Is overtime wins luck or skill?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by SpcTorres, January 30, 2011.


Does overtime equal skill or luck.

  1. Skill

    20 vote(s)
  2. Luck

    13 vote(s)
  3. What's an OVERTIME

    7 vote(s)
  1. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    I was just wondering if overtime equals luck or skill? For me i could be pwning a team the whole match and then when overtime comes, they rush into our base with juiced tanks, and gunners and our money ball will go from full health to zero. That doesn't seem like skill. What do you guys think???
  2. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    Its skill if the team with the upper hand wins thats for sure. However ive pulled it off at the end where i ran grabbed juice and stood on base shield walls and fired into a money ball with juice shurikens to take the win. Id say its more skill based then luck...
  3. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    I don't see how luck has anything to do with it. The team that saves their juice, has better base defense and coordinates their attack wins.
  4. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    it all depends how careful you play your game.. if you grapple the people who juice and throw their game off they will have a hard time winning in overtime without the juice.

    Those who have their base open for attack are vulnerable...
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Lucky use of skill.
  6. SaintSeiya

    SaintSeiya New Member

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    If you are pwning a team the whole match then it isn't going to go into overtime ;/
  7. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    You also have to factor in Jackbots. I have my base sometimes full of turrents and jackbots come in and light my base up. And i have to say that i've done the same thing that saint mudknot has done. My team is losing and i get juice and shoot the money ball to death.
  8. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Im allergic to overtime.
  9. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    Skill if I win. Luck if I lose. :D
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    post the same thing here as i did in the other thread of the same topic.

    overtime is a mixture of superpowered offence and superpowered defence.

    turtling can only accomplish a tie if you NEVER attack the enemy moneyball, and you lose if even a stray assault rifle bullet at max range hits your moneyball. so at least 4 of your teammates need to be attacking the enemy ball. the classes that do most moneyball damage are assault, assassin, support, and tank.

    still, overtime usually gives you juice, and learning to beat the initial juice wave usually gives your moneyball twice the time it would have undefended. therefore, 1-2 people should defend your moneyball, perferably with some moneyball turrets like a lvl 3.3 rokkit. defenders can juice to take care of attackers, as a juiced shotgun beats most other juiced classes at close range. crowd-control tactics such as repetitive grappling or double-grapple by gunner or sniper, slam, charge, and bomb/airstrike, are all good ideas. since most juicers are stationary/around-the-moneyball in overtime, airstrikes usually make them move and waste their juice or kill them. best defence classes in overtime are sniper and gunner, since both do little moneyball damage but can catch juice-rushers. support can also take care of juice rushers well if you have enough attackers, and so can assault but the assault does the BEST moneyball damage so its normally best for him to attack instead.

    whichever offencive force tears through the opposing defencive force harder wins, is what its about. that takes skill and teamwork. juicerush-wave is a tactic. covering the angles on the moneyball to defend is a tactic. both take skill to successfully perform. so its skill.
  11. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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  12. zodbones

    zodbones New Member

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    its all luck or at least a cheap tactic.

    Absolutely hate it when the winning team loses to a team that doesn't do anything but defend until overtime and then juice rush.

    Games should only go into overtime if both balls have equal health. Not when one teams ball has 90% and the other has 10% >.<
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    first, if they turtled good in the first place, they wouldnt have any off their moneyball.

    second, if you attacked good in the first place, your mortars wouldnt let their shields come back up. learn to attack the moneyball base2base before they patch it. its great.

    yes, im just spreading the word so they will HAVE to do something about it.

    but my real answer is that overtime is fine if played right. if your winning, play overtime correctly and you will still win. map control is the majority of what matters in overtime, if you leave holes you will lose, if you keep the juice machines to yourselves and make sure they cant escape their base in overtime, you will win.
  14. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    My team generally puts in a lot of strategy to overtime. What we do is TEMPORARILY CLASSIFIED UNTIL THE FRAGGEDNATION TOURNAMENT IS COMPLETE.
  15. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    Very good idea. I have gone into overtime with the enemies moneyball at 50% and overtime hit and bam!!!! We lose... I find that hard to believe that that is skill.
  16. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    You didn't win in regulation. Hence, overtime. Even with their moneyball at 1% health and yours at 100%, if you didn't destroy it you didn't win. Are we going to count basketball shots that went in the hoop but bounced out as 1 point from now on? I think not.

    On topic: Why would it matter if its luck or skill? Does "skill" really matter that goddamn much? What is skillful? What isn't? DOES IT MATTER?

    No. Better players are going to win more consistently. If you were really "stomping" them the whole game what were you doing dragging it out to overtime? Around the point where its 3 blackjacks per wave is when you need to end it if you're just dragging it out for kills. Otherwise, you weren't winning as handily as you thought you were.
  17. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Proper OT prep is a skill but you can win with luck. People that look at it as all luck have not found the right plan.
  18. TG x Revival

    TG x Revival New Member

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    Should have a both option...

    I was playing against the Prez o dent and xdeejaybee and they must of went over 70+ kills together with less than 5 deaths i was going 10-10 as an assault but by the end of the normal game time i had over 1.5k cash so i bought juice ran over to their moneyball and won within 20 seconds.

    That in my opinion is luck, i was lucky to get over there and the fact that our moneyball didn't die was strange considering it only had 10% health left but it was also skilful that i knew what to do and did it pretty darn well.
  19. Airwags

    Airwags New Member

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    If a team has 50% or less on their moneyball going into overtime and beats you then yes they are lucky. They're lucky that your team was so bad.
    OT is hectic, but still takes skill to win.
  20. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    There's no doubt it's skill. Still hate it though.

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