Almost every match ends in Overtime

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by buggritall, January 30, 2011.

  1. buggritall

    buggritall New Member

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    Yes, I know there's a server option for no overtime. But the majority of servers will be playing on default settings.

    I don't know what it was like on the 360 version, but in almost all of the matched I've played, roughly even teams, or even somewhat mismatched teams, will have had their moneyballs barely touched by the time match time runs out. Then when the shields go down, it seems like a match will depend on only three things.

    1. Did your assassin (or gunner, if he's good at aiming) take down the enemy turrets?
    2. Can you hit the annihilator first to take out the jackbots?
    3. While one or two of you are at the annihilator, did you get some juice?

    If so, congratulations, you win!

    It seems like it throws off the main gameplay and turns it into a rush with nothing mattering except your speed in doing the above three things and then getting to the enemy base. Does anyone else feel the same way? I don't think any classes need any rebalancing, I think it's overtime itself that needs to be reworked somehow. MAYBE disabling the annihilator (and juice?) during overtime would be enough, I dunno.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That my friend, are the rules of Overtime. Once OT comes around, anything that happen up until then no longer matters, now the first to juice on the Moneyball and destroy it wins the game.

    On the XBox I'd say it's 50/50 games going or ending before Overtime. Overtime is all about being prepared. At least a minute before OT you better start getting ready for OT.

    Overtime is the tie breaker and the 2 minute warning.
  3. buggritall

    buggritall New Member

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    That's the problem. Nothing you did previously except enemy base attack has an effect. There needs to be some correlation between how well the team was doing and what happens in overtime, other than "one minute left, let's get ready". You may as well have every map start with everyone maxed out and 1 minute to overtime.
  4. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    What I feel is happening with attacking before overtime is that you put people on the defensive - so much so that they'll never get a chance to push back out.

    See, if you lose arena control, then the opposition can push lanes really easily and keep you penned in until overtime. Attacking early seems to force people to give up arena control.

    Really, what you do before OT does have an effect. What you're doing is setting up for OT.
  5. buggritall

    buggritall New Member

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    Yeah, I guess I'm exaggerating a little. But the entire idea of setting up for OT seems just wrong somehow, to me. When you play basketball you don't try to set up for overtime, you just try to win within the time you have. MNC is a 'sporty' game, and I just thought/wished it would work the same way.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    It does kind of work in the sense of Football, and imo MNC is closest to Football. You have 15 minutes to destroy the enemies Moneyball. If neither teams Moneyball is destroyed by then it goes into Overtime.

    In Football after the 4 quarters of game-time and the game is even it goes into overtime with the first scoring team to win.
  7. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    If you came here to rant about how you don't like OT, then maybe you picked the wrong crowd. You didn't even choose what you wanted to change about it and discuss on why things should be the way they should be.

    If you disable juice/annihilator you realize then it would just be who can get juice the fastest. In that case, it would probably be the assassin.

    Also, like they pointed out, what you do before OT DOES matter.

    Some servers will disable OT eventually and you will see more custom servers maybe after a while. Changing the way OT is played would anger lots of players, including myself. I like how crazy each game turns out to be on OT. It's like FFA on the moneyball and all the juiced players. I might as well mention that stopping juiced players is easy, so if you really had a coordinated team it would be no problem. Playing with randoms doesn't exactly work as planned as you may well know.
  8. cpugeek13

    cpugeek13 New Member

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    I'm split over the idea of overtime as it is now. On one hand, a team thats doing really well can really get screwed over by one lucky juiced player on a bad team who decides to charge the money ball at just the right time. On the other hand, it gives teams that are down a fighting chance right until the end.

    Personally, I think the problem is that its too easy to stop bot lanes. Almost every class can stop an entire lane of bots pretty easily, and when you add turrets to that it becomes almost impossible for bots in a lane to break through unless there are 3-4 pros constantly babysitting it.

    I think some of the classes need to do less damage against bots, notably assassins. Though some people would argue that the assassins main job is to kill bots, if that is so then it should not be able to kill other players so easily (even marginally skilled assassins will often have around a 4 or 5 to 1 k/d ratio).
  9. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Thank god people at Uber don't implement every person's idea to make the game better. Just sayin'.
  10. Traitorr

    Traitorr New Member

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    I rarely ever hit overtime. With the increase of new players most of my games are only 4-10 minutes long. Against teams with players that are actually decent it gets to be more of a challenge as bot waves are easily disposed of by both teams.

