an immediate headshot.

    I wasn't the only one complaining. Here's a shot of his "score" He single handily stalled the game till overtime.
  6. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    Funny...a guy I meant who aimbotted is Wes..
  7. taste

    taste New Member

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    lolz, dude, i was playing with rof on gold, it does not mow ppl over that fast unless your dual minis were already spinning at max. but you were doing it even without dual mini's and with your mini just starting out. please explain.
  8. Crooked Rain

    Crooked Rain New Member

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    You know, you can spin up your gun without shooting by using the right mouse button.
  9. taste

    taste New Member

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    and you also know that spinning your gun makes you walk slower, so how are you able still move fast? let me guess, you have speed on silver?
  10. Litego

    Litego New Member

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    I was bored, so I look through the forums on an aimbot site trying to figure out why people aimbot and also checking their names if I recognize them. So I found this guy with this picture in his sig:
    He is a subscriber of the aimbot. Name is Haruhi. I have never played with or against him, but seeing as he is subscribing to an aimbot, actively participates in their forum and have a signature from MNC I think its no doubt he is using hacks.

    I would link the thread and the bot site, but Im fairly sure its against the rules, so that picture is all I got, LennardF1989 you can PM me if you need a link.
  11. grag

    grag New Member

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    Just played against a hacker. He entered MID ROUND and started hitting headshots like crazy. I used Juice REALLY CLOSE TO HIM, like 4feet away. He QUICKSCOPED me (while I was juiced) twice on the head. Next life I was hiding behind a wall, and as soon as I appeared, headshot. Like, not even a milisecond.

    On the last 30 seconds of the map he must have killed like 8 enemies.
    After the map ended, he started bragging on the mic how he was awesome and started saying crap.


    The score doesn't look that suspicious, but he entered 3 minutes after round started.
    Unfortunately I forgot the command to record demo.
  12. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Ok, in my few days of absence I've gathered the following list of potential hackers: (STEAM_0:0:16675266) (STEAM_0:1:16467883)

    And the following clear hackers:
    Wes (STEAM_0:1:15485432)
    Haruhi (STEAM_0:0:3230970)

    These will be banned soon after this post.

    To elevul I would like to say: Stop using whatever you use. I've had another video PMd to me, which showed clearly you twitch a lot. With my UE3 experience I know this is not a lagging problem, so I ask you to stop. One more report or video and I put you on the list.

    SaTaN420 (No longer exists, btw) is not a clear hacker because that score is completely possible. Especially on Steel Peel.
  13. Sasha Nein

    Sasha Nein New Member

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    I was in a game last night against a sniper named 'elevul'. He would do instant 180 degree turns and shoot and be very, very accurate. He also can shoot assassins who are cloaked and very, very far away - whether they're in front or behind him.

    Edit: Just read above post - glad that you are already aware of him, and it seems Steam has him registered for a ban on VAC once before.
  14. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Hints PMd to me indicated elevul is active on various hacking websites. He is hereby banned by everyone who uses my up 2 date list.

    Thanks to everyone filling reports to make MNC a nicer place.
  15. elevul

    elevul New Member

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    Various? :shock:
  16. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    A simple google could find you, and yes... I've already done that myself.

    You're just too easy to find.

    edit: Judging by your steam profile, you're used to Vac Bans from some game. This will be more or less the same.
  17. elevul

    elevul New Member

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    Well, congrats for the searching skills, I guess. XD
  18. Pushkin

    Pushkin New Member

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    lol just remembered where i know your name from lennard!
    played with you today and you moaned about going gunner :)
    was a fun game though!
  19. velo

    velo New Member

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    Actually, during the segment he's following him around: the target cycling and snapping is pretty obvious. Just look at the part where he goes up the jump pad.

    Anyway..while we're on this topic, I'll say it again: this game needs spectator slots or a working demorec command. Especially if people really can't tell that someone is cheating from a clip like that.
  20. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I believe Eka said they plan on incorporating something along those lines in the game.

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