Hi, I updated recently to Launcher v1.1.6.4928 and I am seeing a lot of host processes and then the main game using 1.7GB. Even before the game starts the Launcher is eating a lot multicore processing - 11 entries of CoherentUI_Host.exe Why is this happening and is there a way to turn it off?
SXX made a "go" launcher somewhere. The other suggestion may sound terrible like its dangerous to use or something... but don't run it when you don't need to. As in launch from PA.exe or open launcher and immediately launch. Don't leave it idle on desktop for days lol, and don't accidentally open two at once and launch one of them expecting to play. Also, don't feed it after midnight. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/alternative-go-launcher-build-for-windows.59287/ This Go Launcher
Thank you for the link I had to remove it from the reply because the forum board will not let me post it in the quote. My concern is that I started PA without the launcher and I still end up with eleven host processes on top of the already running game client. So with this mod stop those extra processes?
OH those. Actually, those are a part of the game. It is like, the game has 2 pieces. The several CoherentUI processes is half, that makes up the overlay you click on and it does stuff. Below that is just graphics. It uses webpage code to make magic happen, and it works pretty well for what I played the game. The other half of course is the PA.exe, the game being ran as far as client side generation and processing and graphics and all. Not just the menus, but literally ingame you don't click on a unit or any in-mounted buttons for actions like move and assist and build. In-game, underneath the game is generated, and over top a transparent webpage-like layer is added and the codes where you click send actions to the game. I am not terribly sharp on details, but going through the game files is neat, you see a file filled with html, referencing another file filled with javascripts, referencing game information sending and recieving. One neat thing about this, is that client side, you can change any buttons or graphics on the overlayed buttons you want. Plenty of mods do this. One mod queries commander health and displays it in a box in a corner, a commander health display mod. Another mod adds a back-glow over the build icons for structures which color codes them by use (turret, factory, recon, economy). You could decorate your UI to a My Little Pony theme. But the launcher itself, before the game even runs, does run high on CPUs as you noticed. I never heard a reason why it does, just that many people notice it. It isn't the reason for so many coherent ui processes though, that's the game.
Thank you for the reply. Ugh that is very disappointing that the devs insist to run PA like this. I noticed it today as I run the launchers of games so to get the game files updated and when I saw all this processor loading that is when I started looking into why it was happening and which application was causing so much trouble. Other game launchers do not have this issue, they are launchers, small programs and they update fine. PA seems to be incapable of doing this. : (
The launcher is new. There was an older launcher, basically like the new one but without "multiple builds at once". The "mkI?" didn't have this problem. The "mkII" does. The work arounds most use, is "use sparingly", "use Go launcher", and "use steam/old launcher which works atm". I am not sure where the old launcher download is, but it won't install PTE. Again, the CoherentUI isn't the problem with the processor may I add. I think each one takes up like 8-11k ram and don't even clock a full 1% of the processor, it just "alerts" you because there are 11 of them in a row, clutter like. The problem is exclusively with that multibuild launcher, the game consumes resources as expected and the UI isn't an issue. Fun Fact: Your computer running the game usually isn't even the bottleneck in the game running, especially at low settings even a 4g ram 2.8ghz processor 1g gpu can run it, usually the bottleneck that slows the game to 30fps and down to 8fps lategame, is caused by the server and/or network. The server, because each machine I hear runs 8 games at once. The network, because the same so the machine putting out 8 games on the same network. I have network problems occasionally on 1mbps on my end as well, getting better internet soon because I don't think where I live it is good to get 1mbps. But, 1mbps usually runs the game fine as long as you don't teamspeak/twitch with it. But yeah, sorry about that darned "mkII" launcher consuming unrealistic resources.