Main Issue with Game

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by SQLOwns, January 29, 2011.

  1. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    People sometimes misunderstand, but no need to blatantly call them 'nubs'. Assassins may seem OP but it's not exactly lolEZmode either, as the hum will make it easy to notice them cloaking nearby, but the good ones will lunge to close the gap quickly so you can't hear them as much. If they redesigned the assassin to not 1shot all but one class, it'll just be a cloaking gimp with no real use other than backdoor-ing the enemy turrets/moneyball.

    If you're really pissed off at getting back stabbed, play a tank, follow a tank, get overhealed, jump spam, etc. There are plenty of ways to counter them as well.

    And you obviously don't know the what a good and bad console port is, this is a pretty damn good one, hell, I haven't even crashed in this game. For bad ports, look at GTA4/Saint's Row 2.
  2. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    Have a good day/night/whatever.
  3. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Read the forum.

    After the 50th "I'm new and think assassin is OP, nerf plz!" thread, people are a little tired of rolling out the same old polite, logical replies.

    But hey, clearly you should call us all nubs when your lack of experience is the issue here.
  4. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    sqlowns, there is no reason to call the other posters nubs or to insult them. All I can tell you is that I'm an average player who mains Gunner and I usually have no problems dealing with Assassins. Sure, a good 'sin will surprise me on occasion and might get a few kills but if that happens it was usually my own fault. Check your back, keep track of what's going on, listen to the hum, don't become red-misted when you take down a turret. Keep moving, use your jumpjets more.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Friendly Assassins do NOT hum. They used to but it got removed way before the game even came to the PC.
  6. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Stop spreading false info. Thanks!
  7. jrave

    jrave Member

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    All very much true. I can't tell you how many assassins have tried to kill me and end up rage quitting with some comment about me. I have noticed the better assassins that I force into a facestab learned to back up and jump right after I get to my feet and avoid the slam.

    I had one game with 3 assassins run up and try to grapple, I ended up jumpjetting onto a lower wall and laid into 2 with my minigun before their sniper nailed me. Had quite a few "total bs" remarks after that one.
  8. azure

    azure Member

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    Also potentially worth adding:
    You've contradicted yourself. In purely the context of Assassin v. Pro, the "rebalance" you claim the Assassin needs is either:

    -A damage nerf and/or removal of grapple, the same thing you said you weren't suggesting

    -An increase in the skill necessary to pull off these maneuvers, in the form of skill nerfs, which, again, you claimed to be against.

    The only other option would be a complete overhaul of the Assassin, a suggestion as unrealistic as it is unnecessary. Just play the game. With time, you'll improve and learn new strategies, and realize that Assassins aren't really a threat at all.
  9. Rynex

    Rynex New Member

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    If you take away the grapple from this game, you'll be taking something that makes this game a touch unique. People say that grapples are OP and should be removed, but we've seen this element in games like Gears of War and no one has any real beef with it. If you see your teammate being grappled, shoot at him and you might save him. This is a team game and requires you to play as one.

    I agree with the many other people saying that the "Assassin is OP" threads that appear on this forum. It is getting quite old fast and I'm going to do my bit by telling you all how to counter the assassin as your respective classes. Just so everyone knows, I played a lot this weekend, and probably only lost like 2 or 3 games out of a good 20+.

    Assault : Sticky Bomb. It ejects the assassin, burns them and does a ton of damage. Charge Level 3 does a grapple that catches most assassins and kills them instantly with a nice ringout.
    Support : Firebases. Assassins die fast to these, and if you see one shooting your firebase, drop an airstrike to force them to move. The shotgun does insane damage to them too.
    Tank : Jet Charge boots them good, Jet cannon burns them. Death Blossom really makes it difficult. Jump a lot and you wont have a problem
    Gunner : SLAM. Pretty much all you need to do if you hear an assassin nearby is slam. You will ring them out, kill them instantly or dizzy them. Also, you CANNOT BE GRAPPLED when you are deployed (though a single clip from the shuriken launcher will kill you)
    Sniper: Traps, Flak and Grapple are all good against them. Place traps near where you will be sniping and they are going to suffer a terrible fate just for getting close.

