I am really fed up with this. I bought this game for 50 dollars because it looked really good from the videos and screenshots. And i do understand that it is an early access game, but seriously? i can barely do any thing with out complete lag. Ill spare you the spec of my computer but just know that it can run at least 30 HD texture mods on skyrim with out much of a problem. Why is this happening, its been out for nearly a year and a half i think maybe more, and i still cant play the game.
PA is not yet finished. It's not developed like games of the past, so the release date is actually of little value. If you want help to understand why it is slow you'll need to describe in what kind of scenario it is slow and what kind of system you have. So the number of HD texture mods a pc can run is an official measurement of performance now?
I do understand that the game is still being worked on and i realize the comment about the mods was not much to go on, im sorry. These are my specs: GeForce GTX 780M Intel Core i7-4700MQ CPU @2.40GHz 16.00 GB RAM Running Windows 7 My main hard drive is a 256 GB mSATA RAID (2 128 GB mSATA's) or i guess you can look at the dxdiag file
Hey looks like your integrated gpu is being used as default and not your gtx 780m. The integrated gpu drivers are also a year out of date.
As @clopse noticed game using integrated graphics by default and you have to manually configure your drivers to run game on discrete Nvidia GPU. Check "Laptops and hybrid graphics" section on this page: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/864980278116578701/ You'll also need to update both Intel: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=23714 To update drivers download and install "win64_153318.exe" from Intel website: And Nvidia drivers: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/73784/en-us
Once you have everything updated, remember not to go too overboard yet when playing. That is, don't go making a 6 planet system and try playing against 9 AI. It won't end well. You got lots of RAM so you'll be able to load it fine, but it'll probably degenerate into a slideshow pretty fast. I would recommend doing 1 or 2 planets (with maybe a couple super small moons for smashing) against only 1 or 2 AI. you'll probably slow down, but you should be able to win before it gets too bad.
rephrase: The game should be over before it gets that bad. the AI will probably win the first time around.
The game does get slow, but I doubt it is your local computing causing the issue. I find that the server is the limiting factor. Make use of the 'ctrl+p' command in a match. Look at your local FPS, then the server sim speed. Unfortunately, the server that does the heavy lifting gets overloaded pretty fast. About 40 minutes into a match if it lasts that long, the game becomes almost unplayable. Slideshow.
New computers go out with old drivers, as they were assembled before sale obviously. Anyway, yeah, update drivers, disable or push priority of the integrated graphics, and it should run better. However, remember the games run on the server, the server may bottleneck so if you have 3 planets swarming with units and this game has planet-sprawling bases not just cookie cutter ones, then the server itself will turn into a slideshow speed. Your computer is handling it like a champ but there is only so much servers can do atm. Your computer might actually handle it better on release on singleplayer just on your one computer. Heck, you could stream I think.
The game hasn't been out for a year and a half. PA has been in early access for a year and a half. The game is not yet finished and there's still plenty of performance improvements yet to come. Both client side and server side. In the meantime, update your drivers, lower your graphics settings, and play on smaller systems. One of the biggest causes of lag is playing on systems with lots of large planets.
Would have been frustrating to have such a powerful machine, and it default to using the slowest component on there . Such is life with games under development, though. As you've seen, the community (and devs) are more than happy to help with any issues you might have
PA should play very well with your computer once you make sure it makes use of the 780m. Most of my games will use my 765m (which runs PA well) by default but occasionally a new one will boot up with the Intel 4600 on-chip gpu and for a second I think my gpu must suck/game must be crazy demanding and then i work out what has happened and all is good in the world again As someone has said, at the moment your bottle neck will be the server side speed and potentially your internet connection. From a performance perspective another thing with gaming laptops is that even if you select the High Performance mode it will run slower off the batteries than if it is plugged into the mains. So when gaming, especially for demanding games, it is always best to play plugged in when possible for that reason (and obviously the time won't be limited either).
Not sure if you noticed, but the problem was dantheman96's graphics card wasn't "switched on", and he should be able to play on max graphics and decent sized systems with that beast of a laptop. Your suggestions no helpful.
I play on Uber graphics on everything, integrated HD 3000 gpu, i3 2.2Ghz quad core with 4 gigs of RAM; very little lag ironically!
PA hasn't been in early access for a year and a half. It's been in early access for roughly 11 months.