Extreme Fusion Gaming - Mature but Casual Gaming

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Clans, Team, and Tournament' started by Bluecewe, January 29, 2011.

  1. Bluecewe

    Bluecewe New Member

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    Greetings everyone,

    Extreme Fusion Gaming is a mainly European multigaming clan that prides itself on being a mature but casual gaming envrionment.

    A few of our members had started to play Monday Night Combat in the pre-order beta, we found that the game was extremely enjoyable and well made, with a great developer behind it and a great sense of teamwork in the general day-to-day gameplay experience.

    Because of this, we are hoping to make Monday Night Combat a new clan project. As a result of this, we are looking for new members or clan contacts to join up with us and get in the combat arena as a team.

    We are currently keeping track of Uber Entertainment's progress in creating a standalone dedicated server client, and the possibility of Linux support. When a full standalone client is avaliable we plan to setup a server for members to play on.

    History and Clan Contacts

    Our clan began life as a Battlefield: Bad Company 2 clan, we have since then played many games together and have expanded into a group of gamers who have similar interests to game in a mature envrionment, but still have fun and not be restricted by having to attend training sessions or matches.

    Because of our casual but mature style of gameplay, we have over time developed a ultra-casual type of member; a Clan Contact. These players are not full members of the clan though are treated as such; they have access to our website, to TeamSpeak 3 and often get reserved slots on our servers. This may suit some players more than becoming a full member.

    Get in contact

    If you are interested in learning more about us, feel free to visit our website or contact me on Steam or Xfire.

    You can also join our Extreme Fusion Gaming Community on Steam to keep track of our members and contacts when they're gaming.
    Last edited: January 30, 2011
  2. Lucky13

    Lucky13 New Member

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  3. Bluecewe

    Bluecewe New Member

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    Re: Extreme Fusion Gaming - Mature Gaming

    Sadly, no. As I stated in the introduction we are a casual clan. We are simply looking for gamers who wish to join a clan where they can login to TeamSpeak, get in-game and be assured that they can fight alongside teamates who will coordinate together.

    Beyond that we are not planning to get into leagues unless a suitable amount of members wish to. Our main goal is to ensure that everybody feels they can enjoy their game in the way that they wish to.

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