    If you are still struggling, then you're dying because you simply aren't using everything at your disposal. There is loads of ways you can beat an assassin. It used to be a common rule that anything more than 2 assassins meant an instant loss for your team. Right now, people are simply moaning because after a week, they aren't getting the wins they think they deserve. It takes a while to get good at any game, and some of us are coming with lots of experience from other games to boot.
  10. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    They hum on PC? You'd think they'd include that fix when they released even the beta. It's been fixed like that on the Xbox since Spunky Cola in the beginning of December.
  11. Snipen8r

    Snipen8r New Member

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    I play support and assassin and I can tell you playing as an assassin it sure as hell never feels like I'm overpowered. I try to focus on destroying bots like the class is intended to be played but when i find myself stalking more often then not it ends with me exposing myself and getting killed. Even after landing a successful kill you've already exposed yourself and many times get killed immediately after.
    I understand the feeling of frustration that you can't do anything once the attack has landed however it's so easy to listen out for the hum of the assassin that pretty much every class can turn around and demolish her. As an assassin I dread going up against an assault I almost always lose out. Going up against a tank or a gunner requires turning off the cloaking, dashing in, successfully landing the attack and once that's all done there's a 75% chance that they'll get right back up and kill you. As a support the second I hear a hum I turn around and switch to shotgun in one motion. She lands an attack I get back up and one shot she's dead.
    I guess my main point is I feel that there is no balance issue here because of the fact that she is an extremely underpowered class and while you can't do anything once the attack has landed there is alot you can do to prep before the attack lands.
  12. Qtie

    Qtie New Member

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    stopped reading there
  13. wug_

    wug_ New Member

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    For people new to the game Assassin is the class they struggle with the most (lord knows I did!) however once you know what to listen/look out for you will realise all is fair in love and war.
  14. Cryme

    Cryme New Member

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    while this is true, every class DOES have a counter to assassins (and i'm not talking about ears, but those help too)

    the gunner smash is the perfect anti-assassin ability; if i ever die to an assassin as gunner i know it was completely my fault for not paying attention

    sniper freeze trap, support ears + shotgun rape, assault can jetpack to avoid grapple, set bomb trap and charge, tank can death blossom and charge, and other assassins well they both lose for using a low-skill class
  15. Jackal Queenston

    Jackal Queenston New Member

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    I stopped reading at OP and refused to read any follow-up posts from you.

    Quit crying, start playing, and learn some situational awareness.

    As an Assassin, I mentally cringe every time I Cloak. a.) I'm still visible, b.) I can now be HEARD, which is worse than being seen. Compound them together and it makes a person want to flat-out avoid Cloaking around others.

    As a Support, I practically laugh at Assassins. Silver Armour [not even Gold], a grapple and a shotgun blast or two to the face are all I need to destroy them.

    ProTip: Listen for the hum and earache-inducing screech.

    ProTip: Lern2Jump.

    ProTip: Stop being one-sided.
  16. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I never noticed any teammate hum since it was fixed on xbox. I had no idea it still hums on PC.
  17. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    Oh god damn it.


    You can hear the IMMEDIATE DECLOAKING AND IMMEDIATE CLOAKING SOUND of all Assassins, but only the humming OF ENEMY ASSASSINS. It has been this way since the start of the Beta, and has NOT CHANGED a single bit over the entire period of time this game has been out.

    This is a 100% "trufact" and is NOT WRONG. It's not my fault that you hear a hum, look around, and only see a friendly Assassin running by cloaked. That's called coincidence. Bad news for you bub, but there's an Assassin about to backstab you.

    Stop spreading false info, stop being stupid, and be more observant. Please.
  18. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Yes, I think the team mate hum was removed with spunky cola update but you can hear your team shift between still.

    If you hear a hum, you need to watch out.
  19. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Cool i've heard it in other threads as well but i never really tested it. Good to have clarification.
  20. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    Friendly assassins don't hum. They make noise when coming in and out of cloak. No hum.

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