Better Commands; specific ideas

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jseah, October 3, 2012.

  1. jseah

    jseah Member

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    That's one example.

    If you want to send your units in waves, you can make an Order Template to time it for you. So in the above case, wave 1 is all your assault tanks. wave 2 is all your raider tanks, wave 2 comes 3 seconds after wave 1. That's your template.

    You select the bunch of units, select "Shield and Rapier" from the bar, draw a line. Then you can go away and the two waves will time their orders accordingly.
  2. thedomino

    thedomino New Member

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    A little off-topic, however i might as well post this here rather than start a new thread.

    I also did some OKC in a mod for FA (inspired by bulletmagnets original idea), i added it as a firestate, basicly if there were other targets in range units would split there targets based on DPS !total! from all units targeting the target, i hard set it at 25% of total target health, but it was changeable in the units bp, i thought it worked well, being a firestate on a toggle you could obvioulsy switch it on/off on a per unit basis.

    Loose parts:
    it would be good IF we could blow parts off of the targets, like arms, legs, weapons ect, This is purely cosmetic i guess apart from the weapons, if the unit is repaired you get all blown off parts back.

    could the devs also make sure that the camera is 100% working correctly, there was this horrid camera bug in FA where the cam would jump behind far away mountain terrain if you zoom in close and pan the camera.

    when making game movies, one thing i ALWAYS find awesome in other games is being able to slow down the game (even stop it) and have the camera follow beams/projectiles ect in real time, (think matrix effect) if precise camera controls could be added that would be good also.

  3. boylobster

    boylobster Active Member

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    I hope this isn't a duplicate idea, but I think it would be very functional if the "Snap-to-Celestial View" (default mapped to spacebar) had a degree of extra functionality: press the spacebar a second time, and it automatically returns to the view you had at the first press. Seems to me that this would feel very intuitive, fluid, and be pretty useful.

    Hope it hasn't been suggested already; I could only bring myself to scan the rest of the thread. ;)
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  4. deltren5

    deltren5 New Member

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    1st suggestion: I would like to see a built in non-mod "hot build keys" similar to the mod at in the pamatches website listed as "hotbuild 2"

    I was going to suggest this but then I found that mod, but I'll suggest it it anyways as a vanilla feature.

    I just want one key to cycle through my extraction and energy, and one key to cycle through factories, etc. etc. / customizable would be better.

    2nd suggestion : A select half of current select key.
    Last edited: May 14, 2014
  5. apparatur

    apparatur New Member

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    So here are 2 things i'd find very useful concerning factory build orders:

    1. Giving build orders to the factory "blueprint"
    It would greatly reduce micromanage if you could already place build orders to the factories you have ordered your fabbers to build, which they didn't start building yet...does that make any sense? :)
    That way you could order them to build like 5 factories and immediately order those factories to start building as soon as they finish. Now you have to return to every factory as soon as the fabber starts working on it, or risk having it stand there with nothing to do for some time.

    2. A hotkey to add something to the front of the build queue.
    Sometimes you quickly need a few fabbers or AA units, but the factory already has 100 tanks queued. You have to delete all the tanks, add in the units you need right now and then order the 100 tanks again. Would be nice to be able to just add something to the front of the queue.

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