MyMNCServer - Report a hacker

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by LennardF1989, December 26, 2010.

  1. Raedyn

    Raedyn New Member

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  2. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    I can confirm this, I recorded a video of you earlier today. If anyone who wants proof, just throw me a PM and I'll send it to you.

    The funny thing is, you purposely get yourself killed so it looks like you aren't hacking. You burst with the SMG to give your opponents a chance to live a little and you don't wear any armor endorsements for your sniper. Not to mention, the VAC ban on your record, is not helping your status at all.
  3. elevul

    elevul New Member

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    Thank you, but I don't wear armor because I need most sustained damage possible, not because I'm a good person and I like to give others a chance (not that they really need it, being that I get killed 10+ times a round normally XD). :)
  4. TheRockingDead

    TheRockingDead Member

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  5. Dendari

    Dendari New Member

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    First of all, hi all! I'm a new forum member and I just bought MNC on Steam two-three days ago (but I've already played the beta on Xbox 360).

    I'm sorry that my first post is here in this topic because of an hacker.

    This is the hacker I'm talking about: "elevul". I've uploaded a video on YouTube (link) to show you him. As you can see he's using a WallHack (or whatever you need to see an invisible Assassin from miles away).

    Thanks for your attention. Have a good day.
  6. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    That video is not anywhere near conclusive, I'm not gonna judge whether elevul is indeed hacking or not but that video is not conclusive proof and should be disregarded immediately.
  7. Dendari

    Dendari New Member

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    Not conclusive? :? :shock:

    Man, I don't understand this. It seems very evident from that video that he's at least having an hack that make him able to see cloaked Assassins.

    In fact, as far as I know, if you're an Assassin and you cloak, you're fully invisible. Enemy can see you only when you're very near them or you've been hit. None of these two case happened in my video (I'm talking about the first part), so how can you explain me that? :?:
  8. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    You're not fully invisible once you get hurt, you flash your team's color pretty visibly and in that video you were hurt while cloaked. But I'm not sure about the time he shot you after you respawned, you weren't hurt in any way or dashing and also fully cloaked while up there, well, at least until he shot you with the sniper rifle.
  9. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Yeah you weren't that far away, and he was clearly missing a bunch. Quickscoping and hearing your cloak are not indicators of cheating.

    ...However that first shot does look pretty suspicious, as well as how he did a 90degree flick during juicing just at the end of that video. Will someone who plays sniper consistently figure out how those would happen?
  10. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    That first shot he got in after Dendari respawned as an assassin is pretty damn suspicious, but then again I'm not sure how far away you need to be before someone can see your cloak distort the area your character's model is occupying, because barring that, there was no way he should have been seen.

    Also, I would like to add that he snaps to another target mid-spray with his SMG during that segment while he was aimed at Dendari. So I wouldn't dismiss this video so quickly.
  11. elevul

    elevul New Member

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    Watching yourself from an external prospective really gives an interesting sensation. :shock:

    Ah, Dendari, com' il doppiaggio italiano? Io ho steam in inglese e, di conseguenza, tutti i giochi in inglese, per ho notato che nel tuo video hai disabilitato l'audio dell'annunciatore (o hai semplicemente beccato parti in cui non parlava?). E' cos orribile il nostro doppiaggio?
  12. Raedyn

    Raedyn New Member

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  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    He could see you running up there and started shooting the general area, him hitting you was coincidence. I do that on a day to day basis when I suspect an Assassin to be there.

    Snapping to something isn't hacking either, you can see nametags popping up in corners and snap somewhere, I personally based on my nigh exclusive sniper playtime don't see anything suspicious in that very video.

    If you want to conclude him to be hacking please provide thorough evidence.
  14. Pushkin

    Pushkin New Member

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    Elevul was definetiley cheating the other day. He plays a lot on the same servers as me. It wasnt really obvious when I was sniper even though he twitched a lot but well everybody get luckshots but when I went assassin to annoy him a weird thing happened. I cloaked and ran up to him while he was shooting at bots with an smg. I was roughly 10m to the side of the bots and 15m from him so he couldnt have seen or hear me. Suddenly he twitches for 0.1 second to me, shoots me with 3 bullets and then twitches back to the bots without stopping to fire at any time. these 3 bullets didnt hurt myself but I was like wtf? he shoots bots, suddenly twitches to me for the time of 3 shots and then twitches back immediatly? that was really really dodgy. from the other times i have seen him laning i never seen such a twitch.
  15. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Just for clarification, elevul added me after those posts thanking me for defending him.

    I am in no way defending him personally, I am asking for conclusive proof to prevent innocents from being banned in the future. Ban methods need to be waterproof and not based on rumour, hearsay or short clips.

    I will, for my personal part, look after his actions should he enter the same server as me (which is his intention apparently, to learn or something) and will come back when I formed an elaborate opinion.


    21:50 - elevul: here you have your conclusive proof
    21:50 - elevul: look on the forums
    21:50 - elevul: Pushkin's post
    21:50 - elevul: Also, Pushkin is one hell of a sniper
    21:51 - elevul: Litterally destroyed me every time I played with him
    21:51 - [A.V.A.M.]grimbar: So are you saying that pushkins post is true?
    21:52 - elevul: yep
    21:52 - elevul: I am sorry that you had to defend me

    he admitted it.
  16. elevul

    elevul New Member

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    It's indeed true that I twitched, and I admitted that, not that I am an aimbotter. :)
  17. Pushkin

    Pushkin New Member

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    Doenst really seem like he is admitting it but rather a misunderstanding from your side. He meant that the situation is true rather than my accusation, correct me if I am wrong. I am not defending him either. Not 100% sure that he is cheating but I say that he is playing really dodgy and I have clocked roughly 50h on this game. I main sin and sniper and I know prediction spray and dodgy aimbot flicking because of poor programming. It seems like a hack but we will hardly find proof from 3rd perspective since you can always push it on communication with a friend or luckshots. The only proof will be when he gets VACed.

    It is quite challenging to play against him though and therefore fun.
    Last edited: January 29, 2011
  18. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    21:51 - [A.V.A.M.]grimbar: So are you saying that pushkins post is true?
    21:52 - elevul: yep

    Definitely a misunderstanding, go ahead.

    For you foreigners, this is being sarcastic. I am done with this case.
    Last edited: January 29, 2011
  19. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    I wasn't calling for the banhammer outright, as bans are pretty extreme and a terrible thing to do unjustly, but I was merely just saying parts of that clip were suspicious. I know how good snipers can be in games, I know how twitch people can be, but that kind of twitchy just made me raise an eyebrow.
  20. Pushkin

    Pushkin New Member

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    Alright I watched the hack accusation video. The first hit after the sin has jumped on high is dodgy. However he has seen you cloaking while you were jumping from the spawn. The shots are therefore explained, as soon as you are hit the sin cloak is almost gone and its really easy to track you from that distance. The sound of the jumping platform is hearable at that distance and is another indication, however the humming cloak would be nowhere precise enough to give away your indication.
    The one scene that I cannot explain is his twitch after he just juiced. I see snipers moving on a daily basis but I have never seen such jerky twitching but that might have other explenations however.

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