I started a portal and forums for Polish MNC community and I figured I should anounce it here in case there are some more Polish players on this forums. I'm just starting there so, the front page is not 100% finished, but it's functional and looking good enough to start inviting people there and I will just finish all the details over the next few days. So if you speak Polish feel welcome to join me at http://www.mondaynightcombat.info and if you don't, you are also welcome but, you have to learn the language first There are not many of us there at the moment, because I don't know too many Polish MNC players myself but as you can see I'm trying to spread the word. Actually some help from Uber Entertainment wouldn't hurt, I'm sure that a contest where I would give out one or two copies of the game would help me get more people to play MNC.
No offense, but I bet only like 2(being optimistic) other people here speak polish, and 0 of them want to join another forum for the same game with a fraction of members.
you know man has once again thwarted God's best efforts and created automatic translation engines to undo the whole tower of babel thing, right? what do you think this is, BC? blasphemy aside, im serious. Wy poznajecie czlowieka znw pokrzyzowal (ponisl kleske) lepsze wysilki Boga i stworzyl (stworzony) automatyczny tlumaczenie silnikw niweczyc caly (calosc; w calosci) baszta babel rzecz, prawo (prawy; naprawo od)? Co robi wy obmyslacie to jest, 100 B.C.? moge byc chodzeniem do piekla, ale jestem powazne.
This translation doesn't make any sense. A good translation engine, especially one that will translate languages as different as polish and English, is still at least a couple years away. You just have to wait.