    If one team is pushed into their base and on the defensive they will lose overtime 90% of the time. Overtime just gives the losing team a chance to take a last second win if they can get enough juices, while preventing their moneyball from being destroyed.
  11. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    The thing I worry about most in OT is four assaults waltzing into my base and having them all toss their goddamn bombs onto the moneyball. BLAMMO, 3/4 of the MB gone in a flash. I don't think even airstikes do that.

    Compared to assault bombs, assassins shuriken'ing the MB is like a slow, babbling brook.
  12. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Pretty much.

    A juiced assault tossing bombs and spamming a RoF grenade launcher will violate your moneyball like nobody's business.
  13. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    I don't mind how overtime works in and of itself, what annoys me to no end is how often a game goes into overtime simply because neither teams make a true push to win. Too much deathmatch going on. I wish the game had something to encourage actually going out and trying to win, instead of just messing around until overtime.
  14. Qtie

    Qtie New Member

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    best OT ever...

    i went as sniper, solo and juiced into the enemy base.

    flak n SMG spray and we won.

  15. Lord Wadsworth

    Lord Wadsworth New Member

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    Overtime really just detracts from the game. It's not longer a game of strategy and control, it becomes a game who can buy juice and just shoot from a blind spot at the money ball. There's multiple times i've seen people just standing way far away spraying at the money ball. Chasing them down youre like to get killed and you're distracted from the now 3 juiced gunners just pumping away from the other side.

    All in all, I don't like overtime because it doesn't promote skill and strategy. It promotes suicide juice runs to whittle away at the money ball.
  16. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    If y'all don't like overtime don't let the game reach overtime.
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i dont think its that bad. there is an art to overtimes. its balanced in my opinion.

    moneyball shields are down, so anyone on your team playing the most moneyball-damaging classes, such as assault and tank and assassin, should go for the moneyball, trying to buy juice 30 seconds before overtime. you cant turtle, so 3-5 people should be attacking the enemy moneyball, perferably 4-5.

    the enemy will be using the same juice dispensers. even if you dont have map control, see if an assassin can sneak in and buy juice, which really cripples the enemy attack.

    juice isnt entirely end-all-beat-all, tho it comes damn close. still, keeping 2 or so people at base can defeat a wave of juicers if played right. a juiced support and a juiced gunner should be able to stay in the base with a hacked lvl3.3 rokkit (build one right before overtime if you hafta), and defend from juicers. all you need to do is throw airstrikes under the ones that sit on the upper moneyball ring behind the glass, grapple ones that try to run in, and the gunner can slam ones that run by and focus fire on ones at medium range. the gunner has two grapples so he can eat up a lot of a juicers time, and a support still has a grapple himself.

    i believe, especially at high level play, that it depends on a balance between superpowered attack and superpowered defence. whoevers attack tears into the other's defence better wins, so try to have the best attack possible while still having an effective defence

    and trust me, once you learn to anti-juice enemies in overtime, you can do it in pubs even better. im good at anti-juice, and pubs make me laugh how they all run up and i can juice shotgun 5 of them off the moneyball at once, and they run back up to the moneyball a second time and an airstrike kills all 5 again. two 5-time-greats from pus.
  18. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    You reference some of the strategy involved in your own post, shoot people away from your moneyball instead of chasing. Don't let those juiced gunners do their job.

    One of the funniest things I've seen in this game was 2 assassins and a support chain grapple a juiced tank right on top of a moneyball causing him to waste his juice then get flattened in half a second.

    On the surface overtime just looks like an idiotic zerg, and I was guilty of thinking that myself, but there's an entire metagame hidden in it.
  19. Lord Wadsworth

    Lord Wadsworth New Member

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    Yeah but standign far away and just juice spraying the money ball, or getting stomped by 3 gunners juicing and rushing the ball just ruins it. It's no longer brains, just brawn.
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    seeing gunners run in, gunners actually dont do much to the moneyball. but they are slow, if you can throw airstrikes to the side entrances of the moneyball, they will either hafta back off or get hit. same with distance sprayers, a juiced mortar kills even a juicer and so does an airstrike. 3 gunners coming in would all die to my juiced shotgun if it was me, just nail them as they turn the corner, two juiced shotgun blasts a piece means even if they turn on you and waste their time that youll kill 2 of them.

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