Jeff's sniper guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Jeff, January 30, 2011.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff New Member

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    the quality when it comes to monday night combat snipers is pretty low so i figured i should make this guide to help people play as my favorite class in the game.

    as a sniper youre gonna have to know these things to be at least somewhat decent as him

    -your skills are neccesary as sniper use them whenever you can
    -your flak can kill fire bases and clean bot lanes
    -don't try to rush in and kill people you work best where bots and turrets cant hurt you
    -keep your headset/speakers up assasins can and will try to kill you

    Sniper Rifle:a pretty self explanatory weapon dont worry about missing headshots but try your best since they give you an extra $50 and an instant kill. with gold rate of fire this can be a gunners nightmare.
    Smg:your main means of defense. your smg is great with gold rate of fire and can easily kill most enemies or at least weaken them up.

    3/ SKILLS

    Passive:Your passive is NECCESARY it gives you piercing shots and explosive bullets with your sniper both of which will be extremely helpful later on when juice is needed.

    Flak:Another great skill, flak produces a small energy field that hurts anyone that passes it. I reccomend upgrading this skill if you are trying to push offensively

    Grapple:A skill you will hardly need but if you find assasins to be a problem upgrade it to 2 and enjoy the free ring outs.

    Traps: A tool great against assasins and bots use it in bot lanes to stop progression for a while or use them at jump pads to stop pros

    skill order: passive 2 - flak 2 - traps 2 - passive 3 - flak 3 - traps 3 OR grapple 2
    -traps 3


    its all up to opinion but this is my preferred endorsement setups.

    - Rate of Fire (RoF): No reason not to have this somewhere as sniper helps you get in that last shot to kill off a tank or gunner. I recommend it taking your first slot
    - Armor:Armor is mandatory at silver you can easily survive face stabs from assasins and grapple them back without it you could be easily killed by mortar/grenade launcher spam. Normally i use this in my second slot.
    - Skill recovery: very useful if you need to push a lane with flak or defend with traps. i generally use it as my third slot.
    - Crits: Just dont use this please just dont.
    - Clip size: pretty helpful if you want to give up your skill recovery to be better against tanks and gunners but other than that i dont recommend this to most people

    usually i use rof,armor,skill, which i use nearly all the time. it helps you hold lanes and kill pros.

    Snipers are meant to eliminate enemy pros, and control bot lanes.

    You Need your rate of fire and good aim to help hold down a lane if you can hold down a lane yourself your team can easily push and destroy turrets which can end games pretty fast.

    If your stuck in a position where you cant get to a sniper position but you need to defend your money ball. you can either try sniping still if your very good. or use the easier approach and spam smg and flak until you can get a good sniping spot.

    Explosive bullets can really help you and theres a few tips i know to make them pretty much free damage/ assists.

    you can shoot bots and turrets to get the explosion regardless.
    you can shoot teamates and get an explosion this is only really useful when an assasin is cutting up your bots or turrets.

    6/ TACTICS

    If you see someone juiced either run away or if they are close spam your grapples and hope you drain the juice enough.

    Against assault:assaults can be your weak spot depending on how good they are if you can stay away from him his grapple/bomb can easily one hit you or ring you out. in general assaults should be feared unless they are not that good in which case you can possibly out damage them with your smg.

    Against tanks: a tank is pretty easy for you just stay away and pelt them to death with your sniper.

    Against assassins: assasins can seem scary but if you keep traps up and keep jumping they are only a small nuisance.

    Against supports: you should never have to fight supports up close. but if they have a firebase throw flak and snipe it.

    Against Gunner: Same as tank but if they spam mortar try to dodge it and get a headshot.

    Against other snipers: now going against snipers is kinda hard if they are better than you if they aren't simply stay away and pick them off. if they are better than you try to get close and have a smg/grapple fight.


    anyways i made this guide at 2 in the morning so don't get mad if it has bad punctuation/spelling just tell me and i will fix it
    Last edited: January 30, 2011
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You do not, I repeat: not, run away from juiced people. That is giving away a free kill to them, they will kill you. Get near them, grapple them and keep them out.
  3. Jeff

    Jeff New Member

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    well i should rephrase that run away if they are in bot lanes and arent destroying your base cause if they arent you are just giving them a free kill when its smarter to wait for the juice to go away
  4. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

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    I support you,even that I dont agree :D
  5. Jeff

    Jeff New Member

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    eh its all opinion if you think rushing up to a juiced player and hoping to get a grapple when they arent harming your base or bots in anyway is a good idea then go for it
  6. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    As someone who plays two of the Sniper's favorite targets, Gunner and Tank, I wanna emphasize your point about bot lanes. A sniper who continues to advance with bots (sticking to high ground whenever possible of course) and covers retreats with Flak is a lot more dangerous than one who picks a nest and stays there, even if he gets fewer frags and dies more.

    I've been up against teams with up to three snipers, and while it's hell on earth getting to the moneyball, if nobody's pushing forward, our turrets are going to build up, we're going to get Longshots going, we're going to control the annihilator, we're going to dump money into bots and juice, and we're going to take that son of a bitch down, even if it's an ugly arduous process.

    Thinking you can turtle all day, go Assassin in overtime, and wipe out the ball is a losing strategy. Move with the bots. Don't make it hard to get into your base. Make it hard to get out of theirs.
  7. Jeff

    Jeff New Member

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    yeah pretty much sniper is meant to control lanes but i dont agree with the "smg rush" tactic that a lot of snipers use to push bots
  8. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    1. Lay Freeze Traps.
    2. Lure the juiced player into the freeze traps.
    3. Juiced player gets frozen due to being frag hungry and unaware.
    4. ???
    5. Profit.
    6. Yes I am a copycat. :)

    SMG'ing bots is a waste of time. When you can clear the whole field with 4 bullets, possibly 2.
  9. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I hardly ever use traps shurryy. I just put a bullet in their face ;D
  10. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Spoken like a sniper!
    I was just saying running away can have its benefits when going up against a juiced player rushing towards you, as freezetraps wasted 2 seconds of a 10 seconds juice and you have two of them available most of the time. :)
    Juiced players tend to be horribly unaware of whats on the ground when they charge... :?
  11. Jeff

    Jeff New Member

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    honestly i hate how this entire thread has been about whether or not you should attempt to grapple juiced players as sniper
  12. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    'tis very important though
  13. Dark_Reaper115

    Dark_Reaper115 New Member

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    You forgot to mention:
    -Shooting Bullseye with explosive bullets allows you to get easy kills on enemy pros trying to
    get some money and juice.
    -You should upgrade passive and grapple first if you play as defense, not flak. Cause flak is for offense mostly.

    Anyway...your guide is still good. I would like to see some comment video show your strategies.

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