Hello First off i apologise if ive missed this during my fruitless searching. What is the step by step method to getting pa running on a linux box. I have dl and extracted. I launch PA but all i get is a black window. Im running Mint 16 with nividia graphics using propriety driver. P.S im a linux newb so please bear with me Thanks )
Meataxe from TA? If you try searching mint and black you will get some threads of people having similar problems. I recommend using this link from @SXX as he is the Linux master around these parts. I'm sure he will pop by soon to help you out. http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/810938082193900075/
Then it's most likely lack of libudev.so.0 and you just need to open "host" directory and put proper symlink here like that: Code: ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so /home/$USER/PA/host/libudev.so.0 In other cases you just need to run game from console and check output log.