Factors that you base a person's skill level on.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Strobe, January 29, 2011.

  1. Strobe

    Strobe New Member

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    Since this is a sort of RTS game k/d doesn't always matter, So what makes a player good in your eyes? A perfect player for me, is someone who knows when to actually spend money on a turret & when not to, when to spawn bots & when to push in.

    Opinions about this?
  2. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    It's not an rts, but I think the genre you're looking for is moba, or at least that's the closest genre to cover MNC's gameplay.

    I guess a good player is someone that watches the annihilator constantly, spends surplus cash on turrets/upgrades, and use good endorsement combos while having a good skill upgrade order. Sometimes their kdr matters, depending on their class.
  3. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    If a player manages to annoy me consistently throughout a match it's a decent player, if he rapes me he is good.
  4. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I see some seriously good players who can harass us on the field really well but when the ball drops I never hardly see them damage it, I know people have their own play styles but a lot of players still think this is deathmatch.

    I've seen some great supports too, setting up prime firebase locations and denying access for at least half the match, top quality stuff which pisses me off lol
  5. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    Seems like only a handful of the fresh players, myself included, grasped the concept of this being one of those games where map control and push ability will win the game over a higher kdr. But a high kdr does help...
  6. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    To be fair, there's something to be said for ignoring the moneyball if it's shields are down.

    Let's say you've got 3 pros attacking the moneyball, if you leave the moneyball to kill other pros that have just spawned, the damage to the moneyball reduces by 33%. If you don't and the other team spawns and kills your team, you have to wait until your team respawns and walks across the map to get back to the moneyball, at which point the other team probably has turrets up, resulting in more than a 33% decrease in damage against the moneyball.

    ed; as for the OP, the only thing I base a player's skill on is whether or not my team is losing, and whether or not he consistently beats me in 1v1 situations.
  7. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    I define a skilled MNC player as one who attacks objectives, defends his/her base, and knows how to outstrategize the enemy.

    I generally don't take K/D into account, because while killing people is very important, you usually win the round faster if you attack objectives.
  8. The Gentlemanly Pyro

    The Gentlemanly Pyro New Member

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    For me it is usually a mix of how much profit the said person has acquired and thier K/D.
  9. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    If we're talking about a "winning player" vs a "kdr player" then it would probably be this:

    -whether or not he/she will destroy the other team' best player
    -whether or not he/she gets the annihilator
    -whether or not he/she will save the base from oncoming bots when he/she has spawned or is near the base.
    -whether or not he/she has placed the firebase in appropriate locations to help the team out.
    -whether or not he/she is healing the team and/or bots when necessary.
    -whether or not he/she is getting rid of juiced players in base, or player that JUST bought juice or just earned it, etc.
    -whether or not he/she notices that the base has a good defense.
    -whether or not he/she damages the enemy player enough to keep them from assaulting or rushing. Basically, to keep the other team turtling.
    -whether or not he/she is destroying the other teams turrets/firebases
    -whether or not he/she is getting juiced and removing key areas in the map from enemy control.
    -whether or not he/she is keeping the enemy team from advancing by removing annoying assassins or snipers.
    -whether or not he/she is providing obstacles such as freeze trabs, flak, bombs, grenades, mortar fire, minigun fire, ANYTHING.

    AND YET THERE'S MORE!!!!!!!!! :lol:

    I'm not going to list everything, but I think I hit the key areas. There's a lot to a good player, and there's only so much ONE player can do. However, a good player is one that will always try their best to hit as many of these key points when the moment is available.
  10. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    To me it really depends on the class. Ill briefly cover them.

    Assassin - if they have a decent kdr and are in the top 3 for money ammount.
    Assault - pretty decent kdr, wether or not they are able to distract their good players for most of the map.
    Gunner - tbh i have no clue what the gunner should do, pretty boring class imo.
    Sniper - Should have the best kdr out of everyone. Should be clearing lanes of bots, and should be taking out pros from a distance.
    Support - I judge if theyre a decent player if they have a decent kdr or a high ammount of money, and wether or not they heal me when i am right next to them.
    Tank - Should end up 1st or 2nd with money ammounts, and they should be destroying everybot they see.

    This is just keypoints, there are alot of factors to a good player and these are just a few.

    I wil say this though, some people say kdr isnt important in this game, but in my eyes i think it is. A good balance of a good kdr and a good ammount of money will determine a good player.
  11. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Good assassins are generally good if they earn money and at least don't die. Kills be damned, so long as they prove they don't have the mentality of a lemming they did pretty good.

    Not dying = they've been earning juice, should've been using that juice.

    Gunners generally measure themselves with KDR though imo.
  12. Rynex

    Rynex New Member

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    The difference between a good player and a bad player? Whether they go for the annihilator or not.
    Now, the difference between a good player and a great player is a much harder thing to spot, but I can assure you that they have a real strategy planned out for purchases, and it will show very quickly at the start of the match. As long as you have the right endorsements, and make the right purchases throughout play, you will see how damaging it can be.

    Oh, and a sign of a real newbie is the purchase of the Laser turret. Those things are a joke, and should probably never be built ever. As an assassin, they are quick ways to get juice.
  13. Hastyboomalert

    Hastyboomalert New Member

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    Good players are players that can keep side/lane control. Bad players are the ones who go for nothing but kills, obviously, but I despise people who have a vendetta against me simply because I kill them over and over. It's a good mental tactic, actually. Instead of them helping their team, they might be wasting their time constantly trying to one up me :)
  14. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    I think the problem with the KDR argument is that people tend to think it's EITHER a good KDR OR playing objectives, when it's perfectly possible to do both.

    May as well avoid feeding the enemy team kills if you can while keeping map control.
  15. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    A good gunner helps pushing bots and destroys turrets as fast as possible.

    A good sniper is an offensive sniper, IMO. One who annoys the hell out of people by placing a lot of traps around the map, spamming his flak and then falls back in a defensive position. Sniper usually earns good money, so he should be one of the players to take care of the base.

    Screenshots attached was 2 days ago (haven't played since then, so now back in top 100). Reached by playing mostly gunner. My KD is 2.1+, but I don't really care for it. I believe that if you just go for killing bots and getting the money ball down, your KD will be fine, even if you don't think about it (I usually end up having 30 kills, 15 assists and 8 deaths or so).

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: January 30, 2011
  16. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Good player is someone you do not want to play against.
  17. Qtie

    Qtie New Member

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    i dont judge people before i've played with them ofr a while.
    i base my judging on a lot of things and im too lazy write the whole list now :F
  18. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    This is it, if I see them on top of the annihilator and fighting over it as soon as it comes up, they are very likely a good player. It is really that simple.
  19. Lorenzo Von Matter

    Lorenzo Von Matter New Member

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    lets see,

    support - heals me when i'm burning infront of him, hacks stuff does supporting things ;)
    Gunner - hmmm, kills people ?
    assault, well I guess buzzing around being useful
    assassin - destroying bases, destroying bots, not going just for kills
    Tank - killing those damn assassins!
    sniper - killing pros and bots

    in general, doesn't buy laser blazer, doesn't buy longshots next to the damn moneyball
    and spends money on base or annihilator
  20. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    My two cents:

    One that takes out bots and anything else that get's in his line of sight, hence a steady aim is required. I don't believe in STAY IN THE BASE snipers as those often get less than 10 kills... Snipers that push with the team is a lot better, but stays in the back rows taking out bots just after they spawn before the tank or the sin has to bother with them. They must also be capable of countersniping a sniper so that the other teams sniper can't just shut down an entire lane by himself.
    Oh and Snipers have to be able to deal with assassins on their own, or else they will just come back to these forums and whine how OP sins are.

    Pushes the lanes and takes out bots and anything within range. Must be aware enough to not go into a snipers crosshair.

    Sticks with his team supporting them at his best, throwing out a turret at some point to be used as a healing station and a foothold on the frontlines is a +. Stays behind the frontlines supporting them at his best and throwing airstrikes at enemy turrets and other pros if possible.

    EDIT: Removed opinion because I spoke too soon.

    Clears the lanes and harrasses the other team. An assassin that does NOT go for face stabs and thinks its auto-wins. Harrasses snipers if possible.

    Not sure. Whatever suits the teams needs at the time I guess?
    Last edited: January 31, 2011